Boy Blinded by Abuse Sees Again in the Glory Atmosphere

Even during times of transition and change, we can rest assured that God is transforming us into new levels of glory (see 2 Corinthians 3:18).

Following Jesus can never be reduced to following a formula. I recently had a vision of Jesus standing in a harvest field. He turned around, looked at me with an outstretched hand, and said with a smile, “Come, follow Me.” I cried for two hours after that vision because I felt His glory fill my room, and I knew He was inviting me into another great adventure with Him. I am still walking out this invitation. I have a feeling I’ve only seen the surface of all that He has in store for us. Following Jesus requires movement and change.

“It doesn’t matter if you just got your stakes down like you wanted them. The move of God doesn’t happen according to your timing. God cannot always accommodate to your schedule. He moves sovereignly, as He wills, and if you don’t move with him, you will be left behind. He has but one desire for us, and that one desire is that we be changed from glory to glory. He has never moved a person to a lesser glory than they’ve already experienced. Change, therefore, is our friend. The changes God is sending into our lives are intended to work in us ‘a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.’ In fact, change becomes the measure of the glory.” —Ruth Ward Heflin

For us and many others, a mindset change is harder than the change itself. Once our minds are renewed and synced with Christ, change comes supernaturally. I imagine the children of Israel were accustomed to change as they followed the cloud by day and the fire by night. Miracles of provision, protection, and health were found in the glory.

Miracles in the Glory

At our Saturday Night Awakening service, one of the most notable miracles was when a teenage boy received sight in his blind eye. We had seen blind eyes healed before, but this story impacts me greatly because God restored more than his eye alone. As a baby, this boy was beaten so severely that he suffered brain damage and lost sight in one of his eyes. His adopted parents saw him through seven surgeries to help correct his eye. This boy was not able to run a few steps without falling down due to brain damage. We always take time to pray for those needing a miracle, and we did so this one particular night. After some were healed, we were transitioning the service to the message, and I heard a gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit say, “I’m not quite done yet.” We had already prayed for miracles, and I had taken my seat. As I prepared to walk out and change my one-year-old’s diaper, I felt the gentle nudge in my spirit again. I handed my son to my dear friend Elizabeth and walked back up on stage.

I grabbed a mic and quickly made mention of a healing anointing in the room. Tommy and I decided to wait a little longer in the presence of the Lord. After we called out a few more words of knowledge, a young boy began to run around the front row, then up the steps, onto the stage, and then jump off! He did this two or three times! Tommy was nervous he might trip over the steps because he knew this boy couldn’t walk without assistance. But not only was he able to run and jump without falling, but he also began to cry out, “I can see! I can see!” The boy’s father came up to report that his son’s blind eye had opened; he told the story that led to his son’s condition. No one laid hands on this young man, only the hand of God. Later, offstage, the young man told me he didn’t feel afraid of the bad things that happened to him. I knew God was removing trauma from him. The evening erupted in praise and joy as we gave Jesus the glory. A traditional message didn’t happen that night, but no one complained as Jesus was the message.

Digging wells of revival usually requires us to lay aside our agendas and orders of service in order to surround ourselves with the presence of God.

“If we want the same fruit and breakthrough seen in the early Church, we’ll have to take our hands off the reins of what God is directing.” —Bill Johnson

We expect miracles, repentance, deliverance from demons, and restoration in our meetings because people receive what they need in the glory. Often all these happen at once. Revival can look chaotic and messy by most church standards but so did the Pentecostal revival in Acts 2. Some accused them of being drunk!

Tommy and I are always open to learning from others on how to host revival. One thing we have learned is, if we don’t seek the presence of God first, nothing will be added to us (see Matthew 6:33). We don’t worship miracles or revival; we worship Jesus. His presence must be at the center of our ministry; if it’s not, we are out. We know life without Jesus, and we have no intention of going back.

As we continue to honor the Lord’s presence and move with the glory in our services, we see an increase of miracles happening. We’ve recently seen witches attend our meetings more than once in different states. We have had more than one testimony about the power of God encountering them. We recently had a report of a witch repenting because she was physically healed at our meeting. No one prayed for her or laid hands on her. She later asked to be discipled to learn more about Jesus and the Holy Spirit!

The glory crosses denominational lines. We have had Baptists, Methodists, Church of Christ, and people from other denominations transformed by revival. One Church of Christ man came to one of our revival tour meetings. He disapproved of his daughter attending our meeting and decided to show up. Later that night the power of God came over him as he, his daughter, and her friend fell back under the power of God. They were so deeply touched by this encounter that they went to their church to share what happened to them at our revival meeting and God’s presence powerfully encountered the people who heard their testimony!

Digging Wells of Healing

“The greatest revivals in the New Testament after Pentecost were the direct result of one or more divine healings of the body. It was used more than anything else in the Word of God to draw the people to Christ. Nearly all the great revivals were brought about by divine healing and sometimes only one was healed.” —Maria Woodworth-Etter

The miracle wells of revival are springing forth!

John G. Lake

He lived in the early 1900s and had a revelation of the believer’s authority and dominion over sickness. He saw many healed and even raised the dead. In the middle of the deadly bubonic plague, John G. Lake had the disease dissolve in his hand under the eye of a microscope, and he credited the miracle to the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, according to Romans 8. The mayor of Spokane, Washington, thanked him for the contributions he made toward city transformation due to the establishment of Healing Rooms, some of which are in operation today. At one point in Lake’s day, Spokane was rated the healthiest city in America! He also established 625 churches (125 white churches and 500 black churches).

Maria Woodworth-Etter

In the 1800s Maria Woodworth-Etter, or “Mother Etter,” as she became known, pioneered a way for women to preach and minister during a time when women didn’t have the right to vote. When religion tried to shut her up, she chose to obey God no matter the cost.

After she integrated healing into her ministry, she began to see blind eyes open, cancer removed, tumors disappear, the lame walk, the deaf hear. And the mute speak. She also saw dropsy, spinal meningitis, kidney failure, heart disease, and rheumatism fully healed. Maria regularly prayed for those who were dying, as well as for resurrection for people who had died, she saw God raise people from the dead.

Kathryn Kuhlman

Kathryn’s ministry was iconic in regard to glory miracles. Most of the miracles in her ministry happened while people were in the presence of the manifested glory that accompanied her life and in her meetings.

The institutional church should be so powerful that when the world challenges it, when unregenerate man challenges it—it can reply with God’s miracles.

Smith Wigglesworth

“Wigglesworth released healing wherever he went.… When Wigglesworth ministered in the streets of San Francisco, people came and laid out those who were sick on mattresses in front of him. When he walked by them and his shadow hit them, they were healed.”

T. L. and Daisy Osborn

Inspired by the incredible healing ministry of William Branham, “the Osborns preached to crowds of 20,000 to 250,000 in crusades in 76 countries. Vast numbers have been healed, including the deaf, blind, and crippled. Body organs have been recreated and restored, cancers have died and vanished, lepers have been healed, and the dead have been raised. Most of their power evangelism and healing ministry have been with crowds in developing nations. They established 400 churches a year in these nations.”

Honoring Fathers and Mothers of Revival

There are many global revival wells opened by men and women who are alive today, and they have greatly impacted our family. We have met revival generals such as Bill and Beni Johnson, Randy Clark, Cindy and Mike Jacobs, and our pastors, Jim and Becky Hennesy, who have inspired us to become revival well diggers. Their sacrifice, service, and integrity have impacted my generation greatly.

There are many other generals of revival alive today who have impacted us. Bill Johnson and Randy Clark are deep wells in regard to the miraculous. If you want to grow in the gifts of miracles, I encourage you to study their resources. Bill’s and Randy’s meetings exposed me to miracles live and in person (other than my own personal healings). I still remember the first time I attended a Sunday service at Bethel Church and Bill asked for anyone with cancer to stand up to receive prayer. I fell on my knees crying because I was so happy they took time during a service to pray for miracles. Both Bill’s and Randy’s miracle and impartation meetings awakened us to our revival call. As we sat in the back rows of their meetings and saw lines of people testify to their healings, I sat and wept as I told God, “I was born to do this.” That may sound funny to some, but I long to see justice come to the sick because I know Jesus paid for justice to be served.

Honoring mothers and fathers of revival requires us to receive what they carry. We must position our hearts to receive an impartation from them. Tommy and I do this by attending meetings, studying their books, attending their schools, sowing into their ministries, and most importantly, taking the same risks they did. The first time I prayed for metal to be dissolved in people’s bodies was because I heard Randy tell a testimony about him and Bill seeing metal dissolve in other meetings. I thought, “I can try this too! If I don’t try it, I will never see it.” Tommy and I tried it at one of our miracle meetings, and we saw a woman run across the room as she gained full mobility back in her foot and ankle. She later shared that she had not been able to bend her ankle or run due to the surgery she had three years prior to that night.

Miriam Evans

Miriam Evans is a revivalist, preacher, mother of five, and wife to her incredible ministry partner, Tommy Evans. Together, they are igniting the fires of revival globally, and are touring the United States hosting revival meetings where the gospel is preached and a demonstration of miracles, salvations and deliverances follow. From an early age, Miriam experienced miracles of healing in her own life and now sees miracles happen regularly, with many being instantly healed in their meetings. Miriam, Tommy, and her children live in Dallas, Texas.  


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