Former Warlock: “These 12 Weapons Defeat Demonic Forces”

There is a great promise in the Word of God.

God works out the good and the bad for those who love Him. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28 NIV). Jesus knows the beginning from the end of your life. Let us stop making it easy for the enemy to have his way in our lives.

Another error we make is that we focus too much on the circumstance and situation. We sit and ponder it, and that gives the devil great power to crush us in our circumstance. Instead of us just looking at or glancing at it, and then focusing on the solution that God already has promised us to come out of it. We need to stop spending too much time in the ashes of the circumstances, so the enemy won’t get the best of us in the season we find ourselves in.

Always know that whatever you’re going through, God has already signed off on it because He is trusting you to trust Him to bring you out. The Church needs to come back to prayer, not to programs or projects or building bigger church buildings while the devil laughs out loud. The early Church never built a house of God on programs and projects. It was through prayer and fasting and the Word of God.

Many of the churches in America, I am very careful to say this, their focus is distorted and the true vision of the Church— to set people free from the grips of Satan and bring them to Christ—has been taken away. Very few churches have spiritual warfare training; most have no intercessory prayer team and no deliverance ministry. People come to church sick and go back home in the same condition because their church wants to live in the modern world of entertainment, with no backbone. That’s not the Church of Jesus Christ. I plead with the Church today to get back to the blueprint of the early Church to cast out demons, heal the sick, baptize the people, and bring the people into salvation and discipleship. This is the true Church of Jesus Christ.

I am not judging the Church. Only God has the right to judge His Church. I say these words with a tender heart. I am calling the Church to come to life and be the end-time Church of Jesus Christ on earth. It’s engraved in my heart to call the Church to the place of supreme authority in the Lord to set the captives free.

Spiritual Warfare Weaponry

Spiritual warfare is a must; trust me, I know. We need to wake up, beloved, and be the Church with the authority that Jesus Christ has placed on us to destroy the works of darkness. We are sons and daughters of the most high God—what a God we serve. Let me leave you with the most lethal supernatural weapons that every believer is armed with.

Weapon #1

The name of Jesus – but not in a superstitious way. I mean brandish the name of Jesus with the power of the Holy Spirit. You’re claiming the supremacy of God’s sovereignty and authority in the face of every demon that shows up to fight.

Weapon #2

The Word of God and proclaiming the supremacy of God’s Word. “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12 NKJV). Jesus Christ illustrated this in the wilderness when He destroyed the devil with the Word of God.

Weapon #3

The blood of Jesus and proclaiming the victory of the Cross. Revelation 12:11 says: “And they overcame him by [the power of] the blood of the lamb…” (NKJV).

Weapon #4

The word of our testimony; this speaks about who we are in Christ, our identity of who we are in Christ. Again, declaring the victory of the Cross, Revelation 12:11 says: “They overcame…by the word of their testimony…” (NKJV).

Weapon #5

An obedient life . Fear comes over the kingdom of Satan when we live an obedient life. It brings the devil to his knees. The devil can only operate and succeed with his attack when we step out of that obedient life.

Weapon #6

Praise and worship is when we proclaim the supremacy of our God and who He is. Psalm 150:6 says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” (NKJV). Praise turns the devil’s kingdom upside down.

Weapon #7

Our heavenly language. Speaking in tongues builds up our inner man when we are in communion with our God. In the Scriptures, Paul makes a profound statement by saying, “I speak in tongues more than all of you” (1 Corinthians 14:18 NIV). Paul is sharing the importance and power we have in Christ when we speak in tongues.

Weapon #8

A life of prayer defeats the enemy of your soul and gives you a direct connection to the One who created you, God, and it builds your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Weapon #9

Finding your purpose and destiny that God has designed for you to walk in so you can destroy the works of darkness. This produces fruit for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Weapon #10

Fasting is so important. Many people fasted in the Bible. Fasting moves the heart of God and brings breakthrough in the spiritual realm. In the days of old it saved nations, won battles and wars, destroyed strongholds, and brought the devil to his knees

Weapon #11

Intercessory prayer destroys and dismantles the devil’s kingdom in the spirit realm. In the Bible, brothers like Daniel and Nehemiah and sisters like Esther, along with many others, interceded for others and got the victory.

Weapon #12

We must have perseverance, and with the authority and confidence we have in Jesus Christ. We have to be more determined and more consistent than the enemy. Perseverance is not an occasional thing; it’s a commitment and a lifestyle to the supremacy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, walking in His power in faith, knowing who He is and who we are in Him.


These are our supernatural weapons against the enemy—any principalities, demons, witchcraft, voodoo, and generational curses. If Christ is with us, who can stand against us? (see Romans 8:31). We are the army of Jesus Christ. Have no mercy on the devil and his plan against your life. Never give up, and know that Jesus Christ knows where you are at all times. Many times we make spiritual warfare mystical, difficult, or even challenging, but God has made it simple for us to get the victory all the time.

John Ramirez

In every generation God has always displayed his awesome deliverance and transforming power. Evangelist John Ramirez is another example of God’s mighty power to set the captives free. In his testimony, Author and Speaker, John Ramirez tells his true life story of how he was trained to be a satanic cult (Santeria and Spiritualist) high ranking priest in New York City—casting powerful witchcraft spells and controlling entire regions.

Raised in an impoverished ghetto neighborhood, he grew up despising his father for his careless disregard of his family. John learned to survive the cold, harsh streets of the South Bronx. Looking for love and validation, he eventually found it in a new “family” of witches and warlocks who groomed him to become a high priest in their occult religion. His plunge into the dark side reached a boiling point on the night he sold his soul to the devil in a diabolical, blood-soaked ritual.

With renewed fervor—and the mark of the beast now cut into his right arm—he actively recruited souls into this “unholy kingdom,” haunting the bars and clubs of NYC by night to find his next victims. John’s life continued on this dark path until God intervened through a miraculous, larger-than-life dream, revealing Himself for who He really is and literally snatching John back from the grips of hell.


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