Pray In The Spirit Over Your Marriage And Children!

The more you pray in tongues, the more the Spirit can begin to activate in your life and in your loved ones.

You will experience life more abundantly as you pray in tongues.

Hank and Brenda Kunneman

Hank and Brenda Kunneman have dedicated their lives to connecting people with the Word of the Lord. Known as a ministry team that shares the platform in a unique way, they are seeing lives change through the prophetic word and ministry in the Holy Spirit, coupled with a balanced and relevant message. Traveling worldwide as One Voice Ministries, they are committed to teaching biblical principles and to helping people have a genuine encounter with the Lord. The Kunnemans also pastor Lord of Hosts Church, a thriving church in Omaha, Nebraska, and have authored multiple book titles.


Declaring Same-Day Miracles!


Decree This To Let God Rain Goodness And Grace Over Your Home