End-Time Prophetic Vision Reveals Shocking Signs That the Last Days Are Here

“Tick tock to the holy clock. Do you know what time it is?”

Words from a spontaneous prophetic song raced through Jolene’s heart as we gazed across the Jezreel Valley from Tel Megiddo, a large hill by the Carmel mountain range in northern Israel. We had come to the covenant land to fulfill a prophetic assignment by the Jordan River the following day.

Tel Megiddo is better known as Har Megiddo or Armageddon. The summit is a watchman’s perch that overlooks the best-known battlefield in the world. Scripture instructs us that the kings of the earth, their demons and their armies will one day gather in this cross- roads of continents for “the war of the great day of God, the Almighty” (Revelation 16:14-16 NASB).

Our visit in December 2022 was not so action-packed. In fact it was saturated with peace. A rising sun glistened over vast fields of produce in the land known as Israel’s breadbasket. A weighty, fragrant haze partially lifted. To the east, Mount Gilboa and Mount Tabor revealed their rounded summits.

Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth and other northern points finally came into view. It is shocking to realize that Nazareth’s most famous resident grew up overlooking Armageddon. Likely it is where He learned to pray.

We began to seek the Lord. Jolene received a vision. A huge grandfather clock lay over the Jezreel Valley, its hands demarcating the time. According to God’s timetable, it was ten minutes to midnight.

Ten months later almost to the day, on October 7, 2022, Iran proxy Hamas crossed into Israel and brutally killed some 1,200 people in an unforeseen invasion from Gaza. At least 32 Americans were among the dead. It was the largest wholesale slaughter of the Jewish people since the Holocaust. And it occurred on the final, most celebratory day of the Feast of Tabernacles. Some 250 hostages were abducted, many of them violated sexually on camera while being forced into captivity. Israel immediately declared war.

Astonishingly, the most brutal strike in Israel’s history soon sparked the most widespread surge of antisemitism in global history. Even in the United States, violent protests on college campuses erupted across the entire nation with chants of genocide “from the river to the sea.” For weeks on end US intelligence agencies publicly warned of a dramatic spike in terror threats.

No clarification was needed as to why. “We are Hamas,” exclaimed one protester at Columbia University. “We are all Hamas!”

End Times in Real Time

Jon & Jolene Hamill

Passover—A Midnight Deliverance

On April 13, 2023, just a week before Passover, the midnight skies burst with what looked like fireworks above the Temple Mount. Iran was bombing the covenant land of Israel. From Eilat to the Golan Heights, flaming streaks of armaments rained down across Israel’s darkened horizons. Fighter jets roared through the skies, firing rockets to intersect and decimate incoming munitions.

If this were a movie, it could legitimately have been called “Armageddon.” Note this was just before Passover 2024.

More than 300 drones and cruise missiles were intercepted, largely preserving Israel from harm. “It was like Top Gun meets Star Wars!” exclaimed one Israeli pilot in an interview with the Times of Israel.

Reporters, military strategists, rabbis, and scientists all referenced it as a “Passover miracle.” An Exodus moment when death literally passed over.

Israel—God’s Time Clock

Israel is God’s time clock for the US and for the nations. The Bible is unapologetically Israel-centric. When prophets received words from the Lord, they interpreted them from the vantage point of the Covenant Land to the horizons of the earth. Even while they were in exile this remained true. Prayers were always directed to Jerusalem, and from Jerusalem to the world.

Of course, the entirety of prophetic projections within both the Old Testament and New Testament culminate with Israel. Both in Jerusalem and in the fertile harvest fields below a large mound called Tel Megiddo.

The Jezreel valley is referenced continually by biblical prophets as a parabolic symbol of Israel as a nation. The name Jezreel is actually a variant of Yisrael or Israel. Note that the word Jezreel in Hebrew means, “God sows.” And as Israel’s most fertile farmland, it is now living up to its name!

Because of its legendary hill, Jezreel is also known as the Valley of Armageddon. They are one in the same. It’s no surprise that the harvest fields hosting the “great war of God” have already hosted countless wars through thousands of years, including many of the conflicts recorded in scripture between the forces of God and satan, Christ and antichrist.

Gideon’s 300 warriors converged there—after the valiant warrior tore down his father’s altar to Baal. They blew their trumpets, unsheathed their lamps, and invading forces were supernaturally routed. Conversely, the witch of Endor practiced her sorcery in the valley, invoking for kings the spirits of the dead.

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob all sojourned through the fields. Deborah led and won there. Saul led, lost, and was killed there. Solomon romanced the Shulamite girl there. Hosea romanced his wife Gomer there. He lost her there, wept over her there, and found her once again as a prophetic witness to God’s unfathomable restoration.

“I will remove the names of the Baals from her mouth,” [Hosea prophesied,] “…I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and in justice, in favor and in compassion, and I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness. Then you will know the Lord” (Hosea 2:17,19-20 NASB).

The Lord then focuses on the harvest restoration over drought-rid- den seeds of grain in the fields, seeds of grapes in the vineyards, and seeds of olives in the orchards. “They will respond to ‘God sows’ or the God who sows. They will all respond to Jezreel!” (See Hosea chapter 2.)

“Throughout history Megiddo and the Jezreel Valley have been Ground Zero for battles that determined the very course of civilization,” writes George Washington University professor of anthropology Eric Cline. “It is no wonder that the author of Revelation believed Armageddon, the penultimate battle between good and evil, would also take place in this region.”

Perhaps most importantly, the region was also home turf for the historic clashes between Elijah and the prophets of Baal—Ahab and Jezebel included. Fire was called down from Heaven overlooking these fields, turning Elijah’s nation back to the Lord.

Here’s a takeaway for you. As it was in the days of the prophet so it is today. Armageddon is a backdrop for the spirit of Elijah.

Hebrew Time is Cyclical

As anthropologist Eric Cline infers, great battles of God the Almighty have already been fought on the Megiddo soil, both in the spirit and the natural. What once was, again will be. And the end times is like that. Hebraic understanding of time is not so much linear as cyclical, much like the dial of a clock. It is patterned after God’s orchestration of times and seasons through the sun, moon, and stars. Within the broad arc of time are many revolutions, where similar challenges to the past come back around in somewhat different forms.

Sometimes the cycle seems like ascending through a tornado! The good news is that as you move through time with Jesus, you’re not just going around in circles, you’re coming up higher. By gaining rev- elation of God’s victories in the past, you can better comprehend the scope of challenges, how to approach them, and how to secure the victories He desires to unleash for your present and future.

Likewise, to understand future challenges, you need to look both to the past and to the present. This dimension of remembrance is a primary reason we recommend every Christian celebrate the biblical feasts. Purim, Passover, Pentecost, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, Tabernacles, Hanukkah. Each feast brings a celebration of God’s intervention that unveils a dimension of His nature and character. You are invited to relate to Him in a new way through this revelation. By rehearsing the miracles granted to our ancestors and putting a demand on Heaven for His intervention, you and I can access the anointing to see the same breakthroughs in our day.

Tick tock to the holy clock!

Antichrist Timing

God’s timing is always perfect. There’s a natural flow to His supernatural rhythm. Conversely, the antichrist spirit has a counterfeit timing he seeks to impose on individuals, on governments, and on the masses.

We are seeing this imposition today. And in every case, timing is used as a function of the enemy’s dark mission to steal, kill, and destroy.

For instance, in satan’s dark timing sex education should begin in kindergarten, include every form of deviant sexuality, and be taught to the schoolchildren by drag queens. That’s actually going on today.

In global affairs, dark forces have sought again and again to spark an Armageddon-like war way ahead of God’s permitted timetable. The mission remains to take out as many human beings as possible, causing mass heartbreak and trauma, depleting nations of generations and resources, while robbing God of His precious harvest.

Daniel shows how the antichrist spirit seeks to change times, sea- sons, and laws: “And he will speak against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be handed over to him for a time, times, and half a time” (Daniel 7:25 NASB).

Haven’t you seen this today? Not just from the Oval Office but from your local school board, your city council, your local news station.

But the good news is that “The court will convene for judgment, and his dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever” (Daniel 7:26 NASB). This is a facet of the Daniel 7:22 verdict He has already granted. It’s your job to appropriate it to your life and world.

The Lord calls us to “walk circumspectly…redeeming the time, for the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16 NKJV). In other words, the evil of our time mandates we appropriate His verdict to redeem time! Through Jesus we can repair the past to redeem the present and secure His dream for our future.

We are part of a team working on this now. Long before our time, an ancient ruler named Constantine co-opted Christianity and shifted the entirety of Christendom from God’s rhythm of time to idolatrous Roman time. In a “cancel culture” move George Soros would be proud of, Constantine literally canceled the biblical feasts from his yearly time clock. The pagan holidays of Rome and Greece then gained new “christian” identities. Which is why, when you scratch the surface, many of the “christian” holidays we celebrate actually have pagan roots.

Recovering The True Meaning of Christmas

The December celebration of Christmas, for instance, is rooted in the worship of Zeus. And if you ever wondered why the resurrection of Jesus is called “Easter,” look no further than the ancient idolatrous worship of “Ishtar.” This subject is touchy, and we are not looking to disrupt your holiday celebrations. Our holiday traditions have actually been greatly enriched by gaining a more accurate biblical understanding.

For instance, according to Messianic Jewish scholars such as Asher Intrater, Dan Juster, and others, Jesus was likely born during the fall feasts, not on December 25. And if you count nine months backward, it’s a joy to discover that Jesus was likely conceived over Hanukkah. A Jewish holiday which often converges with the Christmas season, the “Festival of Lights” commemorates a miraculous breakthrough where God’s people relit their lamp, or menorah, to reconsecrate their Temple back to the Lord.

When we discover the Light of the Word likely came into the world over the Festival of Lights, the true meaning of Christmas becomes even more cherished. Because through Jesus’ greatest gift to you, His redemption, your temple has been forever consecrated to Him, and His sacred fire has been imparted to your life. It’s what He came to do!

You may find it interesting that, since the days of Constantine, we’ve been celebrating the birth of Christ at His actual conception. Just in case you’re wondering about God’s perspective on whether or not life begins in the womb.

Finally, remember how the angel Gabriel visited Mary and foretold the conception of Jesus. “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you” (Luke 1:35 NIV). Hanukkah, now globally celebrated as the Christmas season, became the time period God chose for this encounter.

Based on this fact, can I offer you a piece of advice? Take time during the busy holidays to genuinely encounter Jesus. He truly is the reason for the season. And as you choose to seek Him, He will often release to you key revelation that will bring to birth His covenant purposes for your life.

God wants you to know His timing. He wants to redeem the time for you and for your world. It’s time to recover His covenantal cycles of time! It all begins with sanctifying your time to Him.

Seize Your End-Time Assignment and Shape the Future

Do the words “end times” grip you with fear, anxiety, or a sense of helplessness? Perhaps you've resigned, thinking the world's descending into chaos and there’s nothing you can do about it. This isn't the time to hunker down and wait for divine rescue.

Seasoned ministers and intercessory watchmen Jon and Jolene Hamill invite you to break free from defeatism and step into your God-ordained assignment. Now is the time to rise up, pray, and partner with Heaven to shift the atmosphere and bring divine intervention.

Within this powerful guide, you will be equipped to:

  • Decode current events through a prophetic lens.

  • Redirect news cycles into focused prayers, unleashing the King’s power.

  • Thwart satan’s apocalyptic scheme to steal, kill, and destroy your generation.

  • Expose and neutralize the antichrist deceptions creeping into today’s society.

You are key in the counteroffensive against the kingdom of darkness. It’s a time to stand up, pray fiercely, and collaborate with God’s unfolding plans. Equip yourself with this timely revelation and find your frontline assignment in these perilous yet promising times.

Jon & Jolene Hamill

Jon and Jolene Hamill are passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Based in Washington DC, they have witnessed firsthand the power of biblical equipping, watchman prayer, and prophetic ministry to catalyze God’s intended turnaround. They are popular speakers nationally and internationally and are active in media, producing an online blog that reaches many thousands weekly. The founders of Lamplighter Ministries, Jon and Jolene have authored four books.


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