Jesus Told Me There’s No More Limits


And raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. – Ephesians 2:6-7

There is a council that meets in Heaven that decides the things of the kingdom of God before they ever happen.

That truth that has been established in Heaven then needs to be implemented in this realm. On this earth, we need people who know how to walk with God and implement God’s will as ambassadors for Heaven. There are many different ways that this can be done. We can do it through prayer, we can do it through speaking, and we can do it through actions. There are so many different ways to implement the kingdom and God’s desires into this realm. The greatest thing about God is that He has a big heart, and He has an intention for humanity that goes beyond description.

I have never been able to express what I saw in Heaven fully. The Word of God is there in front of you, but there is so much more that you have to understand and speak and pray out. Heaven is so big, and God’s heart is so big. God loves you so much, but a lot of times His intentions toward you are not known, and therefore they cannot be implemented. Not many believers have fully realized what God has for them. What God has for you is so much more than you could ever think or ask. If you, as one person, could grasp the fullness of what God has for you, it would change history, and everyone would know who you were.

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.—2 Corinthians 12:9-10

The Lord Jesus has asked me not to focus on people’s weaknesses but to focus on their strengths. You must let God come into your weaknesses and strengthen you so that you can be an overcomer in this life. When you receive overcoming power and you overcome, you are also going to be overcome. Understand that God’s perception of things is a lot higher than ours, and His ways are higher. The key down here is not to see God working but to be part of it. We are not supposed to be spectators, but we are supposed to be participators. We are supposed to know His ways, which means that we are implementers.

Jesus Himself told me that the limitations had been taken off my life. Now there are obvious limitations of life here on earth, such as living in an earthly body that will one day die. If you are born again, your spirit has been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. Your soul, which is your mind, will, and emotions, is being transformed and renewed daily by the power of the Word of God, which frames our mindset. Other than these, Jesus told me that the limitations have been taken off.

When Jesus was raised up, He raised us up with Him. I saw all of this when I was in Heaven, and I saw that it takes participation. This raising up is God’s intention for us, and it is part of His ways. It is not something that we are just spectators of, for we must participate in the raising up of ourselves into the heavenly realms. You must see God working in your life every day, and you should be aware of God’s angels working in your life to help you to implement those things.

The Pharisees were part of a system that God instituted in the desert with Moses. However, the Pharisees became a religious system that was not faithful to help God’s people. They put yokes on the people instead of taking them off and brought the people into bondage. The law was in place to curb sin and discourage people from doing the wrong thing and encourage them to do the right thing.

Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God.—Deuteronomy 28:1-2

But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you.—Deuteronomy 28:15

Here in Deuteronomy, God gave Moses a two-item menu for the people to choose from for how they wanted to live. God said that they could choose to be blessed, or they could choose to be cursed. They could be above or beneath. They could loan to many, or they could borrow. They could prosper, or they could be poor. God even said, “except when there may be no poor among you; for the Lord will greatly bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you to possess as an inheritance” (Deut. 15:4). God is against poverty for His people. God is also against sickness because “He sent His word and healed them” (Ps. 107:20). God said, “I will take sickness away from the midst of you” (Exod. 23:25). God gave us a choice. Do you want to be sick or well? Poor or rich?

Most people cannot handle wealth, which is why it evades them because it is where their focus is. Jesus said first seek God’s face and His kingdom, and all of these other things will be added to you (see Matt. 6:33). The Word says that if you leave your family and houses and lands for His name’s sake, you will receive in this life a hundredfold and inherit eternal life (see Matt. 19:29). Remember that with it come persecutions.

God set up the law to expose our inability to keep it. The Pharisees kept people captive so that they would have return customers. That is what satan does, and you can tell everything that he is involved in because you will never get a resolution on it. You keep going back for more advice, but you never get well. The whole system is set up in a corrupt way to keep you in a small place so that you keep coming back for more. But Jesus came to set you free—permanently free.

Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.—John 8:36

God has set people in the church today who are now supposed to be guardians of the body of Christ. As a believer, you are supposed to be submitted to apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists. These five-fold ministers are responsible and accountable for the body of Christ. They are to bring resolution, and they are not here to keep you captive. They are not here to keep you needing another word, another book, or another DVD series.

You must come to a place where what Jesus said comes to pass, and that is God’s way. God’s ways lead you into freedom, and you should not need the things you previously needed anymore. The reason addictions happen is that we have not discerned what Christ has done for us. We have not been seated with Him in heavenly places even though we are.

Many Christians have been taught to focus on their problems and their needs. They have been told to give money to get money instead of learning how to receive from God. I give to God because I want to, and I know that it is for my benefit that I give. God does not need my money; He needs my fellowship and my time, and I give God my time, which is worth more than my money.

If I sow into healing, I can reap healing. I have to sow into healing, and I do not do that by giving money for my healing. You do not have to pay money to have that done. You cannot get into these kinds of things because it is where you will become bound again. You do not need to give any money to get healed, get a word, or sit in the front row. You can see how easily these kinds of things can become corrupt. If the guardians, the five-fold ministries, become corrupt, then what happens is the people get robbed. The people fall short because the system becomes corrupt, and it never brings resolution. I pray that you will have resolution and that you will not need me, but you have to rise up and be seated with Christ.

The Pharisees would never have had this kind of doctrine being taught in the synagogues because they would have no longer been needed. You no longer have to go to the priest or the pope to confess your sins because you can go to the one Mediator between God and man, which is Jesus Christ (see 1 Tim. 2:5). Once you realize that there is no other in-between besides Jesus, then the corrupt system is no longer needed. That corrupt system will get very angry, and that is what happened to Jesus.

To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.—Revelation 3:21

Jesus died on the cross and went down into the heart of the earth and was raised to life. He then went and sat at the right hand of God in the heavenly places (see Matt. 12:40; Eph. 1:20). Jesus took you and I with Him so that now it is a local call to the throne because you are seated with Him in the heavenly places. When I was in Heaven, I got to sit on the throne mentioned in the Book of Revelation (see Rev. 3:21). Jesus said that if you overcome and are victorious, you will sit with Him and the Father on His throne, and that is the truth.

All the angels cannot figure out why God looks at us and favors us. We have been placed higher than the angels, but it is not apparent now because of the fall. The angels have an advantage over us because we do not see into all the realms as they do. We can only see one-sixth of light, and our hearing is not as acute as before the fall. There are realms that are not open to us like they used to be before man fell. We have to become spiritually active through the born-again experience to tap into what is around us in the other five-sixths of the spectrum of light. It is about so much more than being able to appreciate the rainbow’s beautiful colors. Some spectrums expose other realms that are hidden from our eyes.

Have you ever noticed that you can see movement around you out of the corner of your eye? You can see things, and it has to do with how light bends and how your eye is made. There are times that if you look straight ahead, you will see movement on either side of you. Those are God’s angels and, hopefully, no demons. The spirit realm is wide open to us through Jesus Christ, and we only need to go to Him and be seated with Him.

You need to have an edge about you, a command about you, an authority knowing that mountains have to move if you tell them to move. You must be a “seated with Him in heavenly places” kind of Christian. The problem is that our world is so small because we have not allowed God to take the limitations off of us in our perceptions. They have already been taken off spiritually, but many of us go through life and never know this.

I realize the gift I have been given of getting to see this from the other side in Heaven and then being sent back. I want to tell you that all my years of study and all the degrees I have on my wall mean nothing to me now. They cannot compare to the one glimpse I saw of how vast God’s kingdom is and how powerful it is. To see how loving and kind Jesus is and that He has nothing in Him to in any way hurt you, and that through His love He bought you at a price. Jesus has given us this age of grace that we are in right now to love people and try to help them.

When people go their own way, then judgment comes. If someone has not accepted Christ, they are not redeemed, and they are not walking in Jesus. They cannot walk in the blessings of God, and evil spirits can touch them. Then satan can take them over and do what he wants with them. If you are born again, satan cannot take you over because you are a child of God. The devil then tries to get you to hand parts of yourself over to him. You have authority over your body, mind, will, and emotions, and you have to give that authority to satan yourself.

You give that authority to satan when you give yourself over to alcohol, or adultery, or pornography, or any kind of evil thing that takes you away from God. All of satan’s evil spirits are instructed to get people hooked on things to gain access to those human beings. It is not easy to get people possessed because of the light that is in this country. The United States was dedicated to God at one point, and now God wants His country back.

I saw that demons were instructed to get people hooked on something other than God to make it very hard for people to be impassioned for God. The last thing satan wants is Christians getting together singing and dancing and praying in tongues. It is okay to dance and shout and raise your hands at a ballgame, and that is why they moved professional sports from Saturday to Sunday. I saw that satan and his demons are trying to make it so that you are dumbed down and hooked on something other than God.

You do not go to hell because you smoke or have other bad habits. You go to hell because you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, or you have but you rejected Him. As a Christian, you can get to the place where a demon can get in and convince you that you do not need Jesus Christ anymore, and that is the unpardonable sin.

When you tell Jesus that you do not want Him anymore, that is how your conscience becomes seared. If you have said something like that from a place of hurt and still have a conscience about it, you have not committed the unpardonable sin. The people who have meant it know what they are doing, and they do not care.

The demonic spirits want to get you away from God. Anything that causes you not to look at Jesus Christ and trust Him is a sin. When you sin, you need to repent. Repentance is when you turn back toward Jesus because something has taken your gaze away from Him. Your gaze is now on something else, and it is controlling you because you have handed yourself over to it. If you correctly adhere to God’s ways, the limitations are taken off. If you had a revelation of how much God loves you and what He has for you, you would not have to sin.

This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.—1 John 1:5-10

The first Epistle of John is never quoted anymore. John talks about being in Christ and not sinning, but there is forgiveness for sin if we do sin. John goes on to say that whoever abides in Christ does not sin (see 1 John 3:4-9). Someone has to be brave enough to preach the whole Gospel and not be afraid. There is a place where we can walk with God, where we start to manifest His glory, and things start getting out of our way. That is the ultimate, for God. God’s heart is that the Gospel would be preached and that people would be free, not just of sin, but free to walk with Him and love Him and know His heart.

But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew all about people. No one needed to tell him about human nature, for he knew what was in each person’s heart.—John 2:24-25 NLT

God wants to reveal His heart to us, but He does not just trust people because He knows what is in a man. John said here that Jesus never entrusted Himself to anyone because Jesus knew what was in a man. Jesus knew that man had a choking point, and he would sell out against Him. We all have our breaking point because of the weakness that is in our flesh. But what if I told you that Jesus showed me that there is no one in Heaven limiting you at all? That is the truth. The devil knows he is going to lose you, so why not make it quick? You have got to stop dating him during the week and just fix your gaze on Jesus.

However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.—John 16:13-15

If you listen to someone speak for an hour and never mention Jesus, they just say God, then that is not the Holy Spirit ministering through that person. The Holy Spirit does not speak on His own authority, but as it says here in John, when He does speak, He will tell you things to come. The Holy Spirit will glorify Jesus, and He will take what was Jesus’ and declare it to you. The Holy Spirit is only going to speak what He hears.

Well, guess what? Contrary to popular belief, you are not the subject of the Gospel message. If you talk about yourself for an hour, then all the people will get is you, not what the Spirit of God was sent to do. The Holy Spirit was sent to speak on the Father’s behalf of the things to come and glorify Jesus and take what was Jesus’ and make it known to you.

I saw that Jesus was sitting at a table, and it was the Last Supper communion table. Jesus was sharing these wonderful things with anyone who would come and dine with Him. I saw that the whole body of Christ is supposed to be coming and sitting with Him. You are not there to talk about yourself, but listen to what the Master has to say and let Him feed you. Let Him feed you at the table and partake of what He tells you to eat. Jesus will feed you from the implements, the bread, and the wine, which is His flesh and His blood.

In the Gospel of John 6:50-69, Jesus saw that many people were following Him, who were only spectators. He saw that they were following Him around because they had seen the miracles and were being fed. Jesus said, “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you” (John 6:53). From that time, many of His disciples went back and no longer walked with Him. So they were only spectators.

Moses knew God’s ways. Israel saw God’s acts, but they watched them from a great distance (see Ps. 103:7). The Israelites never came up and had a relationship with God.

Called to Thrive

Many will say to Me in that day, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?” And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!”—Matthew 7:22-23

You cannot take this verse out of the Bible, and on that day Jesus is going to say this to many people. This verse is not going to go away because Jesus did not die so that you can go and live in an apartment in Heaven and not go to hell. Jesus died and redeemed you so that the Father can have you back in a relationship with Him. You are not just surviving down here; you are thriving in a relationship with your heavenly Father.

Jesus replied, “Loving me empowers you to obey my word. And my Father will love you so deeply that we will come to you and make you our dwelling place.”—John 14:23 TPT

Some people read this Scripture and make a bedtime story out of it. It is such a nice feeling that perhaps God would come and live with them. Do you realize that mountains burned and melted like wax, and valleys split when God came and touched them? Do you realize that at the sound of His voice, the heavens thundered? Yet God has chosen Himself to live in you and to make His home in you. If you take this Scripture and add it to the fact that you will never be left as an orphan, you see that the Holy Spirit will come and live with you always (see John 14:15-18).

You are never going to be left alone again because the Spirit of Truth will be with you forever. Together, these verses show that the whole Holy Trinity is living inside of you, and you are not alone. You are not broken because God wants to heal you. Whatever it is that causes you to need addictions, God wants to fulfill that in you. There must come a tipping point where the Gospel is preached, and there is a permanent change, and the problem never reoccurs again.

When I was in Heaven, I saw that Jesus was not going to defend Himself, and I saw that the Father was not going to defend Himself. It did not seem fair, and I was sad. I told Jesus that He was the most misunderstood person on the earth and the most misrepresented person. I looked at Jesus, and I could not believe that anyone would ever hurt Him. I saw that His beard had been restored, and everything about Him had been restored. He had beautiful skin, beautiful hair, nice three-foot-long hair, and lots of it. I could not believe that someone would pluck His beard out. In those 45 minutes that I was with Jesus, I could not understand why anyone would not like Him or why anyone would not receive Him. Jesus is irresistible, and when He talks you can see that He believes in every person, and He does not give up on them. Jesus empowers people, and He gives them a destiny.

To those who are turned from God who were predestined in Christ, Jesus keeps their destiny in Christ available for them. Their future is available until that person dies without receiving Him and goes to hell by their own choice. Jesus instructs the angels to keep them in a cycle of hearing the Gospel until they come to a place where they repent and turn to receive Jesus into their hearts and become born again. Unbelievers are continually sent to the Christians who will share the Gospel with them. The angels are sent and assigned to the un-redeemed to bring them to someone who will preach and share the Gospel message with them. I saw this process happening in a continual cycle.

Angels are also assigned to Christians to cause them to yield and learn what they need to learn on a cyclical basis. However, it should not last for 40 years. If you have passed the same 7-Eleven several times, you are lost. The Israelites did that for 40 years, and no one was brave enough to say, “You know what? I think we passed this already because it looks familiar.” They were in the wilderness of sin in a cycle that should have just taken them a couple of weeks to go through. It is time to take the limitations off.

I saw that satan has not only framed the way the world’s system works, but once again he has inserted himself as a middle man in the church through religion. I will not make you feel good and send you away with a band-aid when you need surgery. On my watch, if you need surgery, you are going in because God needs to fix the problem at its root so that you are free. Jesus came to set you free, not to have recurring visits on the same subject (see John 8:36). There must come a time when there is a resolution. When the limitations are taken off, it causes you to go out into orbit instead of hanging around in the atmosphere’s lower levels. You need to start enjoying your freedom in Christ and taking advantage of the benefits that God has given you.

Step into Overthrow

There are times when someone calls you out at a service, and you get a word, or you get hands laid on you, and you feel the presence of God. You are required to go through a fire tunnel at some places, and there are all kinds of different carnival things that are out there. You may feel you are getting a breakthrough, but what you are mostly doing is experiencing someone else’s environment. The anointing is on that person ministering, and you do get a touch from God, but it is more often about that person having ministry gifts and anointing. That person has a walk with God, and you come under it, but once that person leaves your environment, you have to walk in it yourself. However, you can’t walk in that because it took years for that person to learn how to walk in it themselves. You experience temporary freedom, but I suspect that those days are over; at least for me they are.

Jesus told me that He wanted transformation, which is a permanent change. I saw that we were supposed to be translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light, which means there are no shadows anymore. You are on fire because you are seated with Christ, and you are taking commands from your Commander, who is also the head of angel armies. Jesus has heavenly angels at His disposal, and they do not take no for an answer. They know they can win. They know they can accomplish what God has told them to come and accomplish because God does not lie to them. God’s angels have hearkened unto His voice, and they do His bidding. His angels and His ministers are flames of fire (see Heb. 1:7-9).

You need to move into overthrow, not just breakthrough, because overthrow is permanent. It becomes your domain, causing the devil to blink because he does not know what just happened. He has to pull the security tapes to see what just happened because there was a big flash. The devil remembers some sort of angel, and the next thing he knows he is on his back with a sword to his throat. A second ago, satan remembers he had a sword to your throat, and that is called overthrow. When you take dominion, it causes reversal, and then you are the one who is calling the shots.

I have waited patiently for years to tell you that the Jesus I met is into overthrow. I do not want another touch or another word. I want Jesus, and I want every devil in hell to know I got Him. Someone is going into overthrow! There have been so many generations that have gone on to Heaven before us. They have done their part because they were into overthrow, and they were not just into a breakthrough. They wanted to establish a foundation, and they were looking for a city whose builder and maker was God (see Heb. 11:9-10). They endured, looking to Him who is invisible (see Heb. 11:27).

These generations that came before were able to obtain the title deeds to their faith. They had substance inside them, even though they never got to see what we see today, but that did not stop them from building upon it. Now they depend upon us to build upon the foundation that they have already laid. We are not to rip it up and build our own, but we are to reestablish territories, re-dig the ancient wells, or sometimes simply sweep the dirt off the foundation. You do not need to build another foundation (see 1 Cor. 3:11-15).

Some people re-invent their ministry with a message that is just another message that has already been established, and they try to make it theirs. Well, it was never theirs. Solomon said that there is nothing new under the sun (see Eccles. 1:9). There are many voices, but there is none that is insignificant. They all have an origin, but there is only One who has spoken over you. There is only One who sings songs of deliverance over you and wrote a book about you. God Almighty is the One—this enforcer of the blessing who will make sure your book in Heaven is fulfilled if you learn to yield. You will only learn to yield if you acknowledge that the limitations have been taken off of you.

I am not going to reestablish a position that I already have. I will not take back the territory that someone else has already died for, which means I will not struggle in this life. I am walking on serpents and scorpions because Jesus said that is what you are going to do in His name. You need to hear some crunching under your feet. If you are really, truly a Christian, you need to adhere to what Jesus said. Christians adhere to the Master’s voice, and they yield to the angels, and they let them do their job. It is a good thing when you wake up in the morning and you tell God’s angels that you fully intend to cooperate with their assignment.

God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. If you walk into a trap, they’ll be there for you and keep you from stumbling.—Psalm 91:11-12 TPT

Angels have already been assigned with special orders concerning you, and that is why they are coming into your life. Joshua was by Jericho and got a little bit tense when he saw a soldier come with a drawn sword and stand in the middle of the road (see Josh. 5:13). Joshua was ready to fight anyone he perceived as a threat to the children of Israel. Moses had already died, and Joshua had been chosen to lead them into the Promised Land. Joshua went up to the soldier and asked, “Are you for us, or are you against us?” The angel said, “Neither, but as the Commander of the Lord’s Army, I have now come.” That is the kind of angel I have met. They do not give you their opinion because they are under orders from Heaven. Many angels did profound acts in the Bible, and we have never heard their names.

Take on Your Assignment

What is it that is hindering you? That giant needs to be taken out by you, and that is your assignment. The reason the demons come after you is that you have been destined to take them out. David found out that the giant Goliath was taunting Israel (see 1 Sam. 17:26). David was anointed to be king when he was younger by the prophet Samuel, but it would be many years before he would become king (see 1 Sam. 16:13). When David arrived at the battle scene where the Philistines and their champion Goliath were, he started asking questions. David could not figure out why the Israelite soldiers were not fighting and why King Saul had not given the command to take Goliath out. David’s assignment became very clear to him, and he knew he would have to take out the giant because the established authority would not.

What happens when a five-year-old starts doing what the apostles are supposed to do? You will not even know what to think when a five-year-old is doing more than the established apostle. What if all Christians start doing what the apostles should be doing? Suddenly, the body of Christ will go into this next phase where the true apostles, the true prophets, the true pastors and teachers and evangelists arise because a five-year-old raised the bar. That is about to happen, and it is not too far away.

I saw in the Spirit that kids would take over, and they do not care if you call them apostles or not. They are not going to care, and they will not even want an offering. They will just want a popsicle or popcorn when it is all done.

The enemy wants to take out the whole generation that is in the womb right now. He has suspected that if Israel became a nation in 1948, the generation living during that time would be the generation that would have the John the Baptist anointing and the Spirit of Elijah on them. They would be the generation to proclaim the second coming of the Lord. So satan knows that there are deliverers in the womb, and that is why the prophetic voice is being taken out through abortion, and you are paying for it.

That is what satan did every time there was a deliverer in the womb. He did it through Pharaoh when he caught wind that a deliverer was coming, who was Moses, and he took out all the babies. When Jesus was born, the magi told King Herod of Jesus’ prophecy, and satan again caught wind that there was a deliverer in the womb. The enemy, through Herod, put to death all the male children under two years old in Bethlehem and surrounding areas. Despite all this, satan missed Jesus, he missed Moses, and now he will miss the prophets and the prophetesses in the womb.

You look now at the generation that is coming up because they will proclaim the coming of the Lord. We have been bought time, so many people will have to throw away their end-time DVDs. They are right in their theology, but they are wrong in their timing because the timing depends on you. We are the ones who have to bring in the Harvest, but we have to do it in power. The only reason that God gave us that power is so that it could provoke people to jealousy.

“All these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God” (Deut. 28:2). If they chose the Lord their God that day and did what He told them, then all of His blessings would come upon them. “Then all peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they shall be afraid of you” (Deut. 28:10). God said this to establish His covenant with them so that all the nations would see that He was the true God and that He blessed His people. Don’t you think that the new covenant through Jesus Christ should fulfill all of that as well? God does not change personalities because there is a blank page between the Old Testament and the New Testament. He is still the same God, but it is just a deeper revelation.

If you do not believe in tithing, then just give 50 percent of your income. Please do not tell me about Old Testament Scriptures because Jesus did not have any New Testament Scriptures because He was the New Testament. Jesus was writing the New Testament, but He used Old Testament Scriptures. The apostle Paul used Old Testament Scriptures because there was no New Testament because he was writing it. So rip out the blank page and stop worshiping it because this is not the time to hide behind the blank page. You are free, and you give because you want to and not out of compulsion. You give so that it can be laid up to your account. You are free.

“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it. “And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,” says the Lord of hosts; “and all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a delightful land,” says the Lord of hosts.—Malachi 3:10-12

I do not see any other guarantee as I do here in Malachi regarding tithing. The devil just keeps walking because he sees that he is being rebuked. The devourer is rebuked for your sake if you tithe—again, if you do not believe in tithing, give 50 percent. My wife and I give more than that sometimes. You take a portion of what God has blessed you with, and you give it back to God, and it sets apart the whole. Then the devourer is rebuked, and the windows of Heaven are opened up so that you cannot contain what is about to be poured out on you. I do not see anything better than that.

However, do not be limited to the tithe only because we are in the New Testament now. It is probably at least 50 percent, and, in fact, it is all that you have. But you know what? Who’s counting? When you get drunk on the new wine, it is just numbers. When I was in Heaven, I saw that nothing is mine, not even my body, and not my life. Jesus had possessed me and wanted to live His life out through me. At that time, there were only a few preachers who were preaching like that. These crazy people preached the real Gospel, and they have all gone to Heaven now.

R.W Shambach would say, “You know what, why don’t you just swing out over hell and spit the devil in the eye.” Dear Lord, you do not hear that stuff anymore. Can you imagine some of these mega-churches saying that today? You do not want to mess with the devil because you might lose your mega-church? Do you think the devil will come at you? Now think about that. Do you back off because of fear? Did God give you that church or not? In Heaven, there are so many saints who built upon what we enjoy today, and they died for what they believed. You enjoy the freedom of that, but you did not have to suffer as they did. Their accomplishments enabled the full Gospel to go forth and to be participated in and preached.

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written: “For Your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.—Romans 8:35-39

The Potency of God

If you want to see the power of God and you want to see the limits taken off your life, then you will have to make an adjustment. You are going to have to take the full dose that is on the bottle, which means you are going to have to be a crazy friend. You are going to have to be able to pray all night if God tells you to. You are going to have to walk away from a meal. You have to be able to walk away from your best friend. The thing about it is, when you do that, you are going to experience such an overflow in your life because God is that potent. God is powerless in people’s lives because they have not taken steps to go in through the narrow way. Once you are on the other side, you are going to see the mountain on fire. You are going to see the sapphire stones and the fire from the altar. You are going to experience these things and live in them every day.

However, you must remember what Paul said, “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts” (Rom. 13:14). Paul further said, “From now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer” (2 Cor. 5:16). Paul went on to say that we know Christ now as seated at the right hand of God in full authority. Jesus is there waiting for His enemies to be made His footstool through the church—through you, the body (see Heb. 10:12-13). While you are waiting on Him, He has been waiting on you. It is time to take dominion and rule and reign.

Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” And they divided His garments and cast lots.—Luke 23:34

The people did not discern who Jesus was. They were only concerned about the garments that He had on, and they divided them amongst themselves. While they were doing that, Jesus asked the Father to forgive them. Do you want to know why? It was because Jesus did not want anyone to go to hell. He did not want anyone to be in eternal damnation. Jesus told me that He and the Father never intended for anyone to go to hell. He said that hell was prepared for the devil and his angels, and no man was ever supposed to go there (see Matt. 25:41). No matter how much you dislike someone, you would never want them to go to hell. You should never want anyone to go to hell. What you want to do is drive the devil out. You want to keep him on the run, and you want him to go to hell because that is the devil’s home; that is his destination. That is why hell was made for the devil and his angels, according to Jesus.

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.—1 Corinthians 6:19-20

This verse truly means that your life is not your own. It never was, because you were bought with a price. So you need to glorify God in your body. You need to understand that your temple is your body and that the Lord dwells in it and that He wants your mouth, He wants your mind, and you do not have to be addicted to things. You have been bought with a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which is God’s.

Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, and having a High Priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.—Hebrews 10:19-22

Jesus made a new and living way for us so that through His body, His name, and His authority, we are able to enter into the Holy of Holies. Then our bodies and our evil consciences are washed with His blood, and our bodies are washed and purified with the washing of the Word.

You Are a Distribution Center

Your world is small because me, myself, and I live there. You have to get to the place where your desires are God’s desires and where He leads you into the deeper things that cause you to turn outward. God will fully support your getting there. Then you become a giver, and you help other people, and you do things for people who cannot pay you back. You begin to do things in secret because you have become a distribution center, and God will keep restoring your supply. You have to turn outward because the limits are taken off.

You cannot fail if you give your time to God. You must sow it even when you do not have it by giving people time when you do not have the time. Just do what God is telling you to do. You must start to turn outward and discern what God is saying to you and start helping people. Go out, preach the Gospel, and do it in a way where disciples are created, and that is what this is about; it is about creating disciples. Do not let me, myself, and I rule and reign anymore. Let God’s flow go outward, and God will think about you when you don’t think about yourself.

There has to be a shift in your perception, and the only way you can get that shift is to allow your spiritual eyes to be opened and see that you are seated with Christ. I had it happen to me, and I felt uncomfortable at first because Jesus was on my left hand, and He was at the right hand of God. The Father was at Jesus’ left hand. As I looked down the row there to my left, I looked at Jesus, but I could see the Father. Father God was very big, but He was young. I could tell that He was young, but I was not allowed to look at His face. Jesus told me that if I saw the Father’s face, my body would not take my spirit back because it could not handle what I just saw.

Jesus said that if my spirit beheld the Father, something would happen inside of my spirit. My spirit would not allow my body to live if my spirit went back and touched it because my earthly body was fallen. That is why your fallen body stays here on earth when you die. If you see the face of God, you cannot live in this earthly body. That is why Moses was not allowed to see God’s face because he still had some work to do here before he could come and be with the Father. We cannot see God’s face, but let us get as close to God as we can while we are here, and let’s let Him have His way.

The Father recently had me watch space shuttle launches. In one, there were all these men and women all stacked in there. I think there were five or six people, and they were stacked laying back, standing straight up on the launch pad. They were told to put their visors down, and they were all strapped in, and suddenly they were going through the countdown. The ignition happened a couple of seconds before they were released. They have a hold on the shuttle to build up the thrust, and then they let it go. That is why you see all that fire. When they came off of that pad and start upward, they do all these procedures, and it has to be done in sequence.

I saw within just a short amount of time that the shuttle was in orbit. When they got out of the earth’s atmosphere, everything became calm, and they were told they could take their visors off. They pulled them up, and they were in space, and they were high fiving each other. I saw how much they had to fight against the earth to be weightless, to overcome the limitations. When the shuttle got into space, they went into orbit. They had accomplished that big task of overcoming the earth’s gravity, and I saw that it took a lot of power to do that. When they did everything correctly, the shuttle made it into orbit.

I accidentally watched another launch from around the time when I was in college. I never knew that there was a launch that never quite made it into orbit, and they had to abort. One of the center engines went out, and they had to abort and come back and land at Edwards Air Force Base. I saw that there was not enough thrust to put them into orbit, so they came back in. In a short time, they were clear across the country already, and they came into California to land even though they took off from down in Florida. There wasn’t enough thrust, and they did not escape the earth’s atmosphere because the gravity was limiting them.

I saw that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is dwelling in you, and it will quicken your mortal body (see Rom. 8:11 KJV). It causes you to overcome the things that are against you so that nothing can separate you from the love of God because perfect love drives out fear (see Rom. 8:35-39; 1 John 4:18). Nothing is left except you and God, and when He shows up He is perfect love. I saw that the power of the Holy Spirit is what has been given to us to take the limitations off. Not only does the Holy Spirit announce that your limits are off, but there is therefore now no condemnation, no record, no file, no accusing voice against you (see Rom. 8:1-2). The price has been paid, and you are free! Paul warns us not to entangle ourselves again in sin (see Gal. 5:1). We are not to take advantage of God’s grace by sinning more so that grace would be revealed more. You are getting to the place where you do not want to sin because it is not fulfilling to you, and you realize that it is just delaying the overthrow.

Kevin Zadai

Kevin Zadai, ThD is dedicated to training Christians to live and operate in two realms at once—the supernatural and the natural. Called to ministry at age 10, he attended Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri where he received a bachelor degree in theology. Later, Kevin received training in Missions at Rhema Bible College. At age 31, during a routine surgery, he found himself on the ‘other side of the veil’ with Jesus in a heavenly visitation that forever marked his life. This encounter ushered his ministry into new dimensions of power, activation and impartation. Kevin is retired after being employed by Southwest Airlines for 29 years; he and his wife, Kathi, reside in New Orleans, Louisiana and are ordained by Dr. Jesse and Dr. Cathy Duplantis.


Holy Spirit Upgrade


How to Speak Anointed Words