‘I Had Dementia Before God Touched Me!’—Word of Knowledge Healings

A precious lady who lived on St. Simons Island was attending a garage sale in her community one morning.

She overheard another lady talking about the North Georgia Revival. They began to have a conversation about some of the mir- acles that had taken place here in the past couple of years at the revival. It built so much faith in the lady who heard these stories, she scheduled a trip to Georgia just to attend one of our Sunday night revival services. Once the baptisms began on this particular Sunday evening, she found herself standing on the steps, about to enter the waters and have an experience with the Lord for herself. As she came into the pool and turned the corner to come toward me, I pointed at her and said, “It’s your kidneys isn’t it?”

She came closer to me and stood about two feet from me and asked, “How did you know that?”

I replied, “The Lord just told me you’re having an issue with your kidneys. Is that right?”

She responded, “Yes, I am in kidney failure and it looks like I will be having to go on dialysis.” The team and I anointed her with oil, prayed the prayer of faith in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and then we immersed her. This precious lady went back home to St. Simons Island and in a matter of weeks contacted our church to inform us that she had gone back to her doctor and her doctor confirmed that her kidneys were fine and needed no dialysis at all. Glory to God! Jesus is King!

2021: “Blind in your left eye.”

My wife Paula was with me one weekend in Clarksville, Indiana.  I was invited to preach two services on a Sunday morning in February of 2021. I was preaching at the second service showing pictures and sharing testimonies of what the Lord was doing in Dawsonville, Georgia. At the conclusion of the message, I showed a video from one particular water baptism at the North Georgia Revival where a nine-year-old boy named Reed from Delaware received sight in his left eye. Reed was born with glaucoma and required bilateral surgery at only 11 months of age. His right eye improved over the years, but his left eye got progressively and aggressively worse. The Lord miraculously healed Reed in the baptismal waters on August 2, 2020 (“the year of vision”). I asked if anyone needed healing for blindness in their left eye to come forward and we would pray with them and agree for healing from the Lord. Four people responded to the invitation, and a young man by the name of Matt was one of them. After we prayed for these with blindness in their left eye, we dismissed the service and my wife and I boarded a plane back to Atlanta.

The following Tuesday, the pastor of the church back in Clarksville, Indiana, reached out to me and said he had just returned from a 7:30 Tuesday morning men’s breakfast held at his church. He said, “Matt came to the breakfast. You remember Matt—the young man blind in his left eye whom we prayed for the previous Sunday morning.” The pastor said he watched Matt walk into that Tuesday morning breakfast, and he immediately noticed as Matt entered the church he had his right eye, his “good” eye, covered with his hand and Matt was looking all around the room with his left eye, his “blind” eye.

Once the breakfast was served, the pastor asked if anyone had a testimony they would like to share. Matt’s hand went up. Matt went on to tell the men’s meeting that he had responded to an altar call and received prayer for blindness in his left eye a couple of days ago. He said, “You guys want to know what happened to me at the altar? Nothing. You want to know what happened when I got home Sunday afternoon? Nothing. But after I made my dinner Sunday night, I sat down to eat, and after a minute or two I saw what appeared to be light in the top left corner of my left eye. Then, more light started coming in. Then I looked and could see the floor. Then my refrigerator. Things started coming into focus in my left eye.”

Matt told the group that he invited his girlfriend over to show her what happened. He invited her to sit down at the table and then he got a book and began to read. Matt covered his right eye, his “good” eye, and continued to read with his left eye, his “blind” eye. It startled his girlfriend so bad, she jumped up and said, “Stop! What are you doing? How are you doing that?” His girlfriend realized he was reading from his “blind” eye. Matt informed her that God had healed him and that he could see out of his left eye.

I asked the pastor for Matt’s contact information so I could call him and rejoice with him. I spoke to Matt several days later and he confirmed everything you just read. He added that he was able to share his testimony with his family and friends and that everyone was absolutely amazed. We both celebrated and thanked God for what He had done for Matt. Before we ended our call, I asked Matt how old he was. He told me he was 41 years old. I then asked what had caused his blindness. I asked if he had suffered an injury or did his eye just get progressively worse throughout the past 41 years?

Matt sounded surprised and asked me, “Marty, didn’t pastor tell you about my blindness?”

I said, “No. Why?”

He said, “Marty, I was born blind in my left eye. I’ve never seen anything out of my left eye until now.”

2021: “Dementia and Alzheimer’s.”

A pastor from Louisiana attended our leaders and pastors conference several years ago that we hosted at our church in Dawsonville. This pastor and his wife came into the baptismal waters to be immersed together. I remember ministering to his wife, and upon her coming up out of the water, the power of God was upon her so strong our team had to hold her on the steps for several minutes. As they were continuing to minister to her, the Lord gave me a word of knowledge for this pastor. He told me this pastor had an intense fear that he may be beginning to suffer from the early stages of dementia and Alzheimer’s. The Lord told me that his memory was starting to fade a bit, and this pastor was very concerned about it. I waited until I knew his wife wouldn’t be able to hear before I shared with the pastor what the Lord had just spoken to me. Upon hearing these words, the pastor doubled over with his face almost touching the surface of the water. He began weeping. We anointed him with oil and prayed in faith believing for his miracle. The Lord touched him that night.

A while later, I was able to have a conversation with him and his wife. He reminded me of the word of knowledge the Lord gave me for him. He said, “Marty, what you don’t know is this—I’ve never told anyone about my struggle with my fear of dementia or Alzheimer’s. I’ve always had a great memory until lately. I began to forget simple things. That was never me before. Again, my memory was always sharp until recently. It began to scare me. I didn’t even tell my wife for fear that if I spoke it out, it would definitely come to pass in my life.”

The Lord touched him that night and his memory has returned. Well, glory to God! And if that weren’t awesome enough, listen to this. (Again, I say “listen” to remind you that we can hear even without using our physical ears. May you hear as you read these words.) This same pastor invited my wife and me to come minister and baptize at his church in Louisiana. We had an amazing time with him, his wife, and his congregation. The Lord moved just as mightily there in Louisiana as He had in Dawsonville, Georgia. As I ministered on that Sunday morning, the Lord gave me a word of knowledge about tithes and/or offerings. The word of knowledge came to me regarding someone in the church who was holding on to a substantial tithe or significant seed the Lord had already spoken to them to give weeks or months prior, but they had not been obedient to sow that seed yet. This was on a Sunday morning. The next day, Monday, the pastor of the church got a text from a man who asked if he could swing by the church later in the evening, after work, and if the pastor would meet him in the parking lot. The pastor agreed and met the gentleman in the parking lot. This man told the pastor that the Lord had blessed him several months back in his business and he hadn’t given the tithe off of it yet. The check was for $100,000.

Marty Darracott

Marty Darracott has served over two decades as a full-time pastor and international speaker. He has traveled extensively preaching the gospel, speaking at conferences, camps, retreats, and corporate seminars all over the world. Marty currently serves as Executive Pastor at Christ Fellowship Church in Dawsonville, Georgia, home of the North Georgia Revival. He has served in the baptismal waters each and every Sunday night where over 29,000 people have been baptized since the outpouring began on February 11, 2018. He and his wife, Paula, have two beautiful daughters, Madison and Carson, and an amazing son-in-law, Harrison.


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