Ex-Warlock Reacts to Christians Celebrating Halloween

▶▶Unmasking the Devil by John Ramirez [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/3Sk0eQw

Satanist-Turned-Evangelist Helps You Rise Above the Enemy!

Many people, even Christians, deny the devil’s power. John Ramirez doesn’t have that luxury—he experienced the prince of darkness up close and personal.

In the impoverished streets of the South Bronx, John Ramirez found “acceptance” from a family of witches and warlocks. These practitioners of dark arts trained him to be a high-ranking satanic priest. However, everything changed when he met his living Messiah.

In Unmasking the Devil John Ramirez shares an insider view of how satan operates so you can avoid his traps. You will learn how to:

✅ Discern between the voice of God that points to victory and satan’s voice that leads to bondage.

✅ Close doors of access: entertainment, unhealthy relationships and false religion.

✅ Go on offense with the Word of God and prayer to render hell powerless.

✅ Recognize the spirits that rob God’s people through disunity.

John Ramirez says you should embrace life and life abundantly — in Jesus — even as you equip yourself to live in victory and complete freedom. He will help you stop satan’s strategies and take possession of God’s blessings in your daily life.

▶▶Unmasking the Devil by John Ramirez [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/3Sk0eQw

John Ramirez

In every generation God has always displayed his awesome deliverance and transforming power. Evangelist John Ramirez is another example of God’s mighty power to set the captives free. In his testimony, Author and Speaker, John Ramirez tells his true life story of how he was trained to be a satanic cult (Santeria and Spiritualist) high ranking priest in New York City—casting powerful witchcraft spells and controlling entire regions.

Raised in an impoverished ghetto neighborhood, he grew up despising his father for his careless disregard of his family. John learned to survive the cold, harsh streets of the South Bronx. Looking for love and validation, he eventually found it in a new “family” of witches and warlocks who groomed him to become a high priest in their occult religion. His plunge into the dark side reached a boiling point on the night he sold his soul to the devil in a diabolical, blood-soaked ritual.

With renewed fervor—and the mark of the beast now cut into his right arm—he actively recruited souls into this “unholy kingdom,” haunting the bars and clubs of NYC by night to find his next victims. John’s life continued on this dark path until God intervened through a miraculous, larger-than-life dream, revealing Himself for who He really is and literally snatching John back from the grips of hell.


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