Remove the Devil’s Curse from Your Wallet

God’s supernatural kingdom operates on a supernatural system to impact our world.

That system includes economics. It has always been the goal of the devil to run this world completely.

It seems to me that the devil did not fully understand what Jesus came to do. More significantly, the devil certainly never intended for the church to run it! The church was a surprise, as it was a concept that was concealed or hidden in the Old Testament. Jesus hit the kingdom of darkness with something it was not equipped to handle—you! You’re God’s ultimate plan to bust up hell’s system; you are the enforcement to Jesus’s mission. As He is in this world, so are we, and so are you.

God has a plan to finance the gospel around the globe. He is looking for anyone and everyone who is passionate about getting His message to every lost child of His.

And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day (Deuteronomy 8:18).

The ultimate covenant promise is the gospel! He wants the gospel to be established. When combining this promise with the great commission, we see that He wants His covenant to be established around the world until everyone has heard. This is something God will empower and give supernatural favor and finance to do.

God’s economic plan for the gospel is often misunderstood. If viewed as a way to simply have more money, you’ve fallen into a trap created by the devil. God blessed Adam and instructed him to be fruitful and multiply and to take dominion over the earth. Satan hijacked that blessing and counterfeited it with mammon, but Jesus won it back on the cross.

Hell’s economy is simply money, power, and the influence of an antichrist agenda—that’s it. Wealth and power just for wealth and power’s sake. It is an indulgence into selfishness, which is to cooperate with a Luciferian system. Hell’s economy is absent of the Spirit of God and knows no other abundance but the accumulating of more for self. No joy, no satisfaction from the inside out, and no answers to the fight inside. That is why lust is so tormenting. Its desire is never resolved. It is a striving that has no solution. It is the chorus to the U2 song that says, “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.” Lust is a selfish desire without resolve. Lust and mammon go hand in hand. Lust will pollute the idea of God’s economy and supernatural increase through the cloak of mammon—which, again, is man’s striving for the sole purpose of possessing money, power, and all the other counterfeits making up hell’s economy.

No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (Matthew 6:24).

Mammon is Not Money, It’s the Love of Money

Mammon isn’t money. Mammon is the worship of money. It’s placing all your faith in money and removing that reliance on God. It’s a counterfeit blessing. It’s fake. Mammon is the devil’s economy, which strives in the flesh for wealth and resources, designed to prevent you from functioning in your blessing.

Teachings on poverty are often far more extreme than teachings on prosperity, because the idea of poverty aligns with hell’s economy. This is carnal and logical to the world. It is the opposite of God’s economy.

Those outside the church also do not believe Christians or ministers should ever have money. When we teach this, it’s believed we’re in agreement with hell’s economy, because the world also believes churches should be broke. This carnal viewpoint reflects the desire of the devil, who does not want to see churches prospering and sharing the gospel.

For Christians, we often find it more comfortable to believe God does not desire us to have wealth than it is to accept God wants us financially blessed. We’re mixing up two different concepts—prosperity and mammon.

Mammon and the Spirit of Humanism

Mammon is the love and worship of money. It’s humanistic, striving after the flesh with no regard for God. It’s going after money and never seeking first the kingdom of God. Mammon is having one desire only— to possess wealth and power, meeting one’s own needs without the help of God or His economy. The purpose of mammon is not to use it for God’s plan and purpose, but to use it for oneself.

This is the Babylonian system of selfish gain. It is not, however, Bible prosperity. Even though you may appear to be increasing, as you spend money on new cars, things, and possessions, there is no sweetness of the blessing from the Lord in it. It’s the pursuit and pleasure of money without being kingdom minded.

We must always dismiss mammon, knowing that the Word of God says we cannot serve two masters. It will be God, or it will be mammon. It will not be both.

Instead, we seek first the kingdom and His righteousness, which are only found in Jesus. When you seek righteousness, peace, and joy through Jesus, He becomes your desire. Then, you will be filled with righteousness, peace, and joy, with no sorrow added.

How to Reap Your Blessing

The body of Christ has been misled to believe you can’t have money. That’s not true. When you seek the kingdom of God first, there is a supernatural blessing God releases for you. In the Old Testament, He spoke blessings over Adam, Abraham, Jacob, and David, who wanted to build a house for God, but God instead built a house for David.

You engage your blessing with your faith through giving, standing up, confessing over it, studying it, and not allowing yourself to love money.

Here’s how it worked in our life: Heather and I were painfully broke. Instead of living in fear, we chose to live out our faith by radically giving. We gave to a ridiculous level; and although we had our ups and downs, the blessing of the Lord brought life and abundance.

Many argue that tithing is not a New Testament principle. Well, Hebrews 7 is in the New Testament, and it mentions tithing. Tithing explained here is revelatory! It dawned on me that tithing, or sowing, is not for the purpose of lining the offering bucket of a church or minister’s personal vision. Quite the opposite! When you are sowing in the natural realm, the Bible says He (Jesus) receives it in the spiritual! This set me free, and it can set you free also. Anytime you give with a heart toward God, even if the place you gave to does something wrong or ends up being a disappointment, you can rejoice because it went straight to Jesus anyway! I encourage you to adopt this Bible truth; it will set you free.

The Principle of Here and There

Here mortal men receive tithes, but there he receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives (Hebrews 7:8).

First in the natural, then in the spiritual. We must activate our faith in the natural, which leads to a supernatural reaction. There are two areas involving your giving that apply to the “here and there” principle.

Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual (1 Corinthians 15:46, KJV).

Simply put, it is anything you sow into the kingdom, whether it be the tithe, an offering, or anything of value. Not only does it go into the “storehouse,” but it’s supernaturally received by Jesus! Giving is a faith action that has a supernatural response attached to it.

The Power of Tithing

Grace is powerful. It teaches us who Christ is and who we are in Him. Tithing, although not required to obtain grace, does unlock and protect what you possess.

Tithing should not be based on a fear of judgment. Some teaching today says believers who do not tithe will be cursed. Scripture, however, does not support that. Galatians 3:13 says, “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.” The only thing remaining is blessing, which on the topic of God’s economy we activate through tithing.

Tithing is about being obedient to God’s commands. We already have everything in the Spirit due to Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, but we activate blessings in the natural by acts of faith. You are loaded with supernatural horsepower and favor when you act on what you have already received through the kingdom of God. So often, people make this so complicated when it is so simple. Give and you shall receive!

Three Steps to Begin

You might be wanting to increase and multiply forward but are asking how to get there.

First, change your mentality. In 3 John 1:2, Scripture says, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” This soul prosperity includes your mind, will, and emotions. You can never receive beyond your level of believing. The way you believe the Word of God is the way you receive your blessing. If you do not understand how to believe and receive from the Word of God, your blessing is limited.

Second, you live out your belief. When you believe the Word of God, you begin to receive the Word of God. When you can stand in faith and believe God’s will is to bless and prosper you, this releases God’s spoken Word over you. We know that God activates what you believe, so believe God wants to give you abundance.

Third, once you’ve made this firm foundation of faith, you stand on it by giving radically. Remember, if it doesn’t mean much to you, it might not mean much to God. If you are looking for big returns, you must consider sowing big seed. Big seed by your standards. You will know if you’ve sown “big” because many days after you’ve sown you will remember it vividly! It will get your attention!

Additionally, there are wise ways to budget and manage your finances. However, when you sow into God’s economy, you sow to the level of your faith. That means you believe God wants to prosper you. You believe God’s blessing is spoken over you. You are deciding to bust up hell’s economy.

After your decision followed by action, then comes the seed war.

Prepare Your Heart for Battle

When your faith rises and you give radically, your blessing begins working for you and life flows freely and often superfluously. This outpouring of blessing, however, often comes with persecution. The devil doesn’t want you to have blessings. When those blessings come, prepare yourself for challenges and trials.

Without this heart preparation, as we previously said, the persecution will shock you. As you multiply and receive blessings, you cannot expect people to celebrate. People with the spirit of mammon will be upset.

This spirit is demonic, anti-prosperity, anti-blessing, and ultimately it is powering hell’s economy. It will compel people with carnal minds to attack you and your increase, or just attack you. You must be prepared to be attacked by the kingdom of darkness when your increase comes.

Joseph Z

Joseph Z is an author, broadcaster, Bible teacher, and international prophetic voice. Before the age of nine, he began encountering the voice of God through dreams and visions. Joseph has dedicated his life to preaching the gospel around the world. He and his wife, Heather, are founders of Z Ministries, a media and conference-based ministry in Colorado.


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