Is a Jezebel Spirit Influencing Me?

And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many? (2 Kings 9:22)

Jezebel called herself a prophetess, but she actually practiced idolatry, divination, and witchcraft. She used seduction, both sexually and of the mind, to draw her subject in toward destruction. She moved with authority, but it was not an authority given by God, or even by her husband, the king. She was controlling through the force of her personality, manipulating toward her own agenda, and very intimidating to all who came in her path.

The name Jezebel means “without co-habitation” (Strong’s H348 and G2403). Those controlled by this spirit are very difficult to live with or to be with. Those who give place to this spirit to operate refuse to live with others peacefully, unless they are in control and dominating. The Jezebel spirit is an independent spirit. She needs no one unless that person will bring her an advantage in gaining power, position, or pre-eminence. Even then, she normally will use the relationship only for her own selfish agendas.

Jezebel was also a man-hater and responded with violence whenever someone else was in control. She surrounded herself with eunuchs, men whom she had emasculated. The Jezebel spirit will seek to control men by manipulating their sexual desires through seduction, fantasy, sensuality, and lust. Sex isn’t usually the issue, control is! Much of the adult entertainment industry has fallen under Jezebel’s that they know are wrong, but seem acceptable at the time. Then she becomes the master of manipulation and shame using self-pity, guilt, and condemnation to control.

Jezebel is largely responsible for the booming abortion industry, the feminism movement, and even the transgender movements throughout the world. She says to women, “You have to be in control.” She has no regard for life, even if it is the life of an unborn child. She has no mercy. Anything and everything is sacrificed to gain the prize of domination and control.

The Open Door to Jezebel

The Jezebel spirit is no respecter of persons. She will spin her evil web around men and women alike. However, because she is scripturally personified as a woman, we must understand that women are especially susceptible to the influence of her power.

Women who have been victimized by men are usually good targets for this spirit. There is often a generational curse (or predisposition) toward allowing this spirit to rule in their lives. Once this spirit takes root, the individual becomes dangerous, as the spirit proceeds to wrap itself around her personality and become a part of her identity.

In the church, I have heard certain women referred to as a “Jezebel.” I don’t believe that people are “Jezebels,” but rather may be operating under the influence of a Jezebel spirit. We must understand that “Jezebel” is not the identity that God has spoken or written over these women’s lives. God has a call and destiny over each individual. It is important that we identify ourselves and one another according to God’s call and identity, rather than what the enemy tries to speak as identity over our lives.

Any one of us is capable of controlling or manipulating a situation to our advantage. This is part of our unredeemed human nature and does not necessarily mean we are being controlled by a Jezebel spirit. Rather, the Jezebel spirit becomes so entwined with a person’s personality and identity that it becomes difficult to determine where the personality stops and demonic control begins.

On one occasion, my husband and I ministered to a woman who seemed to be sincerely seeking deliverance from a Jezebel spirit. We had heard prophetic words come over her life in regard to her call from God as a prophetess; however, her ministry always made many feel uneasy. Many whom she had prayed with immediately got sick or had accidents. She considered herself an intercessor and would often control the flow of corporate prayer times.

Eventually, we discerned a spirit of Jezebel that had apparently come through generational curses as well as through a sexual relationship with a warlock prior to her coming to Christ. We began to fast and pray with her and ministered deliverance. She was wonderfully delivered and had a completely new countenance when you looked at her.

Yet within a week, when she walked into a room, we noticed that the old countenance was back, and that she had obviously once again opened herself up to this spirit’s control. It had become so much a part of her that until her mind was renewed and she learned to refuse to give place for this spirit to operate, her deliverance could not be complete. She eventually received a good measure of freedom, but it was not an easy process for her or for us.

Regardless of how intimidating this spirit is, we must remember that the power of the blood of Jesus is more powerful than anything this spirit can bring. The Jezebel spirit must bow its knee at the name of Jesus. We must not allow ourselves to lose this focus, or we will permit her to become more powerful in our minds than God.

Elijah made this mistake. Even after he witnessed great miracles and signs wrought by the hand of God, including the fire that had rained down on the altar of sacrifice, he became so intimidated by Jezebel that she seemed to have more power over his life than God. This forced him to run and hide out in a cave in fear for his life. Elijah was deceived by her intimidation and completely lost focus and perspective until God directly confronted him.

Jezebel in the Church

Because the Jezebel spirit promotes a strong personality and operates out of manipulative control, many who are under the influence of this spirit will press themselves into places of leadership and influence in the church. It is not unusual for these individuals to control others through prophecy, saying such statements as, “The Lord showed me something about you….” This person may even have accurate information, but will be motivated out of the wrong spirit or operate out of an illegitimate source. In returning to the example of the counterfeit dollar bills, someone may determine that this money is fake because it doesn’t look right or feel right. But in fact, a good counterfeit looks so much like the real thing that only an expert can distinguish the true from the false. What actually makes the bills counterfeit is their source. Is the source of the bill the US Treasury Department or not? If not, it is counterfeit regardless of how real it looks.

The Jezebel spirit will attempt to access illegitimate spiritual information. Through this, she will draw on the spirit of divination, which is defined in Acts chapter 9 as the spirit of Python (Strong’s G4436). The attack method is actually similar to that of the python snake in the jungle. It attempts to lull its victim into a place of unpreparedness, perhaps even waiting for its prey to fall asleep. It will then proceed to slowly squeeze the life out of you. It cuts off life, it cuts off joy, it cuts off provision. It cuts off anything and everything one needs to accomplish God’s plan. The Python spirit is subtle but deadly, and it comes as divination, witchcraft, or false prophecy is used to manipulate people for its agenda.

Those influenced by the Jezebel spirit will often target certain areas for involvement within the church. It seems that many of these individuals are drawn toward the areas of intercession, counseling, worship, and the arts. These are apparently the areas in which Jezebel can exercise the most control. These are also places of great power when God and godly people are working together. These areas of function can be the very places where spiritual battles are taking place, and where Jezebel can stir up strife and division to keep the army of the Lord from accomplishing its mission.

The Jezebel spirit’s goal is not only to destroy but, more subtly, to take the focus off the vision of the Lord for a particular church and draw it toward herself. She hates the prophets, and therefore hates vision. She will be critical, judgmental, and subversive, but not always in an overt manner. She gives prayer and counsel to needy members, then uses her influence to discredit the leaders and the vision, ultimately resulting in the separation of her counselee from the vision, trust, and love of the Body.

Renouncing Jezebel

It is important to renounce the Jezebel spirit and all her works. Godly women must not resort to using charm, deceit, seduction, control, or manipulation to fulfill their destinies. We must draw on the strength and grace of the Lord and remain humble, even in the midst of accusation or controversy.

Jezebel hates repentance. She hates humility. She hates people who pray. She hates the prophets. Ultimately, Jezebel hates God. We must love what Jezebel hates in order to renounce the works of darkness and embrace our freedom.

While godly women need not yield to Jezebel’s powers in order to be strong, it is also important to recognize that at times, the fear of being labeled “a Jezebel” may keep many women from rising to their fullest potential in Christ. As we take on God’s identity for our lives, we can receive His strength and wisdom, learning how to press forward without being pushy, how to walk in dominion without being dominating, and how to be strategic without being manipulative.

A Charge of Women of Vision

Rise up, Deborah Company, and stir up the gift of God that is in you! It is the appointed time and season for you to break the bands of darkness and to release the light of vision to this generation! Rise up, and break through every cloud of confusion and despair, and speak forth the plan and purpose of God. Stir yourself out of complacency. Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil. Open your eyes, ears, and hearts to the things of the Spirit. Lay hold of divine strategies. Lay hold of revelation. Lay hold on your destiny. Now is the time for you to come forth!


  1. Strong’s Concordance of the Bible

Jane Hamon

Jane Hamon and her husband, Tom, are senior leaders of Vision Church @ Christian International in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. Jane, a gifted teacher and storyteller, has written several books, including Dreams and Visions, The Deborah Company and The Cyrus Decree. The Hamons have three children and a growing number of grandchildren. They make their home on the beautiful Emerald Coast of Florida.


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