Following a Traumatic Brain Injury, My Son Came Back with Messages from Heaven

Retah’s son, Aldo, suffered a severe brain injury due to a car accident when he was 12 years old.

During his coma, he had a supernatural experience where he went to heaven, saw God, angels, Moses, and Abraham. Aldo came back with one message: JESUS IS ALIVE!

Retah McPherson

Retah McPherson is a Christian Public Speaker and travels around the world proclaiming the coming of the King of kings.

Retah and her family were involved in a near-fatal motorcar accident in 2004. Her eldest son, Aldo, was the only person who did not walk away from the accident scene. He sustained serious brain injuries due to the impact of the collision and was in a coma for months following the accident. During that time Aldo had a supernatural experience where he went to heaven, saw God, the angels, Moses and Abraham. 

​Aldo came back with one message: “Mommy, I need to tell the world that Jesus is alive!” 

In obedience to this call to tell the world that Jesus is alive and that His bride has to ready herself for the Bridegroom, Aldo and Retah wrote a book titled, A Message from God. Since then they have also released their follow-up book A Message of Faith and in 2011, A Message of Hope. 


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