Critical Prophetic Word for Our Nation

What can we do to prepare for the challenges and blessings ahead?

Gene Bailey joins prophetic voice Joseph Z as he shares a powerful prophetic word for our nation, offering critical divine insights and guidance for the coming year.

Gene Bailey

Dr. Gene Bailey is currently serving as Executive Director for Kenneth Copeland Ministries and Executive Pastor at Eagle Mountain International Church in Ft Worth, Texas. Gene also fills the role of Executive Vice President of Kenneth Copeland Bible College and is also the instructor for Revival and Church History.

With a long history in ministry, Gene has traveled the world and experienced the power of God first hand. Whether it was dinner with kings in the Middle East to being thrown in jail in West Africa for spreading the gospel, Gene has seen God truly open doors for the gospel like never before. Now, Gene travels extensively sharing his hunger for revival as well as his heart for souls.

In 2016, Revival Radio TV was born out of Gene's hunger to see and experience true revival comparable to the great moves of God in the past. His long history in media allows Gene to see the history of revival as it applies to outpourings today. Currently, Revival Radio TV is seen on broadcast outlets and cable systems around the world.


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