Manifest Glory: Soaking in His Atmosphere

Let me tell you about an important element to access the glory realm—atmosphere. Many of us are familiar with humbling ourselves with prayer and fasting. I touch on these topics more deeply in my book, Stories from the Glory. We must always be mindful that we are coming before a Holy God. We can come boldly into the throne room, but that boldness must carry an attitude of humility and holiness.

We are to strip away the lusts of the flesh to a point where the things of the physical world are put to death. Then our spirit can hear and respond to the movements of God. When we do this, we will be at a place of peace. As we allow the Father to touch our heart, we will respond in ways that touch His.

When I was first launched a few years ago, I was launched in the glory. When I went on Sid Roth and TBN and began doing the ministry God gave me, I was speaking from the glory, because that’s where I came from when I died. So when I came back, I didn’t know anything else after it.

Before that, I used to operate in the anointing and the gifting and things like that. But afterward, I talked to someone who is a father to me. I have several fathers. I asked, “Can you tell me what’s going on here, because when I start speaking, I feel like the courts of Heaven come to where I’m at? I don’t go to the courts of Heaven. They come to me.” The father said, “Well, that’s because you’re speaking from the glory.” The man knew Sister Ruth Heflin. He said, “What you’re doing, Kevin, is you are speaking from the glory. You’ve never left. When you came back, you never left the cloud, so it comes with you.”

He spent a long time explaining it to me. He understood that there were different areas of the temple. The Old Testament talks about these different areas. There was the outer court, the inner court, and the Holy of Holies. The Holy of Holies is the glory. The glory is the place where we enter into the Holy of Holies, and where our Lord is seated on the mercy seat. The atmosphere there is very different than the one we live in, here in the world.

When you enter into the glory, you are in the cloud. When you speak from the glory, it comes with you. It comes when you draw near. The glory, the way of the Lord, is a higher place. Once you enter in, you aren’t going to ever want to leave. You will watch over it carefully. You become a protector of the glass. You hide yourself in God and protect what you have. It becomes part of your heart.

When the glory comes, you will sense the winds of the Lord blowing around you. Reach in and take hold. Let God do what He wants to do. Examine yourself to see if you are in faith. We need to have faith in order to please God.

It says that we have to first believe that God exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). We need to be sober-minded and discerning. When we discern that God is moving and where, we need to step into that place and move with Him.

We are to move with God. Do you remember that Jesus said that we are to “occupy”? We are to occupy the things that He has called us to do. We aren’t supposed to just occupy physical space and sing songs. We are supposed to change the very atmosphere wherever we walk, but we are to do this with humility and holiness.

Kevin Zadai

Kevin Zadai, ThD is dedicated to training Christians to live and operate in two realms at once—the supernatural and the natural. Called to ministry at age 10, he attended Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri where he received a bachelor degree in theology. Later, Kevin received training in Missions at Rhema Bible College. At age 31, during a routine surgery, he found himself on the ‘other side of the veil’ with Jesus in a heavenly visitation that forever marked his life. This encounter ushered his ministry into new dimensions of power, activation and impartation. Kevin is retired after being employed by Southwest Airlines for 29 years; he and his wife, Kathi, reside in New Orleans, Louisiana and are ordained by Dr. Jesse and Dr. Cathy Duplantis.


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