If You Long to Ignite Revival Flames…


Dearest kin,

My heart is on fire, boiling over with passion. Bubbling up within me are these beautiful lyrics as a lovely poem to be sung for the King. Like a river bursting its banks, I’m overflowing with words, spilling out into this sacred story (Psalm 45:1 TPT)

This journey begins just like every other tale. It’s the original story. The one written for each of us from the beginning of time.

“There has to be more…”

Oh, how our souls have longed to satisfy the insatiable quest that nags at us. The reality is, there is more—so much more.

We were created, designed, and orchestrated to experience life. A raging fire of explosive life is in the distance. When we draw closer, we can feel the heat from the flames. The world convinces us, “That’s enough, don’t press in further. The fire…it’s dangerous.”

We set up camps—miles away. We welcome others to watch the flames and feel the warmth of the fire, but we neglect to invite them to step into the fire and become ignited themselves.

We sit on our computers, working long hours to accumulate more status, more resources, more, more, more of anything that can give us the temporal feeling of the flames. Slowly, we start to put our head down, growing wearily apathetic. We believe the lie that the abundant life is for some other fortunate soul.

I plead with you, don’t give up so easily. As you work, your workplace should be ignited with color. You should go to sleep expectant to dream and hear from the Creator of the universe. In the shower, you should be hearing encouraging words for your co-workers. Your lunch breaks should be full of as much adrenaline as jumping out of an airplane as you step out of your comfort zone and hurtle yourself into the supernatural.

You see, this book is a journey into revival. No, not the pumped-up worship service full of expensive equipment and hype, but actual revival. Revival that looks like a treasure in a field, that once you discover it you’d be willing to sell everything you own for it.

I want to kneel down in front of you and put your hands into my charcoaled palms and whisper into your ear, “It’s not coming, it’s here. The fire is here. Can you feel its heat? It’s time to go in.”

Will it cost you?

Well, yes, of course it will.

Everything with value does.

But we both know what you have been doing isn’t working. So why not just go all in and see what happens when you allow the flames of His holy fire to consume you? For we both know He is an all-consuming fire.

Let’s go,


Jessi Green

Jessi Green is a revivalist, preacher, wife, mom, visionary, and creative. In 2009, she was radically saved in her apartment after a traumatic break-up and drug-filled lifestyle working as a doorman in New York City nightclubs. After encountering the love and power of God, she sold her belongings and traveled to 15 countries over 11 months, working with orphanages, preaching the Gospel, and learning to live a supernatural lifestyle. Jessi is the director of Saturate which is a global revival movement that is uniting the church in reaching those that don’t know Jesus, baptizing them, and making disciples. She resides in Southern California with her husband Parker and their three children and lead Salt Churches together.


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