Making of a False Prophet

“They have wandered off the right road and followed the footsteps of Balaam son of Beor, who loved to earn money by doing wrong” (2 Peter 2:15).

I don’t believe false prophets start off as false prophets.

I believe they start off on the right track, with zeal and fervor for righteousness, with a hunger to hear and share His voice, and with a determination to build the Kingdom of God. Unfortunately, some genuine, God-called prophets end up on the road of deception. Remember, a false prophet is not merely someone who delivers an inaccurate word. A false prophet is someone who sets out to deceive and is himself deceived.

In reality, some who call themselves prophets were never called to begin with. They took on the title because they coveted the calling, or because someone erroneously prophesied them into an office God didn’t have in mind, or even because they truly felt God called them (but were wrong). Many false prophets never understood true prophetic ministry and never operated in the true prophetic anointing, which goes well beyond personal prophecy.

While minor character flaws may merely cause you to prophesy less accurately than you otherwise could—and that’s a shame in and of itself—more serious character issues left unaddressed can lead the true into false realms. Balaam is perhaps a familiar example. But let us not get so familiar with his mistake that we overlook the warnings within it. God recorded his story so that we can learn from his missteps, not merely so we can judge Balaam for his error.

Balaam didn’t start out as a false prophet. He was one of the greatest prophets of his time, according to Josephus. That says a lot considering he lived in the days of Moses. But it just goes to show you the anointing may take you where your character can’t keep you. Don’t ever let that happen. Get your character straight so you can use the anointing God has given you to bless and curse not. Balaam was disobedient toward God, going to prophesy for King Balak without permission and later giving Israel’s enemy ammunition to lead them into immorality.


Father, in the name of Jesus, help me not to let any little foxes spoil my prophetic vine. Show me if I have opened the doorway to prophetic deception. Fine-tune my character and conform me to Christ the Prophet so I can stay true to Your purpose for my life.

Jennifer LeClaire

Jennifer LeClaire is senior leader of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, FL, founder of the Ignite Network, and founder of the Awakening Prayer Hubs prayer movement. Jennifer formerly served as the first-ever female editor of Charisma magazine and is a prolific author of over 50 books.


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