This Throne Room Encounter Reveals Your End-Times Assignment

Jesus waved His arm in the direction of a vast black hole in the place of the deep that was void of anything.

“These are the lost hopes and dreams of purposes unfulfilled,” Jesus said.

I intuitively knew that once lost, these moments of opportunities for all people who reject the Holy Spirit’s promptings—God’s direction—during their lifetime in the world, would remain in that black hole.

Yes, the Holy Spirit whispered, what you know is true.

But the dirge, Lord, is that for the lost souls who have rejected You like I did for so long, or are they for the lost hopes and dreams?

Both, answered the Holy Spirit, but the mourning sound is because I have grown weary from ages of crying for the lost. The mourning has faded into a soft lamentation for those who have no life in Me.

“The ones in hell?” I asked.

No answer followed, but I knew the answer just the same. Hope remained for those who lived in the world. No hope existed for those sealed in death apart from Christ.

“I desire that none shall perish,” Jesus said, “But I AM the only way here, none other.”

With that, He turned His head downward. In His eye I saw a tear swell, before falling onto the golden path. I felt strangely compelled to stoop to the ground and cup the soil containing Jesus’s tear. I did so and rubbed it between my palms, before touching it to my cheeks. I instantly felt the sorrow of my Lord to the depths of my soul. And I began to mourn in the same way I had heard the mourning cry of our Lord for the lost. It felt terrible beyond words.

“Feed My sheep,” Jesus said to me.

Did not Jesus say that to Peter in John 21:17? Now He was telling me this, even though I was in Heaven and I had no influence in the world at that time—or so I thought until the Holy Spirit corrected me. Suddenly I felt I should pray. I thought of Renee, Annie, and Ryan, and how confident I felt in my Lord’s ability to provide for them during the time I could not see them grow. Those thoughts did not sadden me, because I knew that God would give them all they needed. I was aware that my time in the world was the brief vapor that it seemed, and it gave them all God had required of me.

In life, I had prayed daily for my family and tried to model being a good father and husband. We had watched endless Christian videos together. I prayed for my children to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We attended church and I taught them from the Bible. I prayed the so-called “Sinner’s Prayer” with both of my parents, so I knew they were destined for Heaven. I loved Renee and tried to provide the security she needed, and we had prayed such rich prayers together. I could do the same in Heaven. I knew in the span of the fullness of eternity in Heaven that I would see all of them in a few moments of time, from my eternal perspective.

God would assuredly heal Annie, and my children would have families of their own. I fell short too many times; but in Heaven, none of those shortcomings mattered. God filled in the blanks—He would do the same in the future. He always did. I could still pray for them and others in Heaven, and I knew that. God could catch me up on their lives, as well as their victories. I was confident of that, and I asked Jesus to send them messages every now and then as “postcards from Heaven,” as I later called them.

Fear was nonexistent in Heaven, because I finally and fully trusted Jesus. If only I had known these things in the world, how prosperous I could have been—but my fleshly brain would constantly remind me of my failures and my unworthiness.

“When you stop judging yourself, you will stop judging others,” Jesus said.

After those words, I could hear birds singing as I remembered them on a typical spring morning. I felt the wind blanket me with warmth and appreciated the revelation that I had judged myself on earth. I thought about how that truth would have served me well in world. Indeed, I had judged myself as a failure so often that self-condemnation fed off a need to judge others, as a demented form of psychological deflection.

But as a spirit now not judging myself, why would Jesus tell me this now?

“I’m here though, Jesus, so I’m not judging anyone, least of all me.”

“Not for long,” Jesus said, as He hugged me tightly and kissed me on the cheek.

“Not for long?”

“I am going to return you, beloved.”

“Oh Lord…” I hugged Him so tightly, never wanting to release.

I thought that if I held onto Jesus, He could not let me go. “I will never leave you,” He whispered into my ear.

I knew that, but in the world it would be so hard to remember. “I know how hard it is in the world, beloved,” He said. “I lived there, but now you know, and what I am revealing to you will never leave you.”

Suddenly a butterfly rested upon my shoulder. It was bright blue, red, and yellow—colors that reflected with an iridescent glow. It shed sparkly gold dust from the underside of wings that were dotted with purple eyespots and that gently flapped. I immediately felt calm and confident. I also knew that everything and everyone in Heaven performed intentionally, so I understood that God intended something from the butterfly’s appearance.

“This butterfly represents My wisdom that will guide you in the world,” Jesus said.

As soon as Jesus explained the meaning of the butterfly, I instantly knew that I needed to remain still so the butterfly would not fly away.

And so it is with wisdom, said the Holy Spirit, be still and…

“Know that I am God,” said Jesus as He finished the Holy Spirit’s sentence. I remembered the Bible verse: “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth” (Psalm 46:10 NIV).

Knowing that Jesus would return me to the world, I wanted to know the God-decreed plans for my return—a blueprint of sorts. As always, Jesus knew my thoughts and responded accordingly:

“Moment by moment I will direct your steps,” said Jesus. “If I were to reveal your purpose in full, you would not remain dependent on Me.”

Thus, I had learned the lesson of the butterfly—to get still, listen to the voice of wisdom (the Holy Spirit) telling me what to do, and to look for the opportunities to serve my Lord in the moments of life rather than worry about the grandiose scheme of achievement. Just after my revelation, the butterfly gently flapped its wings and flew into the blue sky, leaving its beauty imprinted within my soul.

But what about the latter part of Psalm 46:10? God is indeed exalted among the nations, but few people acknowledge Him as such.

“The nations, Lord—You were exalted in the world, but so many thought that You were not God,” I said.

“I AM,” He responded.

Later, I would correlate what Jesus had said with this verse: “Jesus answered them: ‘I solely declare it: before Abraham came to be, I AM’” (see John 8:58). Indeed, that was the name God gave Himself when He first communicated with Moses (Exodus 3:14). Many people think of the Father as God and Jesus as the Son of God as an off-shoot of the Father. And many are confused about the Holy Spirit; but in Heaven, the Holy Spirit was and is as real and relatable as Jesus. As for the Father, I had not yet met the Father, or so I thought.

“I will take you there.” As usual, Jesus answered my thought. “But He has always been with Me and I with Him.”

And I with both, said the Holy Spirit.

In the world, this often presents a point of confusion, but with my spirit mind, I fully realized what Paul referred to as the mind of Christ, or the Christ mindset. I understood that the three Persons of God were not persons at all. Rather, they were facets of one another, with each being one side of a three-sided personhood. If that still seems confusing, then just remember that there is only one God (Deuteronomy 6:4).

Although we are made in His image, we are not of the same makeup as God. Like God, we are comprised of three parts: a spirit person (controlled by God), a physical person, and a soulful person who represents the sentient or feeling part of ourselves.

“In the world, you saw things in part,” said Jesus. “Now you see them in full. Now I will show you the Father.”

With that, Jesus and I flew high above the ground, with Jesus’s hand placed in the small of my back. I beheld what must have been billions of people, and a vastness greater than the sum of all galaxies. A “whoosh” sounded as we flew through orbs made of light. Angels flew through the second orb to what I presumed was the world below. A third orb beamed with the intensity of many suns, but it did not blind me because I could feel Jesus’s presence shielding my eyes. He did this not with His hands but with His omnipotent Glory. Then I realized that the near-blinding light of God was indeed His utmost Glory. Bedazzled by it all, I didn’t realize that we had settled upon a pavement of darkly glowing blue stones. Everything was blurred up to this point, except for where I now stood with Jesus.

I’m taking over from here, said the Holy Spirit.

I could still sense Jesus’s presence, but not His figure.

Look up, said the Holy Spirit.

I witnessed a crystalline waterfall through which I could faintly see an altar and a towering, curved structure that was made of ruby red and opaque brownish stones. A crystal blue table stood at the center of an elevated stage of grey stone with flecks of mica interlaced with intense blue layers. A rainbow served as a halo behind this altar and extended to what existed below.

Living waters poured like a waterfall from the light that engulfed Jesus, but those waters did not soak anything they touched. They had another effect that I could not understand, but I sensed them as the source of life. Jesus reached His arms outward to form a cross with His body while He stood behind the stone altar. It was then that I noticed that waters flowed from His hands, which ushered forth the waterfall that I saw.

Those waters “gelled together” as an incline that curved back and spread out to form a glass-like seat that surrounded what appeared to be a mountain-sized melding of clear emerald gems, against an airy blue background. Walls of multicolored stones with the heartbeat of life reached thousands of feet into the air—as far as I could see.

To me, it seemed as if a portal or an open window existed at the base of the massive formation. Sitting atop this structure was a giant figure the size of a four-story building. His white hair flowed through the wind that was breathed from the Holy Spirit. I felt I was part of that wind since the Holy Spirit blew that wind through me and everyone within this sacred place. The brilliance shining upon this figure prevented me from seeing His features, if He had features. His white, flowing hair could have been the tendrils of the blinding white light that was brighter than the sun, but they appeared as strands of flowing clouds. His eyes blazed with flames that erupted like a volcano.

The figure blended in appearance with Jesus, though Jesus’s eyes were constantly fixed on me. The larger and semi-distinct figure evoked an awe in me that bordered on fear as He declared words or sounds in a foreign tongue, with the utmost authority. In the strangest way, I considered Him to be THE WORD, the authoritative Word of all things. Until then, I had never in my life considered that the Word was a Person.

Within that instant, all of Heaven became beyond silent to an intense nothingness. A quiet that was thunderous. An absolute stillness of motion and sound settled after the Almighty’s declaration—the calm before the Storm. And all of Heaven waited.

My feelings changed from comfort to pure and absolute awe. Somehow, I understood that nothing would ever be the same again.

Randy Kay

Randy Kay, a CEO and strategic business leader, knows firsthand through his own near-death experience how God can transform suffering into joy and pain into purpose. His breakthrough research on thriving in life has spanned several decades, uncovering practical ways to overcome trials and attain God's purpose in your life. Randy and his wife Renee make their home in Carlsbad, California.


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