Her Neck Snapped & Sent Her to Heaven, Returns Healed with Message

My wife, Heather, had a legitimate firsthand encounter with the Voice of God.

She had suffered a horrible accident which ultimately rendered her lifeless. At that time, Heather had a heaven experience reinforcing the idea of God speaking heart to heart. Her visitation to heaven resulted from a gymnastics accident. One day, while she was swinging back and forth on parallel bars, her arms gave out as her feet were on a back swing; this was due to her arms being tired from a previous gymnastic class that day. This situation caused her to fall, striking her forehead on the ground with intense force. Her head violently snapped back from the impact, causing her to break her neck at the C1 vertebrae, the same break that paralyzed Christopher Reeves, the actor who played Superman in the 1970s and ’80s.

Heather lay there lifeless for a while and woke up to find herself holding her neck and walking home. She stumbled and wandered down the street, finally making it home to see her mom, who realized something serious had happened and immediately rushed her to the hospital. In the emergency care unit, the doctors ran tests and scans. They discovered that the vertebrae she had broken were linked to what controls breathing—the doctors were, in essence, waiting for Heather to die, as there wasn’t anything they could do for her.

Heather Left Her Body on the CAT Scan Table

During those tests, she was brought into a room for a CAT scan, and this is where things took a unique and life-altering turn—Heather began to experience herself leaving her body. She not only sensed herself leaving but found herself looking down at her own body on the CAT scan table. As Heather was staring down at herself in that hospital room, she sensed herself moving and leaving as if being pulled away to somewhere else, to a new location. This transition happened in moments until she finally found herself standing in what she intuitively knew was her home in heaven.

Outside, the vegetation was profound in color, with plants and grass that were different, or better, as she put it. Heather didn’t recognize many of them but said they were rich in appearance, vibrant, and full of life. I have had lengthy conversations with Heather about her time there, and for many years, she never spoke of it publicly. She describes everything she experienced there as “more”; she says it’s simply more alive, more vivid. Earth is a dull place in comparison. In heaven, everything is dialed up to an eleven: sounds, feelings, senses, and a deep knowledge of everything happening around you.

One profound moment occurred when she was in her heavenly home and, upon looking outside, was filled with a desire to be there. By “there,” she referred to a location out in a large pasture. Desire was met with motion, and she passed through the wall at the speed of thought. Now standing where she had wanted to be, she was met by the Lord.

It was a tremendous experience for her. The Lord spoke to her about her life, things to come, and why she was to go back. The things He told her carried her through another time when she was in dialysis for nearly three years due to hereditary kidney failure. Frequently, the doctors told us that she would likely die without much hope of living. The Lord provided miracle after miracle for us during that time; thankfully, she is healthy today.

The Way God Spoke in Heaven

Returning to her time in heaven, there is a point of interest regarding how she and the Lord communicated. It was fascinating for me to learn the way that she and the Lord spoke to each other. Their conversation was thought-to-thought or, as Heather says, heart-to-heart. When the Lord spoke, she knew it; when Heather spoke, the Lord knew it. To hear her tell of this interaction is so amazing!

Her time in heaven ended when the Lord returned her to her body. She inhaled and opened her eyes. During the CAT scan, her body had died and came back to life. When they arrived and examined her neck shortly following the scan, the specialist noticed the break had fused back together! We know that the Lord healed Heather from a broken neck. She left the hospital with a soft collar and fully recovered wonderfully.

What Language Did Adam and Eve Speak?

Adam and Eve walked with the Lord. They were in proximity to Him, there were animals everywhere, and everything they needed was present. So, we might ask this question, “When Adam walked through the Garden alongside the Lord and in the cool of the day, what language did they speak?” This question is fascinating regarding the early days of the Garden of Eden.

Many people would say it was Hebrew or Greek. An argument could be made for many different languages. Truthfully, the Bible doesn’t say what language they spoke; we know that they were undoubtedly communicating.

Knowing God and the way His Holy Spirit speaks to us today, it has caused me to ponder if there was any language in the Garden at all. Communication may have been more on a heart-to-heart or even thought-to-thought level. Although there is no way of knowing for sure how they spoke or what language was used in the Garden of Eden, one thing we do know is that the Holy Spirit communicates often on a heart level. That still small voice which is internal and learned through spending time with God and in prayer.

One survey I remember reading stated that 90 percent of every conversation is found in what is not said, based on body language, how the people stand, the emotional place they are speaking from, and the context in which communication is happening.

In the Garden, the language was knowing. A distinct communication was exchanged, not simply the black-and-white meaning of a thing, but every nuance, intent, and feeling—full context would’ve been present to both hear and fully understand. It was how Heather experienced the Voice of God—heart-to-heart, thought-to-thought. Every intent and meaning, with an entire lifetime of context, was known with each internal exchange.

Spoken Words are Fallen

The fall of man reduced language to guttural sounds. These sounds had to be formed into specific words that allowed individuals to relate to one another. Words also became the way humankind released decrees and communicated what they wanted. In a sense, it was a departure from walking with the Lord in the cool of the day, and it elevated carnality and the natural above the spiritual. The natural guttural sound was now the primary interaction between world residents.

Today, we don’t communicate heart-to-heart or mind-to-mind; “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24). Allow me to explain this; Spirit is the realm God lives in. Truth is the correct biblical reality we build on and correct our natural experiences by.

Romans 12:2 says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Renewing your mind by the written Word of God is the process of worshiping the Lord in truth, and Jesus said My words are truth. In John 6:63, Jesus also said His words were spirit. The takeaway is this: We are to renew our minds with the written Word of God and understand that it is the purest spiritual substance we can grasp in this natural world. By this process of mind renewal with the Word of God and relating to the realm of the unseen by the written Word of God, we will begin to have the eyes of our hearts enlightened.

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints (Ephesians 1:18 NASB1977).

Eyes of your heart in Ephesians 1:18 is the inner man or the spirits of righteous men made perfect.

To the general assembly and church of the first-born who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of righteous men made perfect (Hebrews 12:23 NASB1977).

The eyes of the heart being enlightened is the same arena where the spirits of righteous men are made perfect and reference the realm of the spirit, where your spiritual senses operate. A more precise way of saying this would be, through the Word of God and becoming sensitized through prayer, as well as having a mind renewed to the written Word of God—you will become highly sensitive to the Voice of God.

Joseph Z

Joseph Z is an author, broadcaster, Bible teacher, and international prophetic voice. Before the age of nine, he began encountering the voice of God through dreams and visions. Joseph has dedicated his life to preaching the gospel around the world. He and his wife, Heather, are founders of Z Ministries, a media and conference-based ministry in Colorado.


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