God is Revealing New Mighty Prophets Today

God is revealing the next wave of the prophetic people who will carry signs, wonders, and creative miracles like that of Moses, Elijah, and Jesus.

The super prophets whom I call “mighty prophets” are among us and they have the understanding of dealing with the supernatural, the prophetic, and are the ministers of signs and wonders, knowing that miracles go hand in hand. Throughout the ages God has always uniquely blended and combined the prophetic with signs, wonders, and miraculous powers to equip His people for supernatural ministry to ultimately change the world for Jesus.

In the ancient Scriptures, there are examples of extraordinary prophets whom God has placed special anointings upon, which separated them in their class of prophetic operations. These type of prophets have recreated a restored paradigm to the school of the prophetic today, that if prophets in the Old Testament were able to communicate the mind of God with demonstrations of the supernatural, then today’s prophets and prophetic people can now work mighty miracles too.

We are seeing a resurgence of these types of prophets with special, unique, rare, and unusual mantles and grace upon their lives to meet the demand of their age and ages to come. These phenom prophets and prophetic believers are going to be known as mighty prophets.

A Mighty Prophet Defined

A mighty prophet is simply a chosen spokesman or spokeswoman who speaks on the behalf of God who operates in powerful miracles as a revelatory expounder or teacher in divine communication and in the Scriptures. This prophet has a unique grace to manifest mighty acts of God. The word mighty in the Greek is the word dynatos according to Strong’s Concordance, which means “to be able, powerful, mighty and strong.” It is the ability and power to do something or a person’s capability. This word mighty speaks relatively to one’s capacity. Therefore, a mighty prophet has the ability, capability, and capacity to do something powerful or supernatural. It’s interesting to note that dynatos is also defined as a “might man” or “powerful man.”

This is the same as calling someone a “powerful man or woman” of God because of his or her supernatural abilities or communicative capacity to minister the word of God effectively. Jesus was regarded as a prophet because of His ability and power in both word and deed (Luke 24:19). Moses as a prophet in the Old Testament was recognized as being mighty according to Acts 7:22 “in his words and deeds.”

Consider the ministry of Apollos who was with Paul, whereas he was recognized by his competency, skills in speech and oracle ability in ministering, and powerful communication in the Scriptures:

Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus (Acts 18:24 NKJV).

When you look at the ministry of Paul and the ministry of Apollos, you will see that both were distinctively regarded—Paul being powerful in signs, wonders, and special miracles and Apollos being powerful in word and an eloquent communicator of the Scriptures. Paul speaks of us as believers as being mighty in God in the area and arenas of spiritual warfare of those possessing spiritual power when he wrote, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds…” (2 Corinthians 10:4 NKJV).

Prophets are men and women of the supernatural and extraordinary in divine communication. It is important to understand that one of the dimensions of the prophetic office is a ministry of signs and wonders. Prophets according to the Old and New Testaments were not just revealers and expounders of the Word of God, they were also demonstrators of the Word.

Prophets manifested the power of God. They walked in the very power of the prophetic. This is what we would consider as power prophecy exhibited in both word and mighty miracles. Prophets walk powerfully in both demonstrative power and communicative prophecy. Miracles are in the mouth of the prophets and the prophetic. You can speak a miracle into existence.

Historically, prophets walked in the power that they talked. “Walk the talk” is a saying we use to describe someone who walks in and lives what they talk. One of the most powerful revelations of a prophet is his or her ability to walk mightily in both word and deed in the sight or eyes of God and all the people. Mighty prophets are simply “power prophets” who essentially do mighty miracles through the word of the Lord. It is the communicative power of the prophet to release miracles in their prophetic ministry. Power prophecy is the aspect and dimension of the supernatural that is displayed in their preaching, teaching, praying, and of course prophesying and speaking forth the word of God. It is ministering the word of God with miraculous power. They are known and earmarked for doing all kinds of notable miracles.

The Prophet Revealed

Jesus was revealed and recognized as a reputable Prophet of God  by the people due to the manifestation of the miraculous deeds and words done among them. Prophets are revealed by both their works and their words. Prophets were the first in the Scriptures to walk in healings, miracles, signs and wonder (Genesis 20:7,17-18). This is not a foreign phenomenon to the ministry of the ancient prophets.

Unfortunately today, prophets are not quite regarded as ministers of the supernatural but primarily as ministers of prophecy. We need thorough foundational understanding and functional revelation of the full scope of the prophets’ ministry in order to properly benefit from Christ’s prophetic ministers in His church today and beyond.

Moses and Jesus were both revealed and recognized as prophets by the people who encountered their supernatural ministries from the biblical accounts in the Old and New Testaments following Old Testament revelation of the spokesman and New Testament revelation of the prophet:

Old Testament Revelation of the Spokesperson

The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me [Moses] from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him (Deuteronomy 18:15 NIV).

New Testament Revelation of the Prophet

God prophesied through Moses that He would raise up a prophet like him who later manifested in the Person of Jesus Christ who was revealed and recognized by the masses as a Prophet: “The multitudes said, ‘This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee’” (Matthew 21:11 NKJV).

Jesus is seen as a Prophet by a woman personally: “Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet” (John 4:19 NKJV).

Prophets are recognized both individually and corporately. There is anointing upon a prophet to minister miracles to those personally and corporately. On the road to Emmaus, two disciples were having a conversation about all the things that had just happened in Jerusalem concerning Jesus’s death, burial, and eventual resurrection. Jesus appeared to them and walked with them as they were talking of Him, but these two disciples’ eyes were restrained so they were unable to recognize Him.

It is important to keep in mind that Jesus appeared to them after His resurrection and is walking and talking with them in His resurrected form and body. He was walking in what many regard as His glorified body. The two were heartbroken about everything that had happened to Jesus.

Jesus asked the two the nature of their conversation and the reason for their sad countenance. One of them, named Cleopas, answered Him, essentially questioning if Jesus was a stranger in Jerusalem and did not know what had happened to the Prophet recently.

Jesus responded to him saying, “What things?” So the two disciples said to Him, “The things concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a Prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered Him to be condemned to death, and crucified Him” (Luke 24:19-20 NKJV).

I love the translation and rendition of Luke 24:19 in the New Living Translation to best describe the type of prophet Jesus was recognized as by the people:

“What things?” Jesus asked. “The things that happened to Jesus, the man of Nazareth,” they said. “He was a prophet who did powerful miracles, and he was a mighty teacher in the eyes of God and all the people”.

Naim Collins

Dr. Naim Collins is an emerging leader and catalyst with an apostolic heart and prophetic voice. He carries a peculiar anointing in the prophetic, healings and the supernatural. He has been featured on various multimedia outlets including Sid Roth's It’s Supernatural! and The Word Network. He is the visionary leader of Naim Collins Ministries and Fan the Flames Global Ministries based in Wilmington, Delaware.


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