Prophetic Numbers: Why Do I Keep Seeing Numbers?

So, from a Bible-based perspective, what does “seeing numbers” mean? You or a friend may have said, “I’m seeing the same number everywhere!” And wondered what on earth this could mean?

First it means that God is speaking. Numbers are just another form of God’s communication, or a language if you will. The key is interpreting what God is saying through seeing repetitive number sequences such as 911, 1111, 2222, 818, 333, etc. As we talk about this, it’s important to remember that numbers are just another way the King’s prophetic voice is getting people’s attention today. It’s also a very common way!

My Seeing-Numbers Journey

I’ve been “seeing” numbers for about 15 years now. Both my husband and I had this phenomena start to happen to us at the same time. At first we thought it was just a coincidence, but as it continued to happen with ridiculous consistency and in random repetitious ways that were beyond the realms of coincidence, we started to realize that God must be talking! Even if we didn’t understand what the heck He was saying, we did know that God had gotten our attention.

It started for us with seeing 1234 over and over and over. I would see this number everywhere throughout the day and night. For instance, I would consistently wake up in the night and it would be 12:34 a.m., check the time during the day and it would be 12:34 p.m., buy something random and it would cost $12:34, or see a sign or a car license plate with 1234 written on it. The numbers 1234 seemed to be chasing me down and suddenly appearing to me everywhere I looked.

Increasingly, we were both seeing 1234 highlighted every day in multiple different ways and it became a common, everyday experience. It was so common that it was getting ridiculous. We were also in a really hard season, so we were desperate to discover what this meant, and what God was saying to us.

One day as we saw “1234,” through a friend we heard God say a very simple phrase that resonated deeply and brought instant peace. It was so simple, and yet so profound. We heard, “I’m lining everything up for you, as easy as ABC 1234.” It almost seemed too simple, especially after many months of seeking God and the frustration of not understanding why we were seeing these numbers constantly. In the middle of all the transition and battles we were facing, I suddenly knew God was saying, through the simplicity of constantly seeing 1234, “I’m lining everything up for you, Jodie. You can trust Me.” Or, in other words, alignment.

God later led me to Luke 12:34 (NKJV): “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” This spoke deeply to me that when our treasure is in God, He will be found in the midst of our search for Him. This brought great peace and confirmation. God was saying to me, “When your heart is set on seeking Me, Jodie, it is Me you will find, and I am your treasure.”

Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV) says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” I love how God wants to be found. In other words, I could trust that when I was seeking after God’s heart, it is God I will find, even if His voice comes in a creative, unusual way—like seeing numbers. God was answering my heart’s desire to hear from Him through four simple numbers.

From then on, every day in that really challenging season when I would see 1234 again, it became a kiss from Heaven that immediately brought peace and reminded me that I can trust God to lead me and line everything up, even when things seemed out of control. A simple number became a prophetic word from God.

Not long after, I was in the hospital facing an extreme health battle, and at several pivotal moments I would see 1234. One night when I had been really worried and in pain, I awoke suddenly in the hospital room and checked the time—it was 12:34 a.m. I can’t begin to tell you how much hope this gave me. I knew how to hear God; I had taught on hearing God’s voice for many years, but in those moments when I saw 1234, it was no longer just a random coincidence or a holy frustration, it became a kiss from Heaven and a promise to hold on to.

1111 Was Chasing Me Down

Well, if I thought that was the end of that, I was wrong. I continued seeing 1234 and then all of a sudden my husband and I started seeing 1111 everywhere, I mean everywhere! It really was getting crazy, and no one we knew was having the same experience, so I was left with the same desperate prayer again, “God, what are You doing and saying?”

I’m vastly cutting this journey short, but the frustration of not knowing what God was saying caused me to constantly pray for understanding. I knew it was strange, but I also knew it was God. It seemed as if 1111 was chasing me down.

Because God had spoken so clearly about seeing 1234 and it became such a confirming word to us, and still is, I knew that seeing 1111 was also a timely word, and God would lead me.

John 11:11 Marked Me

God said “John 11:11” to both my husband and me at the same time. At the time, I had no idea what that Scripture said, so I quickly opened my Bible and read it—I couldn’t contain my excitement:

After he had said this, he [Jesus] went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up” (John 11:11 NIV).

This story is about Jesus, resurrection life and awakening! Jesus spoke to His dead friend Lazarus, and he came back to life. I knew God was saying, “It’s time to wake up.” John 11:11 has since marked my life and ministry. This one prophetic word from God, through simple numbers, has imparted wild faith for revival and resurrection power. Every fiber of my being came alive as I read John 11:11. The numbers 1111 became a signpost, pointing to Jesus who is our resurrection, and speaking to me about revival, and saying “time to wake up.” Resurrection power is still available to call the dead places in our lives, families and nations back to life. God was reminding me, I’m the God of Lazarus still!

Every time I saw 1111 from then on, I knew God was reiterating the message, “Wake up!” It’s a season of awakening. Call the dead things back to life. Decree to Lazarus situations in the grave to “Come forth” (John 11:43 NKJV). Speak over medical situations, families, cities, nations and prophetic destinies in the grave to “Come forth!” This became a deeply personal message of faith for me, as there were areas in my body that needed to come back to life. And it was also a confirming word to my husband and me to keep decreeing revival in the nations.

Later, God added more detail, but John 11:11 has become a life message of faith for revival and resurrection power. We minister this message all around the world.

Let me encourage you that many who see 1111 in particular are being led to Jesus through this unusual, but actually very common, way God is speaking—and not just Christians.

I spoke with a pastor of a large church recently who had been seeing 1111 for years and had been seeking its meaning. As he was pressing in for revival and souls, he was filled with such fire as I spoke John 11:11 over him and decreed an army of people marked by the power of speaking for Lazarus-style comebacks to those who needed salvation and restoration of their promises. Faith arose in him for revival in his people and city,

I also spoke to a young dad who was very often seeing 11:11 and sadly thought it was the time he would die, as he had read something about this on the Internet. He was not walking with God, but knew that he knew he was “seeing 1111.” As I shared what God was saying and that it was his own personal wake-up call from God to come back to the Lord, the man’s heart softened as he realized God was personally calling him to return to his heavenly Father’s heart. This is also a great example of why the Internet needs godly content explaining this phenomena. Thousands and thousands of unbelievers are looking for the answer to what it means that they are suddenly being chased down by seeing the same number over and over. God is getting their attention, that’s for sure.

While I have many minister friends who are fluent in the Hebrew numerical meaning of numbers in the Bible—and I love reading their books and learning from them—this was not my journey of discovering what these numbers meant. For me, it’s been about childlike hunger to work out what I was seeing, and the joy of discovery in the search.

Even though I now know a little about studying the meaning of the Hebrew root and biblical meaning of numbers throughout the Scriptures, to be completely honest, when I first started seeing numbers, I didn’t even know there was a Hebrew root! All I knew was God is real; He speaks, and I was hungry to know what He was saying to me. The simplicity of asking God what He is saying and recognizing His voice through seeing numbers—or in any other circumstance you need wisdom—is what I want to impart to you through sharing this truth, this hope! All believers are qualified to understand God’s prophetic voice if we are filled with the Holy Spirit— even if how He is speaking to us is unusual.

If you’ve been seeing numbers, you can find a number sequence guide in my new book as well as read an original article called “What does 1111, 2222, 333, 911, 747 and other numbers mean?” I hope these resources help stir you to hear what God is saying to you through numbers!

Jodie Hughes

Jodie and Ben Hughes are the founders of Pour It Out Ministries and hosts of Pour It Out TV. They have been in ministry together for more than 20 years. They, along with their adult daughter Keely, travel full time around the world as Revivalists, with an emphasis on Breakthrough, Prophetic declaration, Healing and the preaching of the gospel, with miracles, signs and wonders following in their personal lives and ministry endeavors. Ministering as a family imparts great hope and relatability to many.

Known for recently hosting the Pineapple Revival in Australia which saw many thousands come from all over, extending for 18 months. As well as being full-time itinerant Revivalists and Prophets, they have pastored and planted several churches, trained thousands of ministry students in their schools, recorded worship albums and authored prophetic insight articles and blogs.

Jodie pioneered and leads Mentor Me, an international online mentoring program, and regularly releases prophetic words and mentoring wisdom. She is an engaging speaker and influencer, known for being real, inspiring hope, imparting contagious hunger and transferable revival fire.


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