COVID Has Exposed Some Things in the Church…

To be double-minded is to be inconsistent, yet giving reason to be and act one way today and be and act some other way tomorrow.

It reveals its roots when life becomes unstable, creating an unsettling within the mind.

The individual who is double-mind will live by a double standard, often exemplifying a two-faced type of personality. Individuals who are double-minded eventually build up a reputation in which they aren’t faithful and cannot be trusted.

Right now through the recent events surrounding COVID-19, there is an internal war raging. There are battle lines being drawn between brethren in the Body of Christ. Those who have made decisions to close down ministries, versus those who made the decision to continue onward. Those who have made the decision to walk in faith, versus those who made the decision to walk in accordance with guidelines (or recommendations).

There are leaders slandering (through social media and private/hidden conversations) because they professed concern over the potential rise of persecution against Christianity. Likewise, there are leaders slandering (through social media and private/hidden conversations) because they have not expressed concern over the potential rise of persecution against Christianity.

Ryan Johnson

Ryan Johnson is dedicated to helping equip the Body of Christ to awaken the nations with a prophetic call of a rising Ekklesia. He is a son of God, husband, and father of four. Ryan is a prophetic voice devoted to the righteousness of Christ, seeking to release the demonstration of the Father’s Heart in regions, individuals, and the Church across the world.


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