Warning Vision: 7 Giant Waves to Hit California

God took Jessi Green into a one-hour vision where she saw 7 giant waves hitting California's coast.

Waves of Holy Spirit transformation have already begun to crash onto the shores of the West Coast. Jessi shares incredible visions she has had of revival that will occur over the next 10 years. These waves will transform the church, shift the narrative surrounding the abortion and pro-life movements, destroy witchcraft, and so much more! Certain cities in the US will be ignition points for this revival fire, and people will stop settling for religion, and begin chasing after an intimate relationship with Jesus Himself!

Don’t miss this incredible interview.

▶▶Wildfires: A Field Guide To Supernatural Revival [E-Book]: https://bit.ly/3bS01Cm

Is Christianity working for you?

From the messy, blunt, transparent pages of Wildfires, Jessi Green invites you into a Christian life that you may have never been told is real.

In this special pre-release edition of her new book, Jessi shares the Christianity that no one had ever showed her — complete with a real Jesus and a life full of miracles and supernatural encounters.

Jessie learned that Jesus is both willing and able to outshine the false promises of religion, culture and patchy new-age philosophy—and He is more than willing to share His vision for your city and nation.

Where to start? Ask the Lord of the harvest. But start. There is a fiery love of Jesus that breathes in the power of the Holy Spirit…on the other side.

▶▶Wildfires: A Field Guide To Supernatural Revival [E-Book]: https://bit.ly/3bS01Cm

Jessi Green

Jessi Green is a revivalist, preacher, wife, mom, visionary, and creative. In 2009, she was radically saved in her apartment after a traumatic break-up and drug-filled lifestyle working as a doorman in New York City nightclubs. After encountering the love and power of God, she sold her belongings and traveled to 15 countries over 11 months, working with orphanages, preaching the Gospel, and learning to live a supernatural lifestyle. Jessi is the director of Saturate which is a global revival movement that is uniting the church in reaching those that don’t know Jesus, baptizing them, and making disciples. She resides in Southern California with her husband Parker and their three children and lead Salt Churches together.


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