The Power of Prophetic Acts and Intercessory Warfare


The intricate sand sculpture was finished.

Experienced Tibetan monks had spent hundreds of hours building it in preparation for a visit from the Dalai Lama. Accompanied by an entourage of Tibetan monks and high level spirits, he was coming to Pasadena to hold large meetings in the Civic Auditorium. Several well-known Hollywood celebrities were expected to attend. The “blessing” of the sand mandala at the Pacific Asian Museum was to be the highlight of the Dalai Lama’s visit. As world leader of the Tibetan branch of Buddhism, the Dalai Lama exerts tremendous spiritual authority. This ceremony was to create a doorway through which 722 powerful spirits could be released into the area surrounding Pasadena!

Harvest Rock Church had already experienced several significant encounters with the spirit of Buddhism. A large Buddha had once occupied center stage in the building that is now our church, placed there by the New Age cult that had occupied the campus. In 1996, with the visit of the Dalai Lama approaching, we gathered the entire church together for worship and spiritual warfare. Many intercessors cried out to God in the prayer room.

We prayed for the salvation of the Dalai Lama and other Buddhists, particularly the many who are employed in Hollywood. A small group of intercessors also went down to the Pacific Asian Museum. This building, located in the center of Pasadena, is right across the street from Fuller Seminary. As the group prayer-walked the museum, they anointed the perimeter of the property and laid hands on the building, sealing it off from demonic forces. At a second prayer walk, several intercessors laid a spiritual ambush at the front door, asking the Holy Spirit to touch the Dalai Lama as he walked through it.

As the day of the Dalai Lama’s visit approached, a report was released that although he was going to visit the museum, he would not pray over the mandala after all! Thus Pasadena was to be spared this flood of 722 demonic spirits. Moreover, the sand from this unholy sculpture was not poured into the Arroyo Seco—the river that supplies the Los Angeles area with water—as had been planned, but was put into the sea near Santa Monica, where freak waves were reported for several days. Again, Los Angeles was spared.

A striking change of events also took place at the Civic Auditorium. Camera crews from around the world had gathered on the steps of the Civic Auditorium, hoping to get a few shots of the Dalai Lama with Hollywood celebrities.

Prior to this media event, an intercessor had gone to the building, laid hands on the steps, and prayed that the presence of the Lord would be released there. When the big day arrived, the limousine carrying the Dalai Lama pulled up to the steps. The door opened, then closed again…then opened and closed again. This happened several times, but nobody got out of the car, spoiling this carefully planned media spectacle!

The events surrounding the Dalai Lama’s visit certainly encouraged our intercessors. Although the mayor of Pasadena had given the keys of the city to the Dalai Lama, praise God the keys of the Kingdom are in the Church’s hands, and if we use them, we can lock out the powers of hell!

Cleansing the Waters

Evidence of the power of prophetic intercession (specific intercession and actions directed by the leading of the Lord) has been shown to me numerous times. One night I was awakened by words that had been spoken to me in a dream: “Go pour the salt of your purity out on it.” I knew that the Lord’s voice had spoken these words, but I didn’t understand then what they meant.

The following morning I went to a prayer meeting, during which Kateri Matilla, an intercessor from our church, prayed that God would change the name of Devil’s Gate Dam. Suddenly, it struck me forcefully that the Lord wanted me to go pour salt into the stream at Devil’s Gate as an act of prophetic intercession!

Devil’s Gate was the name of a dam that protected the original water source for Pasadena and Los Angeles. A 1947 Star News article confirms that Devil’s Gate was so named “because of the resemblance of the rocks to His Satanic Majesty.”(1) Several people were killed during the construction of the freeway near the dam, and numerous murders and suicides have occurred along the river, the Arroyo Seco, that flows from the dam. Intercessors in Los Angeles have sensed that the name literally brought a curse on the city.

As I recalled the words in my dream, I understood that the Lord wanted me to pour salt into the stream as a sign of cleansing, to ask for forgiveness on behalf of our forefathers for cursing the water, and to entreat God to pour out the rivers of revival on Pasadena and Los Angeles. As I contemplated God’s command, I was reminded of a Scripture the Lord had impressed upon my heart prior to coming to Pasadena.

The men of the city said to Elisha, “Look, our lord, this town is well situated, as you can see, but the water is bad and the land is unproductive.” “Bring me a new bowl,” he said, “and put salt in it.” So they brought it to him. Then he went out to the spring and threw the salt into it, saying, “This is what the Lord says: ‘I have healed this water. Never again will it cause death or make the land unproductive.’” And the water has remained wholesome to this day (2 Kings 2:19-22).

In this passage, Elisha poured salt into the stream of water that flowed into Jericho, healing the contaminated waters that were unfruitful and barren. God was asking me to do the same for Los Angeles, to bring healing and fruitfulness to the waters that were producing spiritual death.

Shortly after my dream, an intercession team joined me at Devil’s Gate, where we poured salt into the stream and called for a renewal of God’s covenant mercies. (It seems fitting that God would choose salt for this prophetic gesture because it is a preserving element.) We prophesied a changing of the demonic name and the removal of the curse cast by the giving of the name. We also asked God to forgive the people of Los Angeles for breaking covenant with Him.

At the time of our visit to Devil’s Gate, southern California was in the midst of a five-year drought. Many thousands of Christians were praying for rain. Eight days after our intercessory act on behalf of the city, the rains began to pour, so much so that the newspapers hailed that month “Miracle March.”

Astonishing! We took courage from this dramatic break in the drought that God was answering our prayers. The curse was being reversed. We also pondered whether this physical rain might not be a sign of coming spiritual renewal.

Some time later I felt drawn by the Spirit to walk the Arroyo Seco, the stream flowing out of the dam (and the main river of Los Angeles), to pray for rivers of revival to flow down again from Pasadena and bring fruitfulness into Los Angeles.

Interestingly, the last meeting of the Azusa Street organization was held in the Arroyo Seco, between Los Angeles and Pasadena. That’s where that mighty well of revival had dried up.

As I walked along the river, I was also praying over the whole issue of death and murder in the Arroyo. A year before, a Christian woman whose parents were missionaries to Buddhists was abducted and murdered in the Arroyo. So I interceded by identificational repentance for the spirit of murder to be broken. I also prayed for the redeeming of the land where, during the Depression, people had leaped to their death from Suicide Bridge, a bridge spanning the Arroyo.

Two days after my prayer walk, a sister in the Lord told me that she had dreamt that I was walking the river and interceding in the Arroyo—having no idea that I had done just that! This was great encouragement to me to continue this type of intercession. Some might call these prophetic actions foolish, but God is calling forth a people who will respond to His leading no matter how foolish, irrational, or insignificant His command might seem to be. Time after time, such obedience is recorded in the Word of God.

For two years we saw no visible evidence that our acts of prophetic intercession had accomplished anything more. One day Angela Blair, an intercessor on the team that had gone to the dam, asked the Lord why the name of Devil’s Gate had not yet been changed. The Lord answered her that the name was indeed changing, and that in the days ahead the dam and the surrounding area would be called by an Indian name. Imagine our joy when one month later we read this announcement in the “Pasadena Focus,” the official city newsletter: “Hahamongna. That’s the name the Gabrielinos (early Pasadena Indians) gave to what now is known as ‘Devil’s Gate…’. The English-language translation is ‘Flowing Waters: Fruitful Valley.’ Nearly everyone agrees that Hahamongna will be a more appropriate name for this long-neglected community asset after it is restored to its natural state.”(2)

The very words we had proclaimed prophetically were now proclaimed publicly! We had specifically prayed that the curse of barrenness would be broken, as it was when Elisha cleansed the water of Jericho. Now the official Pasadena newsletter reported the reinstatement of the original Indian name, Flowing Streams and Fruitful Valley. It was a sign for us that revival would come to Pasadena and flow to Los Angeles.

God has required our team of intercessors to respond in a variety of ways. Generally the intercessory acts He’s asked us to perform have been acts of repentance and purification in which we claim, seal, or consecrate a territory, or acts that prefigure something the Lord wants to do. We embark upon these activities only by the word of the Lord. If He doesn’t speak, we don’t go.

I cannot stress enough the need to be completely subject to the Lord in this. Intercessors must never initiate these assignments. They must simply respond when they hear the voice of the Lord and there is confirmation. If these acts are to have an effect on the spiritual realm, and not be merely meaningless antics, they need to be done in faith at the Lord’s command, not as impulsive responses to our imaginations. The Lord’s commands to us have come in various forms, including scriptural precedent, prophetic dreams, confirmed prophetic words, and symbolic events. Very often they are linked with a spiritual battle to reclaim or protect our land of inheritance.

The Arrow of Faith That Changes History

The Book of Second Kings tells of one such battle. Elisha, who received a double portion of Elijah’s mantle and performed miracles and signs in Israel over a period of 60 years, is dying. He has summoned Jehoash, the king of Israel, for one final audience to bless Israel. During the encounter, Elisha tells the king to take some vital prophetic actions.

Elisha said, “Get a bow and some arrows,” and he did so. “Take the bow in your hands,” he said to the king of Israel…. “Open the east window,” he said, and he opened it. “Shoot!” Elisha said, and he shot. “The Lord’s arrow of victory, the arrow of victory over Aram!” Elisha declared. “You will completely destroy the Arameans at Aphek” (2 Kings 13:15-17).

Notice that the arrows became “the Lord’s arrow of victory” in a very real way. Jehoash’s actions, blessed by Elisha, released the power of God on behalf of Israel. This was no empty pantomime, but an act of obedience that affected the destiny of the entire nation! Victory or defeat, survival or slaughter, were determined by this apparently silly action.

Unfortunately, Jehoash was somewhat apathetic about performing this prophetic act. Certainly he must have known the stories of Elisha’s command to dig ditches in a deserted valley where soldiers were dying of thirst—and how those ditches were miraculously filled with water (see 2 Kings 3:16-24). So Elisha gave him another chance to overcome his indifference:

Then he said, “Take the arrows,” and the king took them. Elisha told him, “Strike the ground.” He struck it three times and stopped. The man of God was angry with him and said, “You should have struck the ground five or six times; then you would have defeated Aram and completely destroyed it. But now you will defeat it only three times” (2 Kings 13:18-19).

Elisha had told Jehoash that his actions would determine the future of the Israelite people, but the king did not truly believe the prophetic word. His wavering cost many Israelite lives, and Israel gained only partial victory. History was changed by a poor and casual response. Had Jehoash believed the impact of his actions, he would have repeatedly smashed the arrows into the ground.

We, too, are given opportunities to prophetically intercede for the land of our inheritance. These opportunities may require us to take a prophetic action that, in the natural, seems to be puny, unrelated, or even foolish. Beware! What appears to be absurd or insignificant in the natural may accomplish great things in the spiritual realm when done in faith and obedience. Elisha repeatedly proved this to be true. Why else would he have thrown a stick into the water to make a heavy, very valuable axe head float to the surface? Or why put flour in a pot as an antidote to poisoned food? Or why ask for a neighbor’s empty vessels to fill when it seemed that only a few drops of oil could be poured into them? (See 2 Kings 6:17; 4:38-41; 4:17.)

Prophetic action does not need to make sense in the natural to be powerful in the spirit realm. The measure of victory is equal only to the measure of our faith and obedience. These are the keys that empower seemingly ineffective actions. Thus, Tommy Tenney, a group of intercessors, and I took stakes with scriptural promises in them and planted them in the ground on Bonnie Brae Street, the site of the prayer meeting that birthed the great Azusa Street Revival. We did this in obedience to God, believing that our actions would impact the future of our city.

We must arise in faith and obedience, doing whatever God commands us to do. Through our obedience coupled with faith the revival wells stopped up by sin, disunity, curses, and covenant breaking will be reopened. For just as the artesian well of the Holy Spirit within an individual can be stopped up by sin, curses, and bitter root judgments, so can a city be bound by the sin within.

God is raising up prophetic intercessors throughout our land. These committed covenantal friends will walk the boundaries of their homes, churches, and communities to break every stronghold as the Lord leads. They will find the roots that clog the flow of God’s Holy Spirit and remove them so that rivers of life and fruitfulness may flow into the parched lives of thousands. This process is happening right now in Hollywood.

Hollywood Jubilee—Revival in Tinseltown?

Hollywood—the city of glitter and lights, the place of dreams that are never fulfilled and would-be stars who never make it big. Can God bring revival to this tinseltown? The archives of history answer a resounding yes! Hidden in this city’s past is a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a refreshing revival well.

It was the year 1947. Henrietta Mears, a woman of great devotion who spent much time with the Lord, was at that time the leader of the college department at the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood. She also served the congregation as the Director of Christian Education and wrote the Sunday school curriculum, founding Gospel Light Publishing, now Regal Books. On June 24, 1947, Mears spoke to hundreds of Sunday school teachers, pastors, and young seminary students:

She spoke of the totalitarianism that had recently gripped Germany under Hitler and the threat of the spread of communism…. Just as men of special courage had been called upon for difficult assignments during World War II as “expendables,” so she felt that Christian believers should become expendables for Christ. She emphasized the necessity of revival, prayer, and renewed interest in the Scriptures.

Among the people who attended this Teacher’s Conference were Reverend Richard C. Halverson…Louis H. Evans, Jr., the son of the pastor of the church; John L. Frank; and William R. [Bill] Bright, who had become a Christian only a few months earlier. After Miss Mears’ message, these four young men, with several others, asked her if they could meet for prayer in her cabin. Baldwin and Benson, biographers of Henrietta Mears, describe the ensuing prayer meeting:

“As they knelt, they were overcome by a sense of helplessness and inadequacy. They prayed on into the late hours of the night, confessing sin, asking God for guidance, and seeking the reality and power of the Holy Spirit. There was much weeping and crying out to the Lord. At times, no one prayed as God spoke to them.

“Then, the fire fell. However it can be explained, God answered their prayer with a vision. They saw before them the college campuses of the world, teeming with unsaved students, who held in their hands the power to change the world. The college campuses—they were the key to world leadership, to world revival!”

…The following evening, these five people returned to the Presbyterian church at Hollywood to speak at the weekly Wednesday evening prayer meeting of the college department of the church.

“As Miss Mears entered the room, one of those present said to another, ‘I have never known before what it meant in the book of Exodus where it describes Moses’ face shining with the glory of God, but now I see: Look at Teacher’s face!’”(3)

Out of this incredible meeting came forth a vision for the college briefing conferences of the next few years that were held at the Forest Home Conference Center. During the 1947 revival at Forest Home, Bill Bright gave up a secular business to give himself to ministry, later birthing Campus Crusade for Christ. At the 1949 briefing conference, Billy Graham was mightily impacted by the Holy Spirit through the ministry of Dr. J. Edwin Orr and a personal vision God gave him during the same time. Graham then held a great crusade meeting in Los Angeles. Sponsored by Christ for Greater Los Angeles, in cooperation with 1,000 churches of all denominations, the meetings were extended from the three weeks originally planned to eight weeks. The conversions of Stuart Hamblen (a television star), Louis Zampernini (a former Olympic athlete), and “an alleged associate of the notorious racketeer, Mickey Cohen,” drew so much attention from the media that 3,000 seats were added to the tent, making available a total of 9,000 seats. Even then thousands who couldn’t get inside the tent stood outside.

This outpouring of the Holy Spirit also affected movie stars and other Hollywood celebrities. Colleen Townsend, Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Tim Spencer, and Connie Haines were among the many Hollywood stars who were converted. In 1949, a few Hollywood film stars met in the cabin of Henrietta Mears to pray for guidance in touching the lives of their friends in the film industry. Subsequent meetings were also held, each being convened in private homes to avoid publicity. From 1949 to 1951, these gatherings were under the direction of J. Edwin Orr, who served as chaplain.

The first meetings were immediately successful. Miss Mears’ spacious living room was packed with the famous, many scores of whom found the Saviour, and some of whom rejected him.(4)

Cameramen and technicians also became involved in this group, whose talents Billy Graham used to launch his first film crusade.

All this and much more was born out of Hollywood Presbyterian Church as Henrietta Mears, a mother in the faith, dug a well of revival. The flood from this well burst forth and affected the whole world through the wells of crusade evangelism like Billy Graham’s and the campus ministries like Bill Bright’s. Even to this day, First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood continues to have a great influence. Lloyd Ogilvie, a former pastor of the church, is now serving as the U.S. Senate chaplain, following in the footsteps of Richard Halverson, who also served as chaplain of the Senate.

Fifty years later, God was again working in Hollywood. In 1996, one of our prophetic intercessors described an intense dream encounter to me. In the dream, this intercessor saw one of the Ls in the famous “Hollywood” sign on the hills surrounding the city fly out and go to Mount Wilson above Pasadena. The sign then became “Holy Wood,” and Mount Wilson became “the Will of the Son.”

When I heard this dream, I might have been tempted to laugh and say, “That’s what happens when you eat pizza at night before you sleep.” But no, I felt strongly that the dream was profound, a prophetic prayer assignment given by God. The day after I was told this dream, I received a phone call from a prayer mobilizer in Washington, D.C., who told me that Cindy Jacobs had just called him and told him to talk with me. He was to tell me about the prayer mobilization that was going to happen in Hollywood. As this prayer warrior was talking with me on the phone, he suddenly said, “And my son told me this morning that God wants to take the L out of Hollywood and make it Holy Wood.” Here again, with this confirmation, I knew that this was the word of the Lord.

Soon after this phone call, some of our intercessors, having heard the prophetic word, began to do prayer walks in Hollywood. Sonny Roberts led a prayer walk right down one of the major streets of Hollywood. Our intercessors also began to go into the bars to pray. A wonderful sense of encouragement began to come, and months later, there seemed to be a growing sense of prayer.

Jeri Penley and Rick Clark, who led a ministry called Pray Pasadena 2000, had also been laboring under a burden of prayer for Hollywood. Having heard my vision for a 24-hour house of prayer, they began to unite churches to establish a 24-hour house of continuous prayer for Hollywood in Hollywood.

What was happening in Hollywood then was preparing the ground for a great move of the Lord. God was raising up intercession, prayer, and worship to prepare the way for His coming. One of the intercessors associated with John Dawson at the YWAM base in Los Angeles and I spoke for three hours concerning the wave of intercession that God was raising up for Hollywood. Then we prayed and asked, “God, show us the next step. What would You have us do in our prayers for Hollywood?”

That night I preached at Mott Auditorium. After the meeting, a man walked up to me and shared what he had dreamt the night before. In the dream, he saw my wife. She was pregnant, a mother ready to give birth and to nurse the nations. Her mouth was closed and she couldn’t speak because she was so expectant. In the dream, this man told her, “You will nourish many, many children.” Suddenly, as he said this, my wife’s mouth was opened in the dream and she said, “You must pray with Lou in the basement of Hollywood Presbyterian Church.” When this man shared this with me, I knew that the Lord was speaking. He was giving me a prophetic prayer assignment to re-dig the well of the Hollywood Presbyterian Church through intercession. The symbolism in the dream was that my wife represented the fruitful, spiritual motherhood of Henrietta Mears.

Soon after this occasion, I gathered together 30 intercessors. We went to the basement of Hollywood Presbyterian Church, precisely where Henrietta Mears had held her meetings some 50 years before. We prayed that God would reopen this revival well and that Hollywood Presbyterian Church would once again see a great move of the Holy Spirit.

In 1998, God’s call to prophetic intercession had led us literally all around Hollywood to pray. We stood in front of theaters and climbed the hills near the Hollywood sign praying that God would open the Hollywood wells once again. Children and adults alike were hearing God’s call.

In February of that same year, my son Jesse said abruptly, “Dad, the angels are gathering.” “What do you mean, son?” I asked. “I’m reading the book This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti,” Jesse replied, “in which the angels are doing battle in the heavens. I think it’s prophetic for Los Angeles right now.”

I was taken aback by his insight, then thought nothing more of it. The following day, I received a surprising phone call. The man on the phone introduced himself saying, “Hello. I’m Bruce Isacson, the producer of a movie called This Present Darkness.” I could hardly believe the coincidence. Mr. Isacson went on to tell me that his life had been changed at Mott Auditorium, and that he felt like he should call me.

In January, just several weeks prior to all this, an intercessor had encouraged me to meet with a Foursquare pastor whose church is in Azusa, California. She felt that our hearts would connect. However, I had been so busy fasting and interceding that I had put it off. As I talked with Bruce Isacson on the phone, he suddenly said, “I feel like you should meet Rick MacDonald, my brother-in-law. He’s the pastor of the Foursquare church in Azusa, California.” Again I was taken aback. I knew that this had to be a divine appointment.

When I went with my prayer partner Ray Clarke to meet with Rick MacDonald, the spirit of intercession fell on us heavily as Rick shared that his congregation was about to embark on a 21-day fast that would target Hollywood and Azusa. Here was but one more scrap of evidence that God is appointing His intercessors to pray for a Jubilee in Hollywood, and there are others. Tim Storey is leading a major Bible study in Hollywood with packed audiences, and stories of movie stars being awakened continue to reach us. Members of the Hollywood Presbyterian Actors Guild have been praying for an outpouring of God’s Spirit, with some having participated in a 40-day fast for the city. They are well diggers.

The redemptive gift of Hollywood for the world is communication. The “City of Angels” was destined by God to be a messenger city. But the devil has done much to pervert this gift. Movies and other media filled with filth have flowed from the city to pollute the world, but the time has come for the reclaiming of Hollywood’s apostolic gift. And it is beginning! Christian songs are penetrating major movie productions. Stories are circulating of star conversions. Christian themes are slowly infiltrating top-rated television programs. Movie titles and storylines even prophesy God’s soon-coming power.

The devil would say that we cannot approach his citadel of Hollywood. I disagree. The promise given to us through our father Abraham is that we will possess the gates of our enemies. Satan no longer has any safe place that he can use as a stronghold. San Francisco, Hollywood, and Los Angeles can once again be recaptured for the Lord as the Church mobilizes in massive intercession, fasting, and prayer.

The story of Hollywood’s revival well and the re-digging that is continuing on is but one story of what God is doing, and is wanting to do, in cities across our land and around the world. He is raising up houses of prayer for day and night worship and intercession. He wants to start such a house in your city and in your neighborhood. Why? God remembers Henrietta Mears, Billy Graham, and Bill Bright. He remembers the spiritual fathers and mothers who dug a well of revival in your city. He is moved by their devotion and sacrifice and is preparing to send fire once again on their offerings. He wants to release His Holy Spirit as He did in 1948 and 1949, pouring forth the anointing of great evangelists like Billy Graham and Bill Bright.

We are called to be gatekeepers, people who close the door on the demonic and open the door to the Holy Spirit. Each person, congregation, and denomination has received a gift, a territory, and a promise. In our day, we must move to reclaim them.

Several years back, after much repentance for the sins committed there, a group of intercessors drove stakes filled with scriptural promises into the ground in Hollywood at various strategic sites, believing that the Lord is again going to powerfully visit this vast, influential industry.

What touches your heart—or to what industry, vocation, or institution can you lay claim? If we are passive about laying claim to our land of inheritance, the enemy will run rampant. But if we claim just one part of our territory and say, “Lord, that’s Yours,” we may provide a beachhead from which the Lord can launch revival. Start somewhere. When the Lord gives you a prophetic action to take, be obedient and do it in faith, fully expecting Him to respond. Give yourself to seasons of consecrated prayer and fasting, focusing on whatever target the Lord gives. Join with other Christians and pray with unity for your community. As we obey God in these things, the Church can be a powerful demonstration of His love for our families, our communities, our nations, and our world, and of His power to dislodge the principalities of evil that freely spread their influence in our land.

Father God, we ask in the name of Jesus for an outpouring of grace, mercy, and fire. Send Your Holy Spirit to cleanse us, break us, and humble us so that true spiritual revival can come to and cover our cities, causing a turning back to God. We ask that the destiny of Hollywood, Los Angeles, and cities across our land and around the world not be aborted. Visit us, filling our homes, our churches, and our communities with Your glory. Do not pass us by.

We ask for a restoration of the foundations of righteousness for Los Angeles and every other city You have visited in the past. By submission to You, Holy Father, and by faith in Your great love and power, we resist the devil and his works and give notice to all forces and powers of evil that have taken hold of our communities. We oppose the spirit of wickedness and all other demonic spirits that have established strongholds in our cities. We call on the name of Jesus to reveal and destroy all these spiritual strongholds—the dark places, the hidden works of darkness, the mystery sites where the enemy has set up his encampments—and we proclaim this day that the city of Los Angeles (insert name of your city or neighborhood) is now under the power and ownership of the Holy Spirit. All other spirits are hereby given notice and evicted from this property by the power of the name of Jesus. Today we stand in the gap, obedient in prayer and prophetic action, and build a hedge of protection around this city. Amen.


1. Star News, Pasadena, California.

2. “Pasadena Focus.”

3. Richard Riss, A Survey of 20thCentury Revival Movements in North America (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1988), 126. Baldwin and Benson quote taken from Henrietta Mears and How She Did It! (Glendale, CA: Gospel Light Publications, 1966), 232.

4. Riss, A Survey, 128-130,142-143. Quote from Baldwin and Benson, Henrietta Mears, 250.

Lou Engle

Lou Engle is an intercessor for revival, and the visionary co-founder of TheCall, a prayer and fasting movement responsible for gathering hundreds of thousands around the globe.


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