Man Dies in Coma, Travels to Heaven & Meets Deceased Relatives!

Forensic detective Randy Schiefer was given evidence of Heaven after he died of a medically-induced coma.

In Heaven, he met several deceased relatives and met an unknown deceased veteran who gave him a message for his granddaughter. When he returned, he was able to validate his experience by passing the message onto the granddaughter. You won’t want to miss this!

Julie Hedenborg

Julie Hedenborg is a lover of Jesus, a wife, mom, and retired Certified Nurse Anesthetist. She has experienced some miraculous things in her nursing career, and she loves to share that God is real, and is still performing miracles! She's the host of Everyday Miracles Podcast, a platform for sharing testimonies that glorify God. Its mission is to inspire faith and hope in a broken world, and to lead people to to a life of joy, peace and freedom found only with Jesus Christ.


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