Christian Witchcraft: The Spirit Warring Against You in These Last Days

What is witchcraft? For most of my life, when I heard the word witchcraft, I thought of medicine men in the heart of Africa who cast spells on people.

I had heard about covens of witches in the United States and other parts of the world who would chant and curse churches, Christian marriages, or political figures they didn’t agree with, but I had never met a witch. I acknowledged the existence of witchcraft in theory, but I had no firm idea of what that meant, and I never believed anyone I knew was involved in witchcraft, especially other Christians. Christians operating in witchcraft? No way!

It wasn’t until 2021, when I faced the most severe spiritual warfare of my life, that I began to understand the inner workings and power of witchcraft. Is there witchcraft in Africa and other parts of the world that involves spells, magic, sorcery, and other forms of divination? Absolutely! However, many Christians practice witchcraft every day and have no idea that they’ve partnered with the devil in broad daylight. This “acceptable” form of witchcraft and the demonic agenda fanning its flame is far more subtle and powerful than occult practices. When we deny its existence, politely give evil a pass, or wrongly label this form of spiritual warfare, its authority grows. We have no idea how to defend ourselves, nor even the recognition that we’re partnered with it.

A Hard Lesson

Witchcraft draws more power when it is hidden. It runs like a generator, converting one form of spiritual energy into another. There are three clues that reveal the presence of witchcraft: manipulation, intimidation, and domination. The overarching goal of witchcraft is to dominate someone else, to command influence, or exercise control over their behavior.

A few years ago, the national spotlight shined on our ministry with blinding intensity. Millions of people around the world were watching from the social media sidelines, and thousands of partners were financially supporting the call of God on our lives.

Suddenly, God adjusted our course, and I made a decision that led to a public trial in the media and a witch hunt in the church. We lost tens of thousands of dollars in monthly support overnight and received death threats as the rumor mill published stories full of lies and disinformation in print and on social media. I was public enemy number one in the body of Christ and became the punching bag of a failed political campaign, enduring gossip, slander, hatred, and humiliation at the hands of the same people who had championed and supported us weeks before.

I regrouped with the few friends I had left, prayed through the storm, invited the counsel of godly leaders, and followed the voice of the Holy Spirit into the unknown. Several months later, I accepted an invitation to speak at a national gathering of prophets, where I shared about the persecution we had endured. Several of the prophets approached me on the stage after I told our story and asked if they could pray for me. They said, “Jeremiah you are under the power of demonic witchcraft, and we need to break it off you.”

Their words caught me off guard, but I trusted the leading of the Holy Spirit. As they prayed, my body involuntarily responded to their declarations as the spirit of witchcraft loosed its hold upon my life. I shook, wept, and was visibly moved by their authoritative prayer. It was as if a thousand pounds had lifted off my chest. I could finally breathe again and think clearly. One of the prophets saw my mantle rejuvenate and decreed that God would give me a double portion for all the devil had stolen from me.

My life has not been the same since that day. I honestly thought I was just in a difficult season, and that somehow, I would get through it. I had no idea that the curses of angry Christians and the national media carried such weight. I had been buried underneath the power of witchcraft, and its deadly threats—intimidation, manipulation, and domination—had worn away my vitality and clarity. I was harassed and hounded by a mob of people who wanted me to shut up, quit the ministry, and never prophesy again. I was manipulated by Christian leaders and friends who wanted to commandeer my decisions and control my next steps.

Ultimately, the demonic agenda of this evil spirit wanted to call the shots and take me out completely. The truth is, it almost did! I am alive today, strengthened, encouraged, renewed, and full of vision and hope for the future because several prophets discerned that I was under a severe witchcraft attack, and they moved to break its paralyzing grip off my life. These prophets are a shining example of the warrior bride in the last days.

Prophetic Word

In a recent dream, I saw banners hanging in churches, hotels, and stadiums that read, “Deliverance is the children’s bread.” God said to me, “Where the casting out of devils has been shut down by the spirit of religion, I am now releasing a generation of revivalists who are going to resurrect My kingdom with power and authority that will make deliverance normal, not abnormal.”

The Layers of Witchcraft

In 1 Samuel 15:23, we uncover the root of witchcraft. Samuel tells King Saul, “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.” In many versions of the Bible, the word is translated “divination.” Like a three-headed mythological monster, there are several different power centers in this evil spirit. Witchcraft provides the muscle and the horsepower. Divination is the revelatory arm that undergirds occultic practices like fortune telling. The final element is sorcery, which among other things, uses physical objects to control people.

Witchcraft is the result of rebellion. Wherever you uncover rebellion, look for witchcraft, because they are demonic twins. We live in a rebellious society that has deliberately rejected the righteous government of God in the Person of Jesus Christ. The result is cultural collapse and pervasive witchcraft. If you deliver a person from a spirit of rebellion, the spirit of witchcraft is lurking in the corner, trying to evade detection.


A Christian who is assaulted by witchcraft will often have a variety of symptoms. Consider the following questions and rule out preexisting health conditions, chronic stress, or environmental factors. If you’ve been checked out by your doctor and you’re still experiencing these symptoms, it might be a witchcraft attack.

  • Are you disoriented or confused, perhaps even clumsy?

  • Have you lost your motivation?

  • Are you emotionally drained?

  • Do you feel like you perpetually have the flu?

  • Is your chest heavy and tight?

  • Do you have unexplainable changes in your blood pressure or heart rate?

  • Do you have nightmares or insomnia?

  • Are you forgetful?

Witchcraft in Families

Parents, do not allow your children to manipulate you. Your permissiveness will lead to their rebellion. Prodigal behavior is bound up in the heart of every child. “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he grows older he will not abandon it” (Proverbs 22:6 NASB). Teaching your children to honor you prepares the soil of their hearts to receive the gospel. When we teach children healthy boundaries and discipline them appropriately, we keep them from the danger of the evil one and encourage them to die to themselves. This is an invitation into a submitted and supernatural life—a holy adventure!

Manipulation goes both ways. Parental possessiveness is a devastating form of control with far-reaching consequences. You are not your child’s god. Don’t make them into your image! Like stunted plants that don’t produce fruit, they will fail to grow into maturity as God intended. These Peter Pan Christians are stuck in their childhood and perpetually in need of parental approval and applause. Some time ago, I met a man in his thirties who was an itinerant preacher. He said to me, “Since I left home at the age of eighteen, no matter where I am in the world, I phone my mother every night.” I didn’t need to hear any more of the story. He was manipulated, trained in dependence, and forever tied to her apron strings. He was finally able to adjust his behavior without offending his mother, and without feeling guilty about it.

Another way parents manipulate their children is by exploiting their affection. “If you love mommy, you’ll clean up your room.” This is sinful and controlling language that enslaves children in false love. It subtly teaches them they were created for your will and pleasure instead of for God’s will and pleasure. The orphan spirit will prey on them, and they will learn obedience motivated by duty instead of obedience motivated by love. These little people-pleasers will appear well-behaved, but rebellion is deeply rooted in their hearts and will come out sideways years later.

Another form of witchcraft that roosts in families is temperamental love that comes and goes depending on how a child behaves. If love must be earned, it is conditional and contractual. This creates instability and insecurity and sets a child up to play a part in a performance that never ends. When the curtain finally goes down, these children are susceptible to a host of mental illnesses because they don’t know who they are or whose they are. The Father’s love pursues us, and is not earned, but freely given. “We love, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19 NASB). Every child, even when they misbehave, should feel secure in their parents’ love. These deep roots of security will lead to good fruit.

Witchcraft in the Church

There are countless places for witchcraft to hide in our churches. The offering plate is a common one. Many pastors manipulate their congregations into giving, instead of addressing heart issues like greed, covetousness, and stinginess with solid biblical teaching. A church leader stands up at a conference and says, “There are five people here tonight who are going to give $500 each to this ministry.” One person after another stands up, until four individuals have pledged to give $500 each. Now everybody in the room is wondering, “Am I the fifth?” Eventually some poor guy stands up. Motivated by what? Righteousness? No. Guilt. God never motivates His people with guilt, but He will provoke them to jealousy if money is their first love.

In some extreme situations, fear tactics and open threats are used to control people’s behavior. In one situation, a pastor told his biggest donor, “If you leave this church your business will stop growing.” That businessman didn’t prosper for ten years because his pastor’s threats had cursed him. Proverbs 18:21 (NASB) says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” While our words don’t create ex nihilo—out of nothing—like God’s words do, they are potent. If the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. So are the word curses of an unrighteous person. Gossip, slander, accusation, and curses are all forms of demonic prayer.

A demand for unquestioning loyalty is another form of witchcraft attack. “I’m your pastor, you have to obey me. If you don’t obey me, you’re disobeying God.” While it can be this overt, this type of manipulation is often more subtle and calculated. Consider the group of elders who told emerging leaders in their church that until a young leader’s character was tested by the death of a parent, they wouldn’t be qualified to participate in church leadership, which basically meant, “sit down and submit until we’re dead, too.” Tragically, many people who have grown up in demon daycares like this continue to mindlessly follow the person in front of them because that’s what the enemy taught them to do.

Jeremiah Johnson

Jeremiah Johnson is the founder of The Altar Global, a movement of Christians who share a common urgency and desire for the return of Jesus Christ and the preparation of the Bride for that glorious day. He is also a best-selling author of multiple books and travels extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. Jeremiah has been a guest on many popular Christian television and radio shows such as Daystar, TBN, GodTV, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!, and The 700 Club. He currently resides in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he oversees The Altar School of Ministry and greatly enjoys equipping end-time messengers in every sphere of society. For more information, go to: or


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