Prophetic Word: Church, Return to the Upper Room!
There is a weighty call from the Lord into the upper room in this new era.
We cannot, as God’s people, move into a season of acceleration of His Spirit upon the earth and in the Church if we are not living from the upper room. Recently I heard the Lord say, “Come into the upper room; My fire is falling for the new frontiers and unchartered territories.”
There is a fresh impartation of faith and boldness that is coming to the upper room from the Lord to go and do that which He has called us to do. It is a fresh impartation to move into places we have never moved in before; it is a fresh boldness to speak and preach the Gospel with boldness. It is the place where fear loses it legs and you are totally overcome and immersed in the boldness that comes from knowing Him. And that’s the key—knowing Him and the power of His Spirit.
Whenever I think of the “upper room” I think of the place of encounter and empowerment. As I have sat with the Lord pondering the invitation into the upper room in this new era, those two words are key—encounter and empowerment. The verse resounding loudly in my spirit is Acts 4:31:
And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness (ESV).
This is the hour of His power. This is the era of being reintroduced to the power of God. This is the era of the days of acts and beyond.
His words surrounded me: “It’s the era of mighty acts, the era of My outstretched arm!”
With his mighty power he brought them out! His tender love for us continues on forever! (Psalm 136:12 TPT)
And the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with great deeds of terror, with signs and wonders (Deuteronomy 26:8 ESV).
The fresh encounters with Jesus, the fresh impartation of faith and empowerment of the Holy Spirit are happening in the upper room as His people wait on Him. The Lord showed me many will be dazzled by the season of opportunity and pursue “fame for their name” and put their hands to “much” for the Lord, but the breath of God will not be upon their works.
The Lord showed me that those who are lingering in the upper room in this new era will carry the breath of God that will bring signs, wonders, and miracles never seen before.
The shaking of Acts 4:31 is beginning to rumble. It is the fresh commissioning for the new frontier. It is the place of the greatest empowerment of the Spirit that has never been walked in before. It is the place of receiving a supernatural boldness that has never before been carried to go, build, say, and obey all the Lord is commanding. The invitation into the upper room is resounding louder than ever for this new apostolic age. Don’t get so caught up in this era of opportunity and acceleration that you miss Him, because He is coming, ready or not.
This deep place of encounter awaiting us in this new era is where there is a fresh commissioning taking place for the new assignments that the Lord has for us, and it is taking place in the upper room. This invitation is to leave behind the noise and distractions and to come into the place of prayer, communion, and lingering with Him. The fire of God is falling, and the Spirit of God is going to continue to fall in such power. It will cause everything that can be shaken to be shaken.
Mighty deliverances are going to take place in the upper room. There will be sudden deliverances, sudden healing, sudden alignment, sudden shift of vision, and supernatural alignment that is going to take place.
“In order for My people to move into the new frontiers they must be in the upper room to receive the fresh fire.”
When the Lord spoke “fresh fire,” I felt everything shake in the spirit. There is fresh fire the Lord is releasing upon His people who come into the upper room of prayer and wait upon Him, and it is going to be fresh fire for the pioneering that is before them. A fresh impartation of boldness, passion, and hunger to know Him deeper than ever is found in the upper room.
Answer the Call to the Upper Room
The urgency to answer the call to the upper room gripped me. I felt the longing heart of the Lord so strongly. Where you are going, where we are going, we have never been before. Where the Lord is sending His people in this new apostolic age, the age of the Kingdom, we haven’t been before. I heard the Lord say, “You cannot go as you are.” The journey ahead requires a fresh baptism of His fire. It requires a fresh impartation of faith. It requires the place of fresh encounters with the Lord. It’s the place of stepping completely and totally into the new to move into where He is going. It’s a complete shedding and shaking off of the old.
The encounters with Jesus in the upper room are going to be revolutionary. It is the place where the Lord is going to download His wisdom and teach His people His ways and give them understanding of His ways on a scale we haven’t encountered before (see Ps. 119:23-24).
In this encounter I saw the new frontier ahead, the unchartered territories, and there was a keyhole to be passed through to enter into these new frontiers. I asked the Lord what the key is, and I heard the Lord say: “It’s the upper room.”
Everything that is needed will flow in and from the upper room. In this season of unprecedented acceleration, pioneering and extending and building the Kingdom of God with Him, it requires much prayer and fasting and waiting/lingering with the Lord.
It is the season to run, but it is the season to run with the Lord from the upper room. There is a weighty empowerment coming. The fire of God is going to come in such a powerful way, bringing a refining, a strengthening, a purging and a purifying to run in holiness and truth. The fire of His presence is going to fall in this new era in such a way that the burning ones are going to be sent forth into the earth carrying His wisdom and revelation for the new era, to release the fire of His presence and His power, ushering in the greatest demonstration of His power and revelation of His Glory that the Church has ever seen.
It is the fiery, burning heart of the love of God that is going to brand His people who meet Him in the upper room afresh. God wants everyone in His Church to be part of this glorious move of His Spirit. The Lord is inviting all to come and to meet with Him to feast with Him, to commune with Him, but it is those who will answer His invitation who will run with Him into the new thing that He is doing (see Isa. 43:19). For this era is an era of the line in the sand. It’s the place where you are either all in or you aren’t. This is the era when adoration and devotion will be revealed. This is the era when the mighty acceleration will reveal the greatest adoration and devotion of the heart. This is the era when there will be a great exposing of what is in the heart.
“This is the era when there will be a great exposing of what is in the heart.”
Does God reveal what is in the heart to condemn? Absolutely not! It’s out of His love that He reveals what is in the heart, and this call into the upper room like never before is going to reveal what is in the heart. It is going to expose other loves, idols, and areas of devotion before the Lord. To carry what the Lord is releasing in this new era is going to cost something. It is going to look different, and it is going to cause a pruning of what was and an entering into what is. When the Lord releases a weighty invitation and there’s a battle of the heart, it’s the decisions that are made in those places that matter.
Is the invitation into the upper room of prayer and waiting on Him available to all? Yes! But what do we do with that invitation? Where do we allow our devotion and adoration to fall in this new era? It’s time to let go of any other loves and idols and come into the upper room and wait on Him. It’s time for the returning to the first love (see Rev. 2:4).
“Look into My Eyes and See the Age Ahead”
As this encounter continued, I saw Jesus standing before me, and His eyes were like flames of fire. He spoke: “Look into My eyes and see the age ahead.”
His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself (Revelation 19:12 ESV).
The words began to come out of my mouth: “There are encounters with His eyes in the upper room. There are encounters with His eyes in the upper room.” I began to weep as I saw Him. The whole room was full of the bright shining light of His Glory and the revelation of Jesus Christ opening up and exploding in the upper room. The Lord spoke again:
“The revelation of My glory and the revealing of who I am in this new apostolic age is going to mark My people and transform My people. It is the great undoing. It’s the reformation in the revealing of who I am. In the upper room you will be marked by love! You will be marked by the fire of My love again!”
I see upper rooms all over the earth filled with people on their faces crying out, weeping, undone, groaning at the revelation of Jesus. Undone by the weight of His glory and power. He spoke again:
“In the revealing of who I am is the invitation to see Me and look into My eyes and see the age ahead and to walk in My wisdom and My ways. Out of the encounters with Me in the upper room will come the greatest divine innovations of the new era! In the encounters with Me in the upper room My people will have ears for the new era.”
It’s in looking straight into the face of Jesus, in these encounters with the Lord in the upper room, that the revealing of who He is in greater ways will explode. I see the upper rooms being filled with His glory and light exploding out of the windows. I see supernatural manifestations of His light being seen through windows in the natural and people being drawn to see this light exploding from physical buildings and rooms. I see them being drawn in and coming to know Jesus. It will happen in houses, in churches, in buildings. His glory and light will be physically seen.
It is in the upper room, encountering Jesus and looking in His eyes, that the revelation of this apostolic age will come. The revelation of this Kingdom age will come by looking into the face of Jesus. Looking into His eyes. Feasting on the Word, as He is the Word.
As I looked closer in His eyes, I could see flames of fire and I could see pathways and blueprint strategies. In His eyes I could see wisdom. In His eyes I could see His ways. In His eyes I could see glimpses of what was to come in this Kingdom age. He spoke again:
“If My people will just stop, linger, seek, and pray in this new era and set aside distraction, they will see what is to come in Me in greater ways. Leave behind your mind of what you think it should be like; just be with Me and you will see. Be with Me and you will see and rise up as the eagle. The commissioning of the eagles will take place from the upper room.”
Those words shook me deeply. The commissioning of the eagles will take place from the upper room. He will send out the eagles from the upper room filled with fire, marked by the revelation of Jesus, with eyes that see with prophetic vision and clarity for this new era we have entered.
I then looked at the eyes of the eagles, and their eyes blazed with heavenly sight. In the upper room, in looking in the eyes of Jesus, the One whose eyes were like flames of fire, they had received such an upgrade of sight in the spirit, they were being sent forth with a heavenly insight and hindsight for this new era. I heard Him speak again:
“These eagles will be sent forth to uncover and reveal My truth.”
These eagles were being sent forth with eyes of Daniel 2:22:
He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him (ESV).
These eagles were going forth with such wisdom, discernment, and divine insight and hindsight. They were going forth to uncover that which is darkness and to reveal truth—His truth. To bring forth the establishment of truth, heavenly truth, in this new era. They were going forth with prophetic insight and hindsight to bring alignment and to herald the truth of God’s Word. This apostolic company that will arise on the earth has their eyes locked with His eyes. They have eyes that look not to the left or to the right; they have their eyes firmly fixed upon Jesus. They have not given their hearts of love and affection to another.
The Watchman Anointing Will Increase from the Upper Room
From the upper room, the watchman anointing is going to increase more than ever. The heralding of the watchman is going to get louder in this hour in prayer, intercession, and proclamation to bring the body of Christ into a greater position of victory and movement from defense to offense.
Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me (Ezekiel 3:17).
As I continued to seek the Lord, I saw the words before my eyes: “upper room—upper realm.” The sense surrounded me strongly of the bursting forth of the miraculous unlike anything we have ever seen before. The bursting forth of the supernatural into the natural like never before. Unusual signs, wonders, and miracles. The Church walking in greater authority, power, and boldness and living above their natural circumstances and walking on the Word of God. Acts 9:39-40 says:
Peter rose and went with them. And when he arrived, they took him to the upper room. All the widows stood beside him weeping and showing tunics and other garments that Dorcas made while she was with them. But Peter put them all outside and knelt down and prayed; and turning to the body he said, “Tabitha, arise.” And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter she sat up (ESV).
As we encounter Him in the upper room (see Acts 4:31), we will be empowered by Him to move in the power of the Spirit like never before. We will walk in resurrection power, in boldness, in the authority of Christ to see natural means bow to the name of Jesus Christ.
What I find interesting in verses 39-40 is the widows who stood beside Peter weeping. What were they doing? They were showing him tunics and other garments that Dorcas made while she was with them. Instantly, when I read that verse, the Lord says to me, “They had not eyes to see. They had not the eyes of faith.”
Gosh, did that hit me. Keep reading. It doesn’t say, “Peter gave them a hug and told them everything would be okay.” It says, “Peter put them all outside, and knelt down and prayed.” The New International Version says it this way: “Peter sent them all out of the room; then he got down on his knees and prayed.”
I believe that there is a very strong warning and encouragement from the Lord for this new era in this verse. The Lord is encouraging us as we live from the upper room and move into these realms of signs, wonders, and miracles that we are on a scale that we have never seen before. We have to “put out” and “do away with” anything that is contrary to the Word of God and the will of God. We have to be in the place of faith like never before, and that place of faith comes from lingering in the upper room with Him, waiting on Him, knowing Him, meditating on His Word. We see Him in His glory, the continual unravelling revelation of Jesus; we are changed and taken into a new realm of faith. In this place of living in the revelation of who Jesus is, the shackles to living in deeper realms of faith will fall away.
I also felt the weight of the Lord upon this passage to have “eyes to see.” The widows’ focus was upon their grief of Dorcas’ death. Were the widows believers? We aren’t told that specifically. It seems they were, but what we are told is that their focus was upon tunics, clothes, and robes and their grief at Dorcas’ passing.
This era is about walking in bold faith. This theme continues and will continue to run through all of this book. Why? Because the Lord’s heart is for us to walk in authority and victory like never before and take Him at His Word.
So in these “upper room” encounters in this new era, the fresh fire and impartation of the Lord will come upon you to walk in bold faith, to walk in the miraculous and see His power explode in and through your life in ways you have not thought, imagined, or dreamed (see 1 Cor. 2:9; Eph. 3:20). It comes with the invitation and exhortation from the Lord that your eyes must be fixed on Jesus’ eyes.
In this encounter, the Lord spoke, “Look into My eyes and see the age ahead.” So in these “upper room” encounters with the Lord you are going to see through the eyes of faith (see 2 Cor. 5:17), and you will see the divine strategy, blueprints, answers, innovations, wisdom, and insight of what the Lord is going to do in this new era so you can partner with it.
One of the greatest battles in this new era will be over the eyes—when things happen in the natural that are dark, tragic, and difficult. When you are standing in faith and moving in the Word of the Lord and other people show you things in the natural that are not in line with what God is about to do.
If I could sum up this article in a few words, do you know what I would say? I would say, “Run into the upper room. Not just once. Continually. Keep your gaze on Him and His eyes. Be positioned, whatever it takes, to meet with Him. Let your top priority be to know Jesus and be hungry to know Him. Don’t move from the place of lingering before Him. Those who linger, He will entrust the secrets of His heart.”
Throw Off Distraction
I want to encourage you to get fierce with distractions in this new era because the enemy will continue to do all he can to distract you from the upper room and from living in the place of bold faith. I look at the story of Peter and Dorcas and I think, “The widows were a distraction.” Were they intentionally trying to distract? Of course not! Could you imagine Peter trying to pray for Dorcas to be raised from the dead with the widows in the room? How distracting. Do not tolerate distraction in this new era.
I want to encourage you with this as well. The Lord spoke to me about the power of His Spirit that will flow through those who linger in the upper room and move in radical faith in this new era. It will cause others to be awakened in their faith.
Peter sent them all out of the room; then he got down on his knees and prayed. Turning toward the dead woman, he said, “Tabitha, get up.” She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up. He took her by the hand and helped her to her feet. Then he called for the believers, especially the widows, and presented her to them alive. This became known all over Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord (Acts 9:40-42 NIV).
The demonstration of the Lord’s power through your life as you walk by faith and not by sight in this new era, as your eyes are fixed to His eyes and you walk by His gaze, will cause a revival and awakening in others around you. The testimonies of the power of God that you will have in this new era, you cannot even imagine or fathom yet. The realm of “nothing is impossible for those who believe” that you will walk in will be unprecedented (see Mark 9:23).
To live in the upper room and from the upper room is upon us now. Greater than what was seen in the book of Acts. Above and beyond. Glory to glory. This incredible, history-changing, earth-shaking move of the Spirit of God and demonstration of His power and unveiling of Jesus is available and accessible to all His children, but it will be walked in by those who live in the upper room, those who linger with Him and are truly friends of God.