Access Throne Room Gifts of Prophecy & Spiritual Warfare

In the very midst of the Throne Room of Heaven, we are handed gifts!

One of those gifts is prophecy; other gifts include miraculous powers, healing, tongues, faith, discerning of spirits, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, interpretation of tongues, prophets, apostles, evangelists, teachers, and shepherds.

By the way, it is worth remembering that there is a gift called “miraculous powers.” Perhaps it is the most forgotten in the 1 Corinthians 12 list of gifts, but Jesus walked on water, walked through walls, floated in the air, shone resplendent in glory at the transfiguration, disturbed funerals by raising the dead, changed the weather, and we too are handed the ability for miraculous powers!

  • Miraculous powers sees Joshua command the sun to stand still.

  • Miraculous powers enables Moses to see water pour from a rock.

  • Miraculous power is attached to Jehoshaphat’s worship, and his enemies end up killing each other before God’s people even turn up!

  • Miraculous power sees the Red Sea part, opening a way where there seemed to be no way.

Is this a gift that you have asked for?

Throne room gifts are to enforce the Kingdom.

All these gifts come from the most powerful place in all the heavenly and earthly realms and are given to us so that we might enforce the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. As we partner with the Holy Spirit and use these gifts, we become directors of Heaven on earth; we are trusted ambassadors who can legislate for His Kingdom with each use of every gift.

And perhaps one of Jesus’s first thoughts when He returned to Heaven with the captives was, “How am I going to weaponize My people with My power?” He would have been considering the abundance of what He needed us to have to make us unstoppable and to empower us without limit to change the world! Remember, Jesus is not mean or stingy, and He doesn’t hold back from giving us the very best.

Prophecy, healing, tongues, and miraculous powers are not “optional extras” that we can take or leave, depending on what mood we wake up in.

Weaponized by Heaven

For years we have yo-yoed with our focus on spiritual gifts, struggling at times to see their relevance and often not seeing them as necessities for everyday life. One of the problems we have in seeing gifts as fundamentally important is with our translation of the Greek word charisma (translated “gift”) that Paul writes about to the church in Corinth.

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them (1 Corinthians 12:4).

We see the word gift and think of fun, frivolous, and not particularly useful like a quirky and strange Christmas gift given by an elderly and out-of-touch relative!

Yet charisma means spiritual enablement or spiritual empowerments; spiritual endowment; given free, in undeserved favor. In fact, the root meaning of the word charisma means to rescue.

Spiritual gifts are extraordinary powers, given liberally and without us earning them. They are for all believers, no matter what you think of yourself. This means you must lay down and release your hold on any low self-esteem and self-rejection still operational in you right now.

Spiritual gifts are empowerments provided by God to manifest His Kingdom and to rescue others. You have been weaponized by Heaven! This truth must underpin our attitude to them.

You have been weaponized by Heaven!

The gifts are not optional, extra additions for our lives or only for a few special people. Prophecy, healing, tongues, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, and discerning of spirits are gifts in the same way that bagpipes, tartans, swords, haggis, and the cèilidh dance are gifts to the Scottish people! It is who the Scottish are; they’re intrinsic to their identity. Think Scotland, think tartan. Think spiritual gifts and powerful miracles, think the Church—think you!

Divine Empowerments

When we read of the coming of the Holy Spirit, it is expressed in a very determined way:

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you (Acts 1:8 NKJV).

The Greek word for power is dunamis, but one of this word’s first meanings is “force.” In other words, one might say, “You will receive a force when the Holy Spirit comes upon you!”

When you use spiritual gifts, you have remarkable ability, explosive strength, and forceful power!

Likewise, we read: “The kingdom of God is not in word but in power” (1 Cor. 4:20 NKJV).

“Power” here also means “force.” The Kingdom of God is not in word but is a spiritual force.

It is time for it to dawn on us just how far we have fallen from the original intent of God to make us a spiritual force, with military capabilities and the power to rescue people.

We are usually more interested in being well thought of, or not wanting to stand out too much, or of avoiding being too strange or different. We are often too afraid to step toward others in fear that we might accidentally offend them.

We have surrendered and lost the mindset of power and the thought process that, “I have been asked to intervene in the world and to rescue many.”

We must recapture an inner way of seeing the world that understands that “I am a solution; I am carrying spiritual nuclear bombs and prophetic flamethrowers! My spiritual slingshot, my gift of prophecy, my bow and arrow, my gift of healing, will liberate you and show you Jesus!”

The spiritual gifts are divine empowerments to operate in the power of God to rescue people.
Emma Stark

Emma Stark is an Irish prophet known around the world for her authority and authenticity. A fourth generation Bible teacher, she communicates with a rare clarity, humor, and Celtic boldness. Emma is a core leader of the British Isles Council of Prophets and, with her husband, leads Glasgow Prophetic Centre and the Global Prophetic Alliance. Every year thousands travel to their center in Scotland to hear from God, receive freedom, and be equipped as prophetic warriors.


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