The Voice That Saved My Life

Are you called to prophetic ministry?

In this interview with John Veal, he offers incredible insight into the office of the prophet, entering prophetic ministry, and how hearing God's voice saved his life! Yes, that's how important hearing His voice is.

John reveals some amazing stories from God's hand on his life from his miraculous birth, and the angels and God Himself protecting him from an early age, to God’s clear voice that delivered him from death as a teenager.

If you want practical insight on how to walk out the calling of God in your life, just how important it is to hear God's voice for yourself, and launch into prophetic this interview right now. And please forward on to everyone you know who needs a jolt in the prophetic in a powerful way!

John Veal

Dr. John Veal is the senior pastor/prophet of Enduring Faith Christian Center and the CEO of John Veal Ministries. He is passionate about pursuing God’s mandate to preach, teach, impart, and activate people within the prophetic. Dr. Veal is a highly sought-after conference speaker due to his uncanny prophetic accuracy, humor, candor, and unconventional preaching style. He has traveled the nations, presenting a myriad of prophetic training and ministry. He currently resides in Chicago, Illinois, with his wife, Elisa, and their three children.


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