Prophetic Vision: Discouragement = Demonic Torment

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).

Has the enemy stolen your joy and dulled your determination?

By the Holy Spirit I saw you surrounded by the enemy, who celebrated, saying, “Didn’t we do a good job at deterring them from moving forward at the speed God had set for them. Haven’t we done well to steal and kill hopes and dreams? Well done, us!”

But then I saw Lord Jesus enter and cause the demons, who had been gleefully dancing around at their success over your life, immediately become silent and still. I saw Jesus standing in front of you and smiling. His gaze penetrates your eyes, and He wipes away the tears, brushes off the dust, tends to the wounds, and then opens His arms wide to you. As He holds you now, His light, which is the “light of life,” penetrates and permeates every part of who you are and illuminates you with such ferocity that nothing else within a wide radius in the spirit realm can look upon it without being blinded. The demons are indeed blinded and run away screaming, knowing that in an instant, all they thought they had achieved in destruction has been restored!

Life! The life that is the light of Christ floods every part of you both in the seen, earth realm and in the unseen, spirit realm. The light of life brings restoration to all that was damaged, hurt, and stolen and brings what was dead or shut down back to life!


“Let Me fully saturate you with My light, right through your whole being,” I hear the Lord say. Let Jesus wash His light over you and through you now. As He does, feel yourself coming alive again. Sense as your dormant emotions, dreams, and hopes are reignited. Hope is renewed and born again. You are being filled with light. I can hear the resonance of it begin to occupy you now. It is somehow weighted at the center of your being and is oscillating out from you into the space you now stand or sit in.

I hear the Lord say, “Now let there be light.” As He speaks these words, I can no longer see you in the spirit because you have become a moving, encircling structure of light waves that make sounds like “the whirling wheels” seen by Ezekiel the prophet (see Ezek. 10:13), as they move as one force.

“Let there be light!” the Lord commands once more as He establishes this light movement and sound in you and through you, radiating out- ward, touching all around it. No darkness can exist next to this fire of light. No demon is anywhere near you now. You are fully restored and alive in light, ready to transform the world you inhabit. “Be full of light,” Jesus says to you now. “Shine and be light.”

Additional content by: Sarah-Jane Biggart, John Hansford, Micah Hayden, Sam Robertson, and David Stark.

Emma Stark

Emma Stark is an Irish prophet known around the world for her authority and authenticity. A fourth generation Bible teacher, she communicates with a rare clarity, humor, and Celtic boldness. Emma is a core leader of the British Isles Council of Prophets and, with her husband, leads Glasgow Prophetic Centre and the Global Prophetic Alliance. Every year thousands travel to their center in Scotland to hear from God, receive freedom, and be equipped as prophetic warriors.


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