An Outpouring Of Pentecostal Fire Has Been Released… And It’s Unstoppable!


Back in March, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said, “Tell My people I am reintroducing My Church to Pentecostal Fire.” This was not merely a charge to host a conference, write a book, or create some kind of brand; this was a mandate.

Fast forward to this volatile moment in history. Covid-19 still rages, continuing to release a spirit of fear across the nations. Afghanistan is in shambles and the Christian community has become a clear target of terrorism. On a daily basis, we are bombarded with news headlines that have the potential to discourage and, if we allow them to, depress. What’s the solution?

Again, the Spirit spoke to me and said, “In the crucible of crisis, you need people who pray Pentecostal prayers.”

We Need a Pentecostal People for the Days Ahead

“Pentecostal” is not a denomination. It’s not a preference or style of church. It’s not optional, like we should be able to pick or choose whether we are Pentecostal or not. You can be Methodist and be Pentecostal. You can be Presbyterian and be Pentecostal. You can be Baptist and be Pentecostal. The first church was Pentecostal, as that community was birthed out of the fires of Holy Spirit outpouring. And I am convinced Jesus is coming back for a Pentecostal people. The end-time church, to pray effectively and actually see measurable Kingdom results in the Earth, must be utterly dependent on the power and fire of the Holy Spirit.

At our Pentecostal Fire prayer convocation, we experienced a powerful visitation of the Holy Spirit that ruined us for anything less than His glory, His presence, His power and His fire. Jessica Schlueter and the Fresh Start Church worship team are not playing when it comes to praise. Between explosive high praise and powerful, Jesus-centered worship, we were saturated in the presence of God from the outset. Robert Henderson opened things up by teaching on what needs to be dealt with in the spirit realm to open the doors for revival. God desires revival; Holy Spirit outpouring is available now. But there are legalities in the spirit that need to be dealt with to see the full extent of outpouring released.

We had a wonderful time of Revival Testimony, with Ben and Jodie Hughes, and Jessi and Parker Green sharing about the move of God sweeping the fields of America, from the Red River Meeting House of Kentucky, to a tent meeting in Locust, North Carolina, the fire of God is burning brightly in the midst of national chaos.

A Convergence of Two Awakenings

This confirmed a prophetic word the Lord gave me right before the Pentecostal Fire gathering began. I sensed the Spirit of the Lord saying that we were stepping into a day of revival convergence, and that we needed to equally honor both expressions of revival - in the church pulpit and in the field, in the pew and in the dirt. The first Great Awakening was primarily (not exclusively) a church awakening, and perhaps most notably, we hear of the thunder of God breaking out in Northampton Massachusetts, as Jonathan Edwards preached and the people were overcome by the Spirit and conviction. The second Great Awakening was primarily a field revival. We saw the emergence of the outdoor “Camp Meeting” at the Cane Ridge meetings in Kentucky, where the raw power of God broke out in a field of thousands… and the people were instructed to hold on to the trees, unless the sheer weight of God’s power hit them and blew them down. We are seeing fire on the pew and fire on the plains in the days ahead. And those were the encouraging testimonies we heard from the Hughes and the Greens.

Further illustrating the church revival is what the Lord has been doing through Pastor Todd Smith and the community at Christ Fellowship in Dawsonville, GA. For three years at their church, as people have been water baptized, the electric power of God has touched them and they have innumerable testimonies of incurable diseases healed, marriages restored, scars disappearing, and transformational Holy Spirit encounters.

A Standard is Being Raised

There were so many hallmark moments over the course of the two-day conference. Cindy Jacobs (who actually prophesied the Fresh Start Revival back in 2009) shared powerful prophetic words over many, including Paul and Kim Owens, and their daughter, Jessica Schlueter. We had an amazing, wisdom-filled revival panel where pastors and leaders shared insights on how to steward and sustain a move of God. We prayed for the nations, territories and movements.

But everything culminated Saturday evening, as Jeremiah Johnson shared about the price for the fire of God: the altar and the threshing floor. Next, Karen Wheaton, preached an invitation to encounter the fire by the model of Moses - being a people who cry out: Please, show us Your glory! Each phrase Karen shared was saturated in the Spirit, as it was obvious she was ministering out of her own personal desperation for the glory of God. Something shifted and following Karen Wheaton, Kim Owens came up and simply led the gathering onto the altar and ultimately, into the fire.

The only thing that will make the church relevant in the days ahead is the supernatural power and fire of the Holy Spirit. Anything less is a cheap religious knock-off that has no weight or right to speak into the crisis facing humanity.

We invite you… if you have not watched the Pentecostal Fire gathering, join in! May the Spirit of the Lord ignite you with a hunger for nothing less than His glory, His presence and His fire.

Larry Sparks

Larry Sparks is passionate about helping all Christ-followers experience the “more” of God—a dynamic relationship with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Through his teaching ministry, Charisma Magazine articles, media resources, and books, Larry provides tools that show Christians—individually and collectively—how to position themselves for revival. Larry holds a Master of Divinity from Regent University, serves as publisher for Destiny Image publishing house and is author of Breakthrough Faith: Living a Life Where Anything is Possible.


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