Demonic Queen of Heaven: 7 Signs of Her Dark Influence

The Queen of Heaven was revered as a powerful deity who embodied fertility, motherhood, and spiritual authority.

She was known as the goddess of love and war. She was often depicted with symbols that highlighted her significant role as nurturer and guardian of the people and the land. She was associated with the planet Venus and was believed to embody the morning and evening star. She was revered as one who could both nurture and provide a warrior-like protection against enemies.

The goddess Ishtar was one of the most recognized and influential representations of the Queen of Heaven in Babylonian culture. To ancient Babylonians and contemporary occultists, Ishtar was and is Babylon. She could bestow life and destruction and was often seen holding a lion, symbolizing her power and ferocity, or also with a star circlet symbolizing her celestial nature.

Cultic Practices

Her worship involved elaborate rituals and ceremonies. Dedicated temples were centers of worship and cultural activity. The tower of Babel mentioned in Genesis 11 was one of the most notable architectural feats thought to honor her among other gods. It was called the Etemenanki, in the Sumerian language meaning, “temple of the foundation of the earth.”

Festivals celebrating the Queen of Heaven were significant events in the Babylonian calendar. These were done in order to secure her favor and protection. Often these festivals included processions in which statues or symbols of the deity were paraded through the city. Sacrifices, incantations, prayers, and dancing would ensue. Offerings were made to her and could range from simple foods to extravagant gifts of gold and precious stones. Communal feasts occurred to strengthen social bonds and shared identity among the worshippers.

Priesthood and Temples

The priesthood played a pivotal role in her worship, acting as intermediaries between the deity and her followers. Priests and priestesses were responsible for conducting rituals, maintaining temples, and interpreting her will. Temples dedicated to the Queen of Heaven were not only places of worship but also centers of learning and cultural activities, underscoring the deity’s importance in Babylonian society.

These practices highlight the complex relationship between the Babylonians and their gods, in which worship was not only a matter of personal faith but also a crucial component of social and cultural identity from the royal court to the common farmer. Through these rituals and ceremonies, the Babylonians signified that this Queen of Heaven was immersed within the natural and social order. Further, they believed that through their abandoned devotion, her favor was given for prosperity.

Her Influence on Art and Literature

Her influence greatly infiltrated art and literature through hymns, prayers, and epic poems celebrating her “great” deeds. One of the oldest known pieces of literature, The Epic of Gilgamesh, specifically references Ishtar’s role in the Babylonian pantheon and her significant interaction with mankind in the cultural and religious landscape. And as stated above, she often was flanked by a lion or even an owl, which were symbols of her protection and wisdom. These artistic renderings not only served as spiritual icons but also as cultural symbols of the Babylonians’ values and beliefs.

The Symbol of Power and Protection

She was often invoked by kings and warriors for victory in battle and also by ordinary people for protection and justice. Her temples served as sanctuaries for the oppressed where she served the role as the guardian of all social order and moral conduct. She was the one charged with maintaining balance and peace.

Her Empowerment with Political Authority

The relationship between the veneration, dedication, and worship of the Queen of Heaven and the Babylonian political authorities was evil and perverse. Kings often portrayed themselves as ones chosen by the demonic deity, which in turn legitimized their rule and divine favor. They would engage in a ritual termed the sacred marriage rite, heiros gamos, in which a symbolic and spiritual act of sex and union between the goddess and the mortal king transpired representing the fertility of the land.

Cross-Cultural Influences

The worship of the Queen of Heaven, particularly in the form of Ishtar, shared similarities with the worship of deities in neighboring regions. Inanna in Sumerian culture was an early form of a goddess who shared many attributes with Ishtar, including aspects of love, war, and fertility. Thus highlighting the progression of the deity’s worship from Sumerian to Babylonian culture. In the broader Ancient Near East, similarities can be drawn with Astarte in Canaanite religion and Aphrodite in Greek mythology, both of whom were associated with love, beauty, and fertility.

Legacy in Modern Culture

As will be explored, the Queen of Heaven’s influence extends into modern culture through literature, art, worship, witchcraft, psychology, feminism, abortion, racism, banking structures, freemasonry, culture, governments, arts and entertainment, etc. The prototype of the powerful feminine deity, embodying both creation and destruction to societies, unfortunately resonates in contemporary discussions about gender, power, and spirituality. Her demonic legacy can be seen in the ongoing fascination with ancient mythologies and witchcraft within the modern-day occult belief in her as the divine.

Her worship in ancient Babylonia represents a deep-rooted and demonic relationship between her and humankind. Much like what was shown vividly to me in the prophetic encounter, through her numerous manifestations across cultures and time, this demonic entity has left an lasting mark on human civilization, illustrating her continuance in evil plots and agendas attempting to establish power, invade spiritual beliefs and practices to shape societies, inspire art and literature, and foster spiritual connections and practices among and within cultures and societies. As a result, her diabolic legacy, with its dark and demonic symbolism and cultural infiltration, continues to move forward in the evil agenda to cause intrigue and to trap people and society in her dark lies. In my research, I have read how countless have said this Queen of Heaven brings inspiration and offers insights into the shared human experience and the universal search for meaning and connection to the spiritual. This is beyond devastating for those who entertain these evil lies, but for me it also stirs a righteous anger toward her. The Word of God clearly states that Babylon, the Mother of all prostitutes and abominations, will fall! Let’s continue this journey of discovery to further be equipped as His called, chosen, and faithful ones to see this principality and her satanic agenda destroyed and conquered.

Come Out from Her

In Revelation 18:4-5, John shares a clear, audible command that is resounded out in his divine prophetic encounter, “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, ‘My people, come out from her so that you don’t participate in her sins and have no share with her in her plagues, because her sins are heaped as high as heaven and God has remembered her vileness’” (TPT). The Greek word for come out is exerchomai. It means “go, come out, pass away, to depart from, and to cease existence with” (Strong’s #G1831). He then makes a declaration, “My people,” which seems to be a straightforward declaration of who we are as His people—children and believers in Him. It is interesting to learn that it also carries further spiritual meaning and weight.

The term egṓ, which is translated “my” in this scripture, speaks of proclamations that God makes concerning Himself as the “I am,” the self-witness of Jesus that He is the Messiah, the Beginning and the End, and the self-announcement that is made by those who receive salvation and become Christians. In another ancient theological use, egṓ, was also used in divine proclamations in the ancient Near East, Babylonian liturgy, and Egyptian papyri. One example is the hymnal prediction: “I am Isis.” Isis is the Queen of Heaven out of the ancient worship of Egypt. This declaration was a point of self-representation, self-glorification, and self-commendation of this deity. To paint the prophetic picture of what is occurring in this declaration of “come out from her My people,” the Lord is declaring a warfare proclamation and command in the spiritual atmosphere that we are not to be her people; we are to completely come out of all beliefs, practices, worship, and existence with her and to fully function in and with Him as His people. It is a warfare declaration and a Kingdom of Heaven divine decree of identity that we are His! In my Becca Greenwood language of spiritual warfare, it makes me shout, “Take that, Queen of Heaven! Jesus’ decree in the atmosphere is we are not yours, but His!”

Therefore, our response to this must be an abandoned, surrendered, absolute, obedient yes! We must realize the depth of surrender, purity, holiness, and fear of the Lord we are to walk in. Why? We cannot tear down what we are holding up. Therefore, we must intentionally welcome Holy Spirit, His purifying presence, and fire to show us any place in our lives that aligns with sin and deal with it. We are coming out of all existence, beliefs, practices with this Queen of Heaven structure, Babylon and Babylonia, and its hold on us personally and culturally. We absolutely ensure that there is nothing in us or our family bloodlines where we have embraced or entertained this demonic entity. We do so by repenting, renouncing, breaking its hold, and evicting it out of our lives.

There is also the truth of accepting personal responsibility for the Kingdom of Heaven inheritance that has been bestowed in and to us. I personally believe this is why John’s divine encounter scribed in the Book of Revelation began with the prophetic insight concerning the seven churches—what was not pleasing and was pleasing to the Lord in those churches and what the Kingdom of Heaven promise is for those who overcome. These churches and believers lived in pagan cities, cultures, and structures. One in which many demonic principalities were entrenched in every realm of life and culture, thus greatly impacting the spiritual atmosphere and climate. Yet they were given a clarion call to be the consecrated, on fire, set apart ones who overcome. You see, as His chosen army we must be intentional to deal personally in our spiritual lives in these areas to prepare us for the calling to conquer Babylon and dethrone the Queen of Heaven. Therefore, let’s take this time to learn of the seven churches and intentionally choose a spiritual walk and life that aligns and increases in the areas that please the Lord and repent for all areas of sin we find ourselves in as He challenged the seven churches. Let’s then set our face like flint to be believers who have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches and walk in obedience to be the overcomers He has called us to be,

Rebecca Greenwood

Rebecca Greenwood is co-founder and president of Christian Harvest International and Strategic Prayer Action Network (SPAN). Christian Harvest’s main thrusts include prophecy, prophetic intercession, transformational spiritual warfare prayer, spiritual mapping, deliverance and teaching the word of God extensively in the many lands of the earth. Over the past 25 years, she has participated and led in spiritual warfare prayer journeys to over 25 countries and to many cities and locations throughout the United States in which measurable breakthroughs of transformation have been realized. While she loves to travel the world and partner with the Lord in touching people’s lives, Rebecca’s favorite and most cherished times are with her husband Greg and their three beautiful daughters: Kendall, Rebecca and Katie. They reside in Colorado Springs, Colo. She graduated with a Doctorate of Practical Ministry from Wagner Leadership Institute (now Wagner University), where she also serves as a core faculty member.


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