The Secret to a Double-Portion Anointing

“And so it was, when they had crossed over, that Elijah said to Elisha, ‘Ask! What may I do for you, before I am taken away from you?’ Elisha said, ‘Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me’” (2 Kings 2:9 NKJV).

Picture this:

Elijah was running for his life from the wicked queen Jezebel. At a time when he needed all the friends he could get, Elijah found himself isolated in the wilderness battling fearful imaginations of Jezebel’s henchmen making good on her death threat.

Elijah’s servant was supposed to protect him, to stand with him—to run with him if necessary. Instead, this unnamed servant stayed behind in Beersheba (see 1 Kings 19:3). The Bible says Elijah left his servant there, but there’s no indication that the servant even so much as tried to stay by his side like Ruth refused to leave Naomi.

That has always puzzled me. This servant had just witnessed Elijah call down fire from heaven. God only knows how many other miracles Elijah’s servant witnessed. Yet at the first sign of trouble, the servant stayed behind in Beersheba, a fertile land of plenty, while Elijah isolated himself in the wilderness. Well, Elijah’s servant missed out—that’s the last we hear of Elijah’s servant. He could have been in line for a double portion anointing, but he forfeited it by not sticking with Elijah through thick and thin.

On the other hand, Elisha served Elijah faithfully—and fervently. He was widely known in the kingdom of Israel as the one who poured water over Elijah’s hands (see 2 Kings 3:11). Elisha was bold enough to ask Elijah for a double portion of his anointing before he went on to be with the Lord. He knew he would need it to continue the work of the ministry. Elijah told the young prophet if he saw him go up he would grant his request. Elisha stuck with him to the very end even when Elijah told him to leave.

As a result, Elisha received the double portion anointing for which he petitioned. And here’s my point: Elijah’s other servant, the one who stayed behind at Beersheba, was a candidate for this double portion anointing. At the very least, he was in line to receive a mighty impartation from Elijah. Humble service is a pathway to the double portion anointing all talk about. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the grace of humility.


Father, in the name of Jesus, make me into a faithful servant. Show me who to serve and help me go all in to cover, protect, and intercede for the leaders to whom You’ve assigned me so that I am positioned rightly to receive the spiritual inheritance You have ordained for me.

Jennifer LeClaire

Jennifer LeClaire is senior leader of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, FL, founder of the Ignite Network, and founder of the Awakening Prayer Hubs prayer movement. Jennifer formerly served as the first-ever female editor of Charisma magazine and is a prolific author of over 50 books.


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