Accelerate the Promise! 3 Practical Tips

Prophetic friend, when God speaks to you, He is delivering a personal message to you.

The key that sets apart those who actually enter into their prophetic Promised Land, is that they embrace the prophetic message God is communicating, and then actually activate it. Put simply—do something with it! As we activate what God says and implement change in practical ways into our journey with Him, we advance into purpose and promise.

If we don’t embrace the revelatory message and activate what God is saying, we lose the potency of the wisdom given. Through activation, faith arises and breakthrough comes. To enter our destiny, we must do something with God’s prophetic voice, not just hear it.

Activation puts boots on the King’s prophetic voice to take new ground. The message may have come in a mystical, supernatural way, but often the walking out of what He’s saying is far more pragmatic.

God loves you, friend, and desires the glory realm to impact your circumstances, relationships, and everything you put your hand to.

God has entrusted you with His prophetic voice. He equally empowers you to step into and activate His prophetic voice in your life.

The following simple questions and prompts will help you work out practical ways you can activate what God has been saying to you.

Activation Keys

1. Activate the Message of the Prophetic Encounter

When you know God is speaking a message to you, it’s time to intentionally believe God to walk in the fruit of what He’s speaking to you. When God is repeatedly showing you the same message, consider it to be an important and necessary key for your next season that should be embraced fully.

Take a moment and ask yourself the following questions. Not every question will apply, but be real and candid. Journaling your responses will help reveal themes and consistent wisdom provided by God for your season:

  • What and how is God most often speaking to me?

  • What is the main thing the encounters and prophetic words received are saying to me?

  • What practical process can I implement in my life to walk out what God is saying in a fresh or more fruitful way?

  • Are there changes or course corrections I need to make?

  • Is God highlighting any Bible verses or stories to me I can meditate on specifically?

  • Is God giving me a prayer focus or directive?

  • Who or what is on God’s heart in this encounter? Can I partner with Him in a practical way to release God’s heart over what God is talking to me about?

  • What is the main theme God is stirring in me to grow?

  • Can I shift my focus in practical ways to embrace the wisdom God is giving, and what does that look like in my life?

  • Are there decrees and prayers I can focus on for this season?

  • Is there strategy, discernment, or insight God is giving me?

  • What perspective shifts in my thinking do I need to embrace to walk this out?

  • What wisdom has God added to my current situation?

  • Has God imparted new or fresh anointing to me? What for? How can I take a practical step to activate that anointing in my life?

  • Can I do something creative that will partner with stirring up the things God is saying?

  • Can I do a practical, prophetic act that will partner in faith with what God saying?

  • Who can I share with what God is saying to me and give testimony to how God is stretch- ing me?

  • Is there anything God is highlighting for me to grow in or study in the Scriptures? What is a simple way I can start doing that?

  • What is God speaking to my heart? How can I steward my heart well in this season?

  • Are there any lies, limitations, or fears God is highlighting for me to evict? What is God saying I have done well and encouraging me in?

  • As God talks to me about new capacity, new anointing, or new pioneering projects, what is one actionable plan I can make to move forward in the new?

  • What one practical step can I implement into my daily life/season that will honor what God is speaking to me?

  • In a nutshell, what is the main thing God is talking to me about through His prophetic voice?

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. This is simply intended to help you think and process what and how God has spoken to you and to steward His voice well.

2. Long-Term Goals Are Not the Same as Actionable Steps

Taking the process of activation even further, narrow down all God is saying to you and write down one practical step to move forward in the direction of what God is saying.

It’s important that your practical step be actionable, or you won’t do it. Long-term goals are necessary and powerful, but to move forward short term, doable steps are needed. Taking a practical step forward breaks inertia or fear and activates God’s word in our lives. Take the long-term goal or dream that the King’s prophetic voice has birthed in you and break it down into actionable, simple steps that you can and will implement. This begins the process of activating the prophetic message into your life.

Remember, to enter our destiny we have to do something with what God is saying to us. This only needs to be a small step of faith, as God honors our small beginnings.

  • What is the big picture God is talking to you about?

  • What is one simple, actionable, practical step you can take right now?

3. Turn Your Prophetic Message Into a Prayer of Activation

In First Timothy 1:18 (NLT) Paul says, “…here are my instructions for you, based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier. May they help you fight well in the Lord’s battles.”

What this is talking about is taking our prophetic words and messages from God and using them to “fight the good fight” (1 Timothy 6:12 NIV) by reminding ourselves what God is speaking to us. In other words, turn the King’s prophetic message to you into a prayer that activates faith for the days to come. Invite God to activate you into bold courage and cut- ting-edge wisdom to overcome and conquer. Take what He is saying to you and pray it out as a war cry that scatters the enemy and a declaration of breakthrough.

Every time His supernatural realm intersects with your natural world, God is not just speaking a cool message, but imparting power to activate it and actually live it. Remember, when God speaks to us in any way, He’s building relationship so we trust what He’s saying. Allow this to be the start of an ongoing conversation that leads you closer to Jesus, and into living the dream, not just dreaming it.

And mostly, know that you are seen and loved by God. The King’s prophetic voice calls you, anoints you, and empowers you to live the days of purpose for which you were born. On the other side of revelation are God adventures and victories you haven’t even begun to imagine yet. What you’ve heard and seen is just a taste of what is yet to come as you step into and embrace the King’s prophetic voice to you.

Prayer of Blessing and Activation

Please personalize and pray this prayer:

Thank You, God, that You are speaking to me. Thank You for what You have been saying to me through (insert ways God has talked to you and the revelation He has given you here). I welcome Your supernatural glory realm in my life. I welcome Your prophetic voice and wisdom into my heart and life. Thank You for empowering me to walk in the practical processes of entering the promise You are stirring in me. Thank You that I will live in closer connection to You in my daily life, knowing Your nearness and tangible presence.

Help me, Lord, to not just hear You, but walk in all You say. I trust You and know Your wisdom will positively affect my call, family, and journey forward. Those in my sphere of influence will be impacted by Your love and Your supernatural interactions with me in life-giving, redemptive ways. Help me to embrace all You are doing in me, and activate the revelation You are pouring into me.

I invite Your Holy Spirit to work in my life, both in my present and future days, aligning my life with the dream and promise of Heaven. I receive all You are saying and stirring in me, and I cherish Your voice in my life. Ignite a fresh fire in me to boldly go where You’re leading. I trust You to lead me into the fullness of the days for which I was born.

I love Your voice, God. I love Your prophetic ways. I love You. Amen.

Jodie Hughes

Jodie and Ben Hughes are the founders of Pour It Out Ministries and hosts of Pour It Out TV. They have been in ministry together for more than 20 years. They, along with their adult daughter Keely, travel full time around the world as Revivalists, with an emphasis on Breakthrough, Prophetic declaration, Healing and the preaching of the gospel, with miracles, signs and wonders following in their personal lives and ministry endeavors. Ministering as a family imparts great hope and relatability to many.

Known for recently hosting the Pineapple Revival in Australia which saw many thousands come from all over, extending for 18 months. As well as being full-time itinerant Revivalists and Prophets, they have pastored and planted several churches, trained thousands of ministry students in their schools, recorded worship albums and authored prophetic insight articles and blogs.

Jodie pioneered and leads Mentor Me, an international online mentoring program, and regularly releases prophetic words and mentoring wisdom. She is an engaging speaker and influencer, known for being real, inspiring hope, imparting contagious hunger and transferable revival fire.


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