A Prophetic Evaluation of COVID, and a Glimpse into What’s to Come


For thus has the Lord said to me: “Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he sees” (Isaiah 21:6 NKJV).

Two crowning movements made their global appearance on New Year’s Eve 2019, both with the intent on conquering our world.

The World Health Organization (WHO) received its first report of a previously undocumented coronavirus after “urgent notice on the treatment of pneumonia of unknown cause” was issued at the Wuhan Municipal Health Center.

Corona, of course, means “crown.” The word coronation derives from it.

Meanwhile, half a world away, a prophetic vision came on New Year’s Eve while we were hosting our Revolution conference at the Trump International Hotel. A friend received a vision of a crown descending from Heaven over the National Mall. We’ll explore this more in a moment. But a real-time interpretation came that God was crowning and commissioning a movement of spiritual awakening and watchman prayer. Our government, nation, and world would be impacted.

Throughout the span of the coronavirus pandemic, Americans have been turning to God for support. Praying Psalm 91 and receiving communion have now become national trends. Sunday sojourners are becoming seekers in the secret place. Warriors in the Spirit are sharpening their swords. Our own weekly calls doubled in attendance, and Zoom calls have flooded the earth. Even many who never breathed a prayer before are reaching out to God because they want to receive the protection only He can give.

In short, America has awakened in prayer! And we have finally united together to fight an existential threat. President Trump called it a war against an “invisible enemy.”7 I believe this description is more apt than he knows. Within the context of these words, both the destiny of our nation and the lives of our loved ones are at stake.

How do you win the “conflict of crowns” against an invisible adversary? That’s a great question. Regarding the pandemic, social distancing and washing your hands both provide vital protection.

But viruses are not the only invisible enemy we are facing—not by a long shot. The greatest devourers of humanity’s potential are spiritual. The Bible makes clear that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12 NASB). In both the Old and New Testaments much is shared about the necessity of overcoming these invisible forces to secure true life and freedom for humanity.

This is true for your home, your family, your church, and your spheres of responsibility. According to the Bible, it is especially true for government. And watchman prayer is vital to gain victory.

White House Watchmen is not so much a collection of platitudes as it is a field guide to help you maximize your potential. In the pages ahead, you’re going to move beyond religious exercise and into a dimension where the stakes are high, revelation is real time, and the results are tangible. We want you to see Jesus’ divine destiny for you realized in your life and world.

Fair warning—some of what will be exposed may be uncomfortable. But if you’re a disciple of Jesus, it also may set you free. At the very least, you will have a better understanding of the true scope of our challenges. And you will be provoked to grow into a calling which, for us anyway, has become the greatest adventure of our lives.

One thing’s for sure—God in His nature and character is always experiential. And He is never boring.

If the Lord is calling you to “come up higher” in your relationship with Him, if you care about our nation and want your prayers to make a difference even in the highest halls of power, if you want to grow in watchman prayer, then the pages that follow will empower you! Now let’s begin our journey together.

Revival at the Trump International

As mentioned, when the vision of the descending crown came on New Year’s Eve 2019, Jolene and I were hosting our seventh annual Revolution gathering at the Trump International Hotel in Washington DC. It was our second year in a row in the gilded ballroom. The hospitality shown to our attendees and volunteers surpassed the hotel’s legendary reputation.

Our watchmen gathering was held in part to pray for the Trump administration. But our first and overarching priority was simply to enthrone Jesus in wholehearted worship because we have found that, as we enter into His world, He revolutionizes ours! As the Lord said to Zerubbabel, “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit” (Zech. 4:6).

As an act of worship to enthrone the Lord, and as we were moving into both a new year and a new decade, we also sought to dedicate our new season to the Lord with a special consecration service for our Capitol and nation. Jolene and I had asked conference attendees to bring two “memorial stones” with them. One stone would be used to build a symbolic altar of covenant to the Lord, rededicating our Capitol and nation to Him. The second rock was to be taken back to serve as a cornerstone of their respective altars to the Lord over each state. Again, these were meant to serve as a symbol of covenant alignment with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Here’s a backstory. After we secured the hotel for Revolution, Dutch Sheets shared an amazing dream that a friend of his, prophet Clay Nash, submitted to him. Dutch actually shared the dream on Yom Kippur at a service we were facilitating with Jamie and Redonnia Jackson, host pastors of Remnant Church in Brunswick, Georgia.

In the dream, an angel of the Lord was standing in front of the Trump International Hotel in Washington DC, declaring, “Mercy,” a seventh time. “Mercy that establishes God’s covenant!”

As Dutch shared, I felt we had an invitation to build an altar of covenant to the Lord in the spirit realm, somehow synergizing with this angelic host in worship to the Lord, and declare His mercy over the nation, over the New Year, and over the decade.

New Year’s Eve at the Trump International—what a great time for a marriage!

But neither Jolene nor I had any idea what the plea of mercy in context with this altar of covenant would soon mean. Watchman prayer is always a journey of discovery with God. He knows the end from the beginning. Our acts of obedience sometimes don’t make much sense until our journey finally unfolds. With this in mind, keep these stones and the plea accompanying them in your remembrance.

From the beginning of the gathering, the atmosphere was thick with expectancy. Becca Greenwood, the co-founder of Christian Harvest International and Strategic Prayer Action Network (SPAN), spoke, and then we led in prayer together for the glory of God to come. This was familiar territory for me. I had prayed a similar prayer probably a hundred times before. But there was something unmistakably different this time.

Cindy Jacobs ministered on the morning of New Year’s Eve, and I asked her to impart an anointing for awakening. Early in her ministry, she had been one of the forerunners of a massive revival in Argentina, kindling a holy fire which spread across the globe. We wanted that kind of revival in America. As she considered my request, the renown prophet looked up briefly, then nodded. She forcefully prayed something like, “Lord, let Your revival anointing come now. Now, Jesus!”

To the surprise of everybody, maybe even Cindy, the response from Heaven was immediate. A move of Holy Spirit literally filled the house.

Behind this plea were seven years of nonstop intercession for God’s governmental glory to be restored to Washington DC and the nation. In pursuit of this, our “Glory Train” project had carried us from Washington DC to historic wells of awakening and covenant throughout the original thirteen colonies in 2014, then through all fifty states in 2016—mostly by train—and then throughout our nation in ensuing years. We had been to Israel seven times, as well as epicenters of historic revival in England and Wales in 2019.

Why all the effort? Very simply, we yearned for two things: governmental turnaround and another historic move of God.

That morning after Cindy Jacobs prayed, it was as if the train of God’s glory had pulled into the station at the Trump International Hotel. The Spirit of the Lord came in a way similar to descriptions from the First and Second Great Awakenings. People were spontaneously touched, deeply and personally. Some laughed. Some wept. Others entered into ecstatic experiences with Holy Spirit. Many had visions. Virtually everyone testified to the awe and heartfelt conviction that seems only to come when God’s majesty is unveiled.

The afternoon service brought more of the same. Chris Mitchell Jr., an African American, apostolic leader from Virginia Beach, shared profoundly on how covenant restoration uncaps wells of historic moves of revival. I tagged onto his message. Pastor Jamie Jackson then got up to speak.

Jamie was visibly shaken. Tears flowed freely. His knuckles became white from tightly gripping the podium for stability. About seven times, he opened his mouth to speak but simply couldn’t. Out of an abundance of caution, Chris Mitchell positioned himself close by to catch him. Finally, Jamie shouted, shook violently, and then collapsed under the weight of God’s power. In what looked like a lightning strike, Chris instantly toppled as well.

And the presence of God again flooded the room—to the extent that few wanted to leave, even after several hours. Plans for elegant New Year’s Eve dinners, meticulously planned weeks beforehand, were simply abandoned as God was visiting His people.

Crown of Glory

During this time on the floor at the Trump International Hotel, Jamie Jackson received a vision. He mentioned it to the crowd later in the evening. Jamie saw a crystal crown coming down from Heaven over the National Mall in DC. Everything the crown touched became crystal-like in substance, including the White House, the Capitol, the Supreme Court, and other governmental structures. Even the Lincoln Memorial became crystalline. Jamie’s vision reminded me immediately of a passage foundational to everything we were pursuing.

You will also be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. It will no longer be said to you, “Forsaken,” nor to your land will it any longer be said, “Desolate”; but you will be called, “My delight is in her,” and your land, “Married”; for the Lord delights in you, and to Him your land will be married. . . . On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen; all day and all night they will never keep silent (Isaiah 62:3–4, 6).

To us, through both the outpouring and the vision of the descending crown, God was using very clear language to convey something very personal in nature. Jolene and I, along with a few friends, had launched the annual Revolution gatherings seven years beforehand to empower the Body of Christ in a new movement of governmental worship and prayer that the Lord was birthing in the earth. It is called Crown & Throne. Our first book carries this title and serves as an equipping manual that apostolically frames out key aspects of the movement. It’s a field guide, if you will, for spiritual revolution.

And it is this movement, brought by God’s hand at a desperate hour for America, which has propelled us into the firsthand experiences with the extraordinary governmental turnarounds, including many that were prophesied beforehand in our midst and now define our world.

While in prayer after the conference, the Holy Spirit showed me that the sudden outpouring and vision of the descending crown at Revolution were very intentional by the Lord. They together conveyed a crowning, or coronation, of this movement in our land. No king but Jesus!

Corona Outbreak

Again, none of us had any idea that, on the very same day half a world away, another “coronation” took place. The virus in Wuhan had reached a threshold where the WHO had to be alerted, acknowledging for the first time the potential for the virus to encircle the entire world and cause a global pandemic.

Thus, two crowning movements were set in motion to usher us into 2020. Note that crowns bear witness to their respective governments, whose authority they represent. One is a crown of devastation that seeks to destroy life from the inside out. The other is a crown of glory. It’s a watchman’s crown, and it has been sent by God to release His governmental authority in a manner that empowers life, union, honor, and restoration.

And from its beginning, 2020 has already been largely defined by this conflict of crowns. One crown seems more dominant in the earth than the other, for now at least. But I have it on very good authority that is about to change!

Shelter in Place

After the gathering, ideas abounded on how we could immediately expand and promote the move of God. We thought we might build a church around it or gather our speakers and take it on the road through January 2020 for maximum impact. By no means did I want to be neglectful of a gift the Lord had given. Yet none of these ideas resonated as Kingdom promotion, just self-promotion and striving. In our current culture, it’s sometimes hard to discern between the two.

When God moved at Revolution, He came in His majesty yet as a cherished friend. The moments together were sacred. The holiness of what we experienced still leaves me without words. To turn these moments into a commodity felt as though it would be a betrayal of His sacred trust. We would never do this with friends in the natural. How much more so with God?

With this settled in my spirit, we sought the Lord again over our schedule for the opening months of 2020. A firm directive came which totally surprised me.

“Shelter in place!”

“Lord?” I asked, thinking I may not have heard Him correctly.

I conferred with Jolene to seek confirmation. Really, I had hoped she would refute my revelation, something she has done on more than one occasion. But this time she didn’t. Instead, the Scripture the Lord directed her to was even more direct: “Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until His wrath has passed by” (Isa. 26:20 NIV).

“Shelter in place. Shut the doors behind you. Hide yourselves for a little while. Lord, what gives?”

After seven years of running hard in Washington DC, then running hard across the nation in ministry engagements, a little downtime actually seemed very wise. We followed God’s directive, cancelling virtually all of the limited engagements we had already agreed to.

We had no cognizance of the danger just ahead. To my knowledge, the coronavirus had not yet hit the news cycle.

Though the Lord had prepared us in advance for what was coming, we were totally unaware.

World on Pause

It was late January before the gravity of the Wuhan outbreak became horrifically apparent. For containment purposes, there was no worse time for such a virus to make an appearance. With the Chinese New Year at hand, much of the nation was traveling either nationally or internationally. Initial symptoms were virtually nonexistent, sometimes mirroring a minor cold. Soon, the novel coronavirus spread throughout the world, largely from airline travelers who had little to no symptoms to alert them at the time they flew.

The viral outbreak proved extremely contagious. Thousands were dying. After China, it spread almost immediately through South Korea and Iran. Entire cruise ships became quarantined. Then came Italy, Spain, and Germany. On America’s West Coast, Washington State and California were hit severely. On the East Coast, New York became the epicenter of the spread.

By mid-March, entire nations were directed into quarantine by their government leaders. The world was effectively on pause.

Coronavirus—Prophetic Perspective

Did God warn us beforehand? In retrospect, yes. I’ve mentioned a few prophetic warnings we received already. From our watchman’s perch, the Lord told us three years beforehand that a midnight crisis would occur by 2020, provoking a midnight cry, and eventually a midnight turnaround.8 But we knew it would be a midnight hour for America. We just did not know why.

Over Thanksgiving 2019, I had sensed an urgency in my spirit I could neither define nor shake for weeks. Then during the first week of 2020, the Lord gave us a direct warning to clear our schedule and shelter in place, and the word was confirmed through the Scripture Jolene had received with a hauntingly similar message.

Overall, we, and perhaps the community of watchman prophets we run with, only vaguely perceived the crisis ahead. The lack is on us, not God, simply from running too hard. God spoke a sobering message to us all through the prophet Jeremiah.

But who has stood in the council of the Lord, that he should see and hear His word? Who has given heed to His word and listened? . . . I did not send these prophets, but they ran. I did not speak to them, but they prophesied. But if they had stood in My council, then they would have announced My words to My people, and would have turned them back from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds (Jeremiah 23:18, 21–22).

Then there’s the issue of stewarding the perceptions the Lord had actually given to us. Jolene was very troubled by the lack of clear prophetic words before the looming crisis. Where were the warnings?

In a flash, Jolene was reminded of a visionary encounter in which the Lord had actually warned her about coming plagues. “I spoke to you two years ago about viruses coming which had never been seen before on the earth. What did you do with this message?”

Suddenly, she had a vision of a recent traffic jam that had turned a two-hour journey into four hours. The Spirit of the Lord continued, “I attempted to get you ahead of the curve in forerunning prayer for the solution to this issue. It is still available. But because you and the prophetic community at large are just getting on the highway I tried to direct you toward, you are caught in traffic instead of ahead of the curve to mitigate the outbreak.”

Mercy, Lord. What a hard lesson, learned the hard way, on watchman prayer. Please don’t ever take lightly the dreams or prophetic perceptions the Lord gives you. Record them. Write them down where you can reference them easily. The Bible says to test all things and hold fast to what is true. Seek the Lord over them! Then act on what the Lord has shown you, especially by engaging in watchman prayer.

After all, the stakes are too high to overlook the warnings God is now entrusting to His Body.

The Conflict of Crowns

God is seeking to move through the crisis at hand to bring a reset. But our invisible enemy is at work as well. When the Holy Spirit spoke to me about the coming “midnight cry,” He made it clear that, through 2020 and perhaps beyond, we would face a series of crises similar to what saints would face in the final days of the end times. From the global spread of the coronavirus to plagues at Passover to the “conflict of crowns” even between ideologies, the word has largely proven accurate.

In Midnight Cry, I also commented prophetically on President Trump’s leadership.

President Trump is a revolutionary figure. From the beginning of his candidacy we’ve prophesied that he will be a Winston Churchill for our time. The most important question then becomes—Why does America need a Winston Churchill in this hour? What exactly are we facing?

Maybe this is why the Lord is so emphasizing the midnight cry . . . Winston Churchill’s fierce leadership through World War II was accompanied by a “burning lamp movement” of 24-7 prayer led by Welsh intercessor Rees Howells. I know the Trump administration desperately needs this magnitude of prayer as our nation confronts the challenges of our time. We need a midnight cry . . . beginning at the White House!9

What was barely perceived in 2017 is now at the forefront of our reality, especially the call for White House watchmen to arise. The challenges of our time certainly demand this magnitude of prayer!

So, let’s talk about challenges ahead.

Two years ago, when Jolene was warned about new viruses in the earth, the Lord made clear that more than one plague would be coming. Today, we need to get in front of the curve on this in prayer.

Jolene also sensed that, just as God released three days of darkness in Exodus, there may be some days of physical darkness ahead. Will a strong storm knock out power? Will hackers attack our power grid? Trusted friends have also received repeated dreams about electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks intended to cripple our infrastructure. We simply don’t know when or how this may happen, but we do know we need to pray.

On a broader level, as of 2020, a “conflict of crowns” is now occurring on a global scale. We are engaged against global forces in the spiritual realm seeking to bring America, Israel, and the nations into subservience. You didn’t pick this fight. But you’re in it whether you like it or not. These spiritual forces and the human agents aligned with them are seeking any means to gain the upper hand, including exploiting the coronavirus crisis, to catalyze further restrictions on our privacy, freedom, ownership of property, and expressions of our faith.

Globalist Agenda—Waiting in the Wings

This is actually nothing new. Leaders and government officials have long fallen for the seductive promises of globalism tied to the occult. For decades, a dark agenda has matured to subvert our constitutional freedoms. Perhaps this fact explains the unprecedented resistance faced by President Trump from the beginning of his campaign. Why else would the goals of re-securing America’s sovereignty and making America great again be so hotly contested within media and within our government itself?

According to the Bible, the global expression of this conflict of crowns will only increase, ultimately crescendoing in an existential battle for humanity and transpiring in a valley in Israel known as Armageddon. We’re not in this hour yet. But let me be clear. In every step of this coronavirus crisis, leaders aligned with a globalist agenda have been waiting in the wings.

It’s our job in prayer to make sure their opportunity is denied, and the time is redeemed.

The Plague Stops at the Threshing Floor

Now let’s return to New Year’s Eve at the Trump International Hotel. The revival anointing that broke out earlier in the morning carried us through the final service. Just after midnight, some of the most extraordinary moments of the gathering began to unfold.

Isaiah 62:4 holds out a promise that “to Him your land will be married.” Some four hundred people crossed over into 2020 by dedicating the New Year and new decade to the Lord Jesus Christ. And in a way similar to the Pilgrims’ plea four hundred years prior, we asked the Lord for His hand in marriage to this nation.

After the children of Israel had passed over into the Promised Land, you may recall how Joshua commanded that an altar of remembrance be built to the Lord with stones from the Jordan River. As we crossed over into the New Year and new decade, reaffirming covenant with God in the opening moments of 2020, an altar of remembrance was built with the stones each attendee had brought. The second stone was dedicated and sent home with them to serve as a cornerstone of their own altar of remembrance.

Many wrote on their stones special sayings or favorite Scriptures. Healing was the word on one rock. Love was written on another. That makes for a great cornerstone, right?

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,” read one small stone which caught my attention. I agree. It was right above a stone that read, “Hephzibah.” From Isaiah 62, it means “the Lord delights in you.” And it’s to Him our land shall be married!

So together we renewed covenant. We built an altar of remembrance. Afterward, we received communion together to seal this work. It was a great way to enter into 2020.

And then God pushed pause. The word of the Lord came to shelter in place. News broke of massive numbers of people dying from a new virus in Wuhan, China. It was a virus that had never before been seen in the earth. The coronavirus spread silently to the nations, in most cases with no telling symptoms until well after those infected had become contagious. Soon, the entire globe was engulfed in perhaps its greatest crisis since the Second World War.

On March 10, at approximately 1:30 a.m., apostolic leader Chris Mitchell Jr. awoke from deep slumber, speaking to God in prayer. The Lord directed him to review the biblical recounting of a plague that had occurred during the days of King David’s reign. It’s described in 2 Samuel 24:18–24 and 1 Chronicles 21:18–26. We sent out a posting with Chris’s insights on the same day. They are recorded below.

The Lord is calling us back to the threshing floor, to separate the clean from the vile. . . .

. . . As my friend Jolene Hamill spoke, from Revelation 18, this is an hour in which the Lord is calling for his people to “come out” of alignment with every Babylonian system. I believe what the Lord highlighted to Jolene through this is of vital importance.

Prophetically, the threshing floor is the foundation of His governmental house (Solomon’s temple was built on the threshing floor of Araunah as mentioned below) and mixture cannot be tolerated.

“And I heard another voice from heaven saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues’” (Revelation 18:4).

In II Samuel 24, as response to David’s sin, the Lord allowed a plague to come upon Israel. David began to lean on the strength of his army, and the abundance of his resources more than his intimacy and covenant with God. As the destroying angel moved through Israel, God in His mercy commanded him to stop at the threshing floor of Ornan/Araunah.

“Then Araunah said, ‘Why has my lord the king come to his servant?’ And David said, ‘To buy the threshing floor from you, to build an altar to the LORD, that the plague may be withdrawn from the people.’ And David built there an altar to the LORD, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. So the LORD heeded the prayers for the land, and the plague was withdrawn from Israel” (II Samuel 24:21, 25).

. . . I believe we will see breakthrough concerning the coronavirus to the extent that we yield to God in these areas. This is a defining moment for the Bride, we must cooperate with the hand of the Lord in this, then we will see Haman scheme become his own demise.10

The plague stops at the threshing floor. But notice Israel’s greatest king had to take the lead. When the angel of the Lord hovered over this property with his sword outstretched to slay Jerusalem, King David was the first to step in to repent and plead for mercy. What was essentially a spontaneous national day of prayer immediately ensued.

With dire reports pouring in, the hour was just as urgent.

A day after posting, I contacted officials in collaboration with the White House Faith Initiative. The conversation was warm and encouraging. I recounted the midnight cry Chris Mitchell experienced with the Lord, which led him to record these thoughts on how the plague stops at the threshing floor as the king—or in our case, president—takes the lead.

And I learned in response that many similar proposals for President Trump to call a National Day of Prayer were also coming in. It would definitely be considered!

Shortly after this, another Chris Mitchell called. Jerusalem Dateline anchor Chris Mitchell, who covers the Middle East for the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), is also a close friend. He called me with a similar burden for the president to call a day of prayer. He promised to pray from Jerusalem, the site of the original threshing floor!

Two days later, President Trump officially designated the coronavirus pandemic as a National Emergency. He then designated Sunday, March 15, as a National Day of Prayer.11

Immediately, I saw the Lord’s plan for those seemingly insignificant rocks we had received during the opening moments of 2020. The plague stops at the threshing floor. Like David, our Lamplighter community was being summoned to present to the Lord a covenant altar. Every state had now become a threshing floor. And we were called to build altars of mercy, prepared in advanced for just this moment.

It was decided that the first hour of our Sunday call would be yielded to the One Voice Prayer Movement. Jolene and I serve on the leadership team for the One Voice Prayer Movement, along with Intercessors for America director Dave Kubal. Together, we decided our “building an altar of mercy” call would immediately follow.

To our utter astonishment, some 4,500 people from across the nation joined the calls. With literally One Voice, we united in a plea for mercy from the Lord and sought forgiveness for our sins. Then from Israel to England to the White House, the Capitol, the Supreme Court, the Lincoln Memorial, and all fifty states, we presented the Lord with a covenant altar and invoked His mercy for our deliverance—because the plague stops at the threshing floor.

Was the plague eradicated? Not immediately. But we did see the beginnings of a turnaround. Within two days, a discovery was made public that a combination of malaria-fighting drugs and antibiotics had been successful in treating the worst cases of the coronavirus.

Here’s a final story on this. CBN correspondent Chris Mitchell had read our posting featuring Chris Mitchell Jr.’s encounter and decree. Though they are not related in the natural, they are similar in spirit. On the morning of the National Day of Prayer, Chris Mitchell called me again from Jerusalem. This time, he was at the Western Wall. A virtually empty courtyard directed a faithful remnant to the large ashlar stones at the base of the Temple Mount. It was the very area of the threshing floor where David had built his altar to the Lord, and the plague had been stopped.

Solomon had built Israel’s Temple on this threshing floor where the plague had been stopped. At the dedication of the Temple, he was given a sacred promise. Perhaps it is familiar to you.

If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or IF I SEND PESTILENCE among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will HEAL THEIR LAND. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place (2 Chronicles 7:13–15 emphasis added).

God will heal our land. According to the passage, this promise extends to all His children through all generations who call on His name, especially when connected to the threshing floor which became an altar. Note this altar became a place of encounter for all generations to come. I feel prophetically the Lord desires to grant the same for our nation, for many states, and for you. The threshing floor becomes an altar of encounter. This is a promise from the Lord!

But back to our story. Chris—along with Rick and Patricia Ridings, founders of Succat Hallel—joined our call from Jerusalem Sunday night. But first, Chris put together a brief video at the Western Wall for Dateline Jerusalem. Eyes moist with tears, Chris presented to the Lord the proclamation from President Trump seeking healing on the National Day of Prayer. In a haunting way, President Trump’s plea met with King David’s at the same threshing floor. A printed copy of the plea was then placed in the cleft between the rocks of this giant stone altar now known as the Western Wall.

And on the paper recording Trump’s plea were the following handwritten words: “The plague stops at the threshing floor.”

For Review

Please take a moment to reflect on what you’ve just read. We suggest taking notes as you answer questions below.

  • What are the greatest concerns you have been praying about in this season?

  • On a national level, America has endured a threshing-floor experience. What have you learned? How have you grown? Where is more healing needed? Where is the threshing floor becoming an altar in your life?

Jon and Jolene Hamill

Jon and Jolene Hamill are passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Based in Washington DC, they have witnessed firsthand the power of biblical equipping, watchman prayer, and prophetic ministry to catalyze God’s intended turnaround. They are popular speakers nationally and internationally and are active in media, producing an online blog that reaches many thousands weekly. The founders of Lamplighter Ministries, Jon and Jolene have authored four books.


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