Prodigals Redeemed: Canceling Bloodline Curses from the Courts of Heaven

Redeem your prodigal by breaking the cycles of sin and defeat in your family bloodline. Become the one who pioneers a new legacy of blessing and breakthrough…

Robert Henderson

Robert Henderson is considered the Leading Authority on the Courts of Heaven.

With a passion to see the Lord's Kingdom come to earth in a tangible way, Robert Henderson is a man of undistracted devotion. Considered the authority on the Courts of Heaven teaching, Robert Henderson has been given an apostolic teaching gift, demonstrations of signs and wonders, and a governmental authority that flows from the Throne of God. His teaching ministry through preaching and writing has gone around the world and impacted many believers. He has been married to his high school sweetheart, Mary for over 34 years. They have six children and four grandchildren. Together they are enjoying life in beautiful Midlothian, TX.


Mario Murillo: Time to Tear Down Demonic Strongholds Over America


“Come Up Higher This Era,’’ Says the Lord