The Door To Revival Is Waiting


Over these years of sustained revival we have encountered countless people who’ve told us how hungry they are and how long they have searched for a church of revival.

We have had people move from other states to Arizona for the sole purpose of planting their family in a revival church. When other pastors and leaders are searching for the next popular sermon series to run at just the right time of year, the people are yearning for a fresh word of the Lord carved out in the secret place of His presence.

These seekers long for pastors and leaders who have calloused knees and tear-stained floors. The craving in the heart of these people is for a church of substance and authenticity in the spirit. They are weary of entertainment and hunger for an encounter.  They long for an atmosphere sensitive to the Spirit that releases the essence of the Throne Room.  These hungry people yearn to see spiritual leaders who will stand boldly and cry loud and spare not; spiritual leaders who will sound the alarm for awakening in their cities and not just build an edifice to themselves.

On the other hand, there are desperate pastors and spiritual leaders who intensely desire a group of people who will contend along side of them for revival and awakening. These pastors are battle-weary, yet resolute in their desire for revival. They are looking for an army of hungry hearts who will be mantled as a revivalist for their regions. These pastors are tired of having to entertain, beg and plead for people to commit and even just come to church. They are weary of the Jezebel and the Absalom who’ve stolen peace and people from them. The longing of their heart is to fulfill the call of God on their lives and wear the mantle well. But they need hungry hearts to respond.

These two must find each other, the depleted parishioners and pastors.  And when they do, revival is on.

There are many doors that can be kept, but only the door of revival will bring the presence and power of God that result in transformation. It has been my observation that so many other doors are chosen while the one door that will unlock the DNA of heaven gets passed up. The door of revival is waiting for doorkeepers in all cities and regions so the presence and power of God can transform a nation.

I am a doorkeeper of revival. I pray you will be, too.

Kim Owens

Pastor Kim Owens, along with her husband Paul, are senior pastors of Fresh Start Church in Peoria, Arizona, a multi-generational, multi-cultural church where the Spirit of Revival is alive, the Truth of God’s Word is being proclaimed boldly, and lives are being transformed through the manifested Presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


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