Born Deformed, Jesus Still Heals Her Withered Arm

The world over, I witness the extraordinary manifestations of healing in the Name of Jesus through childlike faith.

I have observed that when a person is healed by God and, in turn, prays for another afflicted person, the rate of healing is extremely high. Jesus said, if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, we could tell a mountain to move (see Matt. 17:20). Those who have just been touched and healed radically by Jesus experience such extreme faith that mountains of sickness can move from the ones that they, in turn, pray for (see Matt. 21:21). I never tire of watching the look of surprise on the faces of those who have just been delivered from sickness and oppression as they pass on what they have just received from Jesus.

In 2015, I found myself in the middle of thousands of people trying to cram into a small church in a little country town in the south of Brazil. It was my second mission trip to Brazil with Global Awakening and we were experiencing the manifestations of Jehovah Rophe, God our healer.

After an hour and half of seemingly endless healings, the hungry crowd was beginning to thin. It allowed us to catch our breath, but then I saw an attractive dark-haired woman approaching me holding the hand of a very small thin girl with long brown hair. The girl, who appeared to be about six years old, wore a little black-and-pink skirt with a black sleeveless shirt. As the woman and child walked toward me, I had a sudden vision manifest in front of my eyes. Almost like a dream, I briefly saw the little girl doing cartwheels all around the church in front of me. The vision quickly disappeared. I tucked it away as a possible key to something God was doing, as He was surely doing new things tonight.

The woman introduced herself to the interpreter. “I’m Claudia, and this is my daughter Pedrina. I would like for the lady [me] to pray for Pedrina’s arm.” Slowly Claudia rotated Pedrina so her left side was facing me. There I saw a malformed, completely limp arm without muscle, ligaments, or shape. It appeared that the arm was nothing but bone and skin. Her mother continued, “She was born this way, and her arm has no movement or feeling, but we believe Jesus will heal her tonight.”

“I believe that, too.” I smiled. After the last ninety minutes of praying for people and watching the power of God heal and set people free, I had faith on fire.

Before I launched into prayer, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit, almost like an impression. Through intimacy with God and fasting, I have learned this is His voice and the most common way He speaks to me. He directed me to pray four times with short, very specific prayers. The Lord stirred in my heart that this was to be a creative miracle—the creation of a part of the body that was missing. I had never prayed for a creative miracle by myself, and I was so excited to see Jesus do the impossible because He does the impossible so well.

I began, “In the Name of Jesus, I command the re-creation of normal nerve conductivity in the brain, new neurons, and new receptors inside the arm, brand-new nerves created, and normal circulation in this arm. As it is in Heaven, let it be here now in Jesus’ Name.” I realized I was holding my breath and tried to relax.

The Holy Spirit continued to guide me, leading me to ask Pedrina to check her arm after each short prayer I prayed.

“Pedrina, can you move your arm?” I asked through the interpreter.

Pedrina said she could feel something hot inside her arm, and we could see twitching as her arm moved slightly back and forth.

“What? Come on! Okay, Jesus. Thank You, Lord!”

Pedrina’s eyes grew wide. The interpreter moved closer into our circle. Claudia put her hand over her mouth.

I held my breath again, then I prayed what I was impressed by the Lord to speak. “In the mighty Name of Jesus and by His blood, I command every muscle, ligament, and tendon and all missing support pieces for normal movement of this arm to be created now.”

Pedrina, Claudia, the interpreter, and I watched as her arm began to change shape. I could not comprehend this with my mind. My voice was higher than normal. “Pedrina, can you try to move your arm again?”

The interpreter repeated the question in Portuguese.

We watched as Pedrina raised her arm to the side halfway up like the arm of a clock. Shock and amazement filled all three of us.

I prayed a third time for the neurological connections from her brain to her nervous system in activation of a normal functioning arm to be healed.

Pedrina raised her arm 75 percent of the way up. The arm looked more normal each time she lifted it.

The last directive I received from the Lord was to simply ask Pedrina to lift her arm straight over her head. “Sweetie,” I said, “will you lift your arm straight up and give Jesus a shout of thanks?”

The interpreter asked the question, and we all witnessed the miracle of this little precious daughter’s arm shoot straight up in the air as she screamed. Her mom, the interpreter, and I all screamed too. We were undone by the goodness of God, unable to process what we had just seen. Tears ran down our faces like rivers as we watched Pedrina leap into her mother’s arms. Pedrina then threw her arms around her mother’s neck, buried her face in her mother’s neck, and sobbed. She had never before been able to hug her mom with both arms.

“Thank You, Father. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit.” I could not stop thanking God and marveling at what I witnessed. He invited us into a front-row seat to marvel at the transformation of a beautiful little girl’s life. God made this so simple for me, as He will for all who will partner with Him.

Claudia’s tug on my arm brought me back into the moment. Through the interpreter she shared this: “Please, I must tell you why Pedrina asked me to bring her to this healing meeting tonight. She is the one who heard about it in our church last weekend when they said all of you were coming to pray for the sick. She told me she believed Jesus would heal her here because she wants to do gymnastics. Without the use of her left arm, that could never happen for her.”

All I could do was smile, shed fresh tears, and nod as I was reminded of the vision of little Pedrina doing cartwheels as her mother brought her up to me for prayer.

Give It Away

In your prayer time, ask the Holy Spirit who He would like for you to pray for today. Ask Him for revelation on what to say. You may only receive a simple thing or perhaps have an impression you are not certain about. Remember, you are bold and courageous, and when we give away Jesus’ love, we are releasing His healing presence. You do not have to be profound to be germane. Childlike faith is simply deciding to try. Understand that you won’t have all the answers, but you can trust our heavenly Father. He will use you to transform each life in front of you through simple kindness or extravagant miracles. Jesus and you are an unbeatable team, so practice putting on His love, healing power, and authority, and make yourself available. Even if you are shaking in your shoes, don’t chicken out. The world needs Jesus, and you are His light.

Joanne Moody

Reverend Joanne Moody was miraculously healed of 14 years of debilitating nerve pain in 2014. She authored her testimony in her first book, Minute by Minute, and she is an ordained minister, Master Equipper through CHCP of Global Awakening, Christian Life Coach through Western Seminary and is certified through the ICF. She leads healing teams, teaches, trains, and equips people internationally in all types of ministry venues.


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