Demonic Battle Plans: Receive Insight & Break the Chains of Fear

Growing up, I had lots of supernatural experiences, most of which I didn’t fully understand.

The one thing I did always know was Jesus loved me, and I’m so thankful Jesus’ love constantly intervened in my life and led me into greater wisdom.

Sadly, most of the encounters I had initially were dark and tried to grip my heart with fear. I knew even then that Jesus was more powerful, but I also knew there was a demonic realm, because I’d experienced it. I knew the intention of the demonic was to entrap me in fear, taint my understanding of God as a good Father, and stop my pursuit of His prophetic voice by making me too scared to interact with a supernatural God.

Many, many people I meet have had similar experiences growing up that have continued into their adult lives. It brought fear and torment that has tried to control them, prevent joy in their relationship with God, and shut down their prophetic, seer gifting.

Evicting Fear

I am aware now that this is a common experience for many. The good news is that rebuking, binding, and evicting the enemy in Jesus’ name works! I have a fire in my belly now to break the chains of demonic fear that has tormented and shut down too many people for far too long called to release and experience the prophetic voice of God. It’s not okay; it’s not God’s heart. King Jesus has given us authority to cut off fear and chains of darkness, and enjoy prophetic encounters in the glory realm. Evicting fear from your life allows you to experience fully your supernatural, loving God and translate what He is saying to you.

Of course, the intention of the enemy going after me and so many others is to make us scared of the prophetic, seer gift on their life. If the devil can make people afraid of the glory realm, they will shy away from supernatural encounters with God. Fear is not from God; fear is a spirit—but it is not the Holy Spirit, and fear must go in Jesus’ name.

Do not allow the enemy to mold your expectations of what a relationship with your loving God looks like. I declare this over you right now: I speak a recalibration in your heart wherever the enemy has tried to convince you that your experience and relationship with a supernatural God and the King’s prophetic voice is anything but life giving and faith building. I evict fear and torment from your life in Jesus’ name. I especially evict fear of fear and torment in your pursuit of God and His supernatural ways. Fear of fear and torment if you fully activate your prophetic gift must leave in Jesus’ name. Your connection to God is blessed, and the way you hear, see, and encounter the glory realm with King Jesus is blessed. You will live free from the torment of fear and be filled with peace. In Jesus’ name, amen!

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7 NIV).

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV).

Read these verses over and over until they come alive in you. Decree over yourself: “Fear has no hold on me; fear will not impact my future days, my experience of God, or steal my fierce courage to run hard after God and enjoy connection with Him. I will grow and thrive from His prophetic voice in my life!”

If an encounter paralyzes you with fear, ungodly thoughts, lies, and is devoid of God’s love, this is not an encounter from God. There’s no need to be fearful of the enemy, but rather rebuke the devil and he will flee in Jesus’ name. It’s that simple. Tell fear to go in Jesus’ name.

I am laboring on this important truth because so many people are more fearful of the dark, demonic realm than they are of not pursuing God. Fear must be evicted in our pursuit of God so we can fully walk in our call. Make the name of Jesus stronger within you than fear of the enemy. “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He [ Jesus] who is in you is greater than he [the enemy] who is in the world” (1 John 4:4 NKJV).

I have woken in the night at different times (rare now, but it has happened) and sensed a darkness or fear in my room. I’ve immediately known it was not God, but demonic. I’m only mentioning this because something similar has happened to many I pray with. I simply tell the fear and anything from the devil to go in Jesus’ name. Remind yourself that Jesus is greater, Jesus is higher. God is for us, so who can be against us (see Romans 8:31). Speak the peace of God over yourself and your home in Jesus’ name. I do that right now over you, “Peace in Jesus’ name.”

Insight for Breakthrough

Sometimes God gives us insight into the enemy’s strategies for the purpose of winning the breakthrough. God gives us the upper hand through higher revelation to use in intercession and bring the breakthrough.

This happened in the Bible when God told Gideon to go and listen to what the enemy was saying the night before he was going to battle (Judges 7:13-25). God had given the enemy dreams that put the fear of God in them, and showed them Gideon would win. It was all prophetic language, mind you, but even the enemy was able to interpret the dreams and know God was with the mighty warrior Gideon and God’s people. The dreams put confusion and a holy fear of God into the enemy camp, giving victory in the battle to Gideon’s army.

Obeying God and eavesdropping gave Gideon insight into what the enemy was thinking. God will do this for us too through prophetic encounters. Take note when He does, and use the insight in intercession for breakthrough.

The Enemy Is Scrawny

One morning I awoke to a vision and immediately knew I was seeing something demonic. I felt peace and knew God was allowing me to see for the sake of insight and intercession. What I saw was a vision of a scrawny, weak, small demon trying to open my prayer journal and read it, but it couldn’t actually open it. I immediately rebuked it in Jesus’ name and it left. I knew God was allowing me to see this, as week after week we were taking ground in the spirit in our church in Australia as we decreed revival. I understood from the encounter that the enemy was getting nervous as he was losing ground.

God also showed me that the enemy wanted to know what our plans with the Lord were so he could try and prevent them. But God guarded us, and the enemy couldn’t see or interfere with God’s plans. The enemy lacked anointed revelation and vision as this comes from God. The enemy wanted to know how to stop God’s plans, but God was showing me the scrawny devil couldn’t even open my journal to see my prayers and planning with God. It was symbolic of God saying the devil is on the run and wants you to think he will stop you, but I have superior intelligence and strategy than the enemy so keep pressing in for My strategies. I knew God was reminding me to keep asking the Lord for wisdom to move forward. God was giving us the strategy of decreeing Psalm 91:1 (NIV ), “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

We were able to turn God’s prophetic voice from the vision into prayer and decree that the enemy would be thrown into confusion and his plans fail. We prayed that the plans of the Lord would succeed and the enemy be defeated and scattered. God’s people would arise in courage and come out from fear.

When God gives you insight into the enemy’s camp, use it to pray with divine insight and see the enemy scattered. More often, God will birth hunger in you from such encounters to go after what you are called to do. For instance, if the enemy is trying to intimidate you, you know God is adding courage to you, and the enemy is scared of your new authority. Ask for courage all the more!

Jodie Hughes

Jodie and Ben Hughes are the founders of Pour It Out Ministries and hosts of Pour It Out TV. They have been in ministry together for more than 20 years. They, along with their adult daughter Keely, travel full time around the world as Revivalists, with an emphasis on Breakthrough, Prophetic declaration, Healing and the preaching of the gospel, with miracles, signs and wonders following in their personal lives and ministry endeavors. Ministering as a family imparts great hope and relatability to many.

Known for recently hosting the Pineapple Revival in Australia which saw many thousands come from all over, extending for 18 months. As well as being full-time itinerant Revivalists and Prophets, they have pastored and planted several churches, trained thousands of ministry students in their schools, recorded worship albums and authored prophetic insight articles and blogs.

Jodie pioneered and leads Mentor Me, an international online mentoring program, and regularly releases prophetic words and mentoring wisdom. She is an engaging speaker and influencer, known for being real, inspiring hope, imparting contagious hunger and transferable revival fire.


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