Anti-Christ Spirit Exposed! Navigating This Era with Prophetic Clarity

As a prophetic community, it is our responsibility to understand the timings of God.

We must know the rhythms of Heaven, and where we are in the story that God is telling on the earth. In this era, in the second decade of the 21st century, we are watching God shaking the world. Three powerful translations of Isaiah 2:19 describe how the Lord:

“…rises to terrify the earth” (NASB).

 “…rises to shake the earth mightily” (NKJV).

 “…rises to make the earth tremble” (NASB95).

This lends a biblical legitimacy to the sense that God frightens the earth to provoke humankind to make decisions toward Him. God does not move here to shake a single individual, but the totality of the human race—and all of nature is shuddering at this point in human history. God is harvest-orientated and puts thornbushes in our path, so we stretch to find Him. His wholly terrifying actions always have a redemptive plan within them.

Isaiah is clear to say that God “rises.” That is unusual, because mostly in Scripture He is defined as seated on His throne (see Isaiah 6; Daniel 7). This indicates that His glory and also His judicial, fiery side is moving toward a sinful earth. This truth is given that we might understand the God who shocks the earth to throw it into a state resembling the chaos of its pre-creation beginning, that we may see that the only hope is Jesus. This means that we will see unusual and abnormal happenings in the days ahead on the earth—earthquakes: physically; nationally; structurally; politically.

Nations Forced to Choose

God’s hand is at work in the nations, making them think about leadership and future desires. As I write this at the beginning of 2024, this year is being called the “year of the vote,” where nations face great transformation—and not all of it good. Seven of the ten most populous nations of the world will go to the ballot box in 2024, and half the world’s population will pick their politics or government. This will lead the earth into a number of years of calamity. We could call this the “Crisis Era.”

In total, 64 nations are likely to hold elections this year!

Many of these votes are high-stakes elections and will push a tidal wave of thinking about what matters. After this year of voting will come a deepening of war on many continents, pushing the nations to keep searching and questioning. God is not letting up with world pressure anytime soon! None of this should surprise us as Jesus was very clear in Matthew 24 that  these things were to come. The world’s pundits are even asking the question, “Is democracy dying?”

When surveyed, the younger generation (under 25) are indicating that they would be happy to surrender democracy in order to follow a dynamic, more dictatorial, “strong man” style of leadership. For them, democracy is not delivering! Globally, young people are giving up on democracy—perhaps because they are finding that, despite the world’s advancements, they are not better off than their parents were.

We understand that the world is wrestling with its:

  1. Systems

  2. History

  3. Traditions

  4. Values

The nations rage and ask questions such as:

  • “Do we have the framework of government we want?”

  • “How do we rid ourselves of toxic history?”

  • “Do we need to overturn traditions?”

  • “Are our values sliding and becoming a prison for us?”

The great question the world is really asking is, “What does freedom look like?” Or better, “Who does freedom look like?”

The anti-Christ spirit has done a great, evil, multigenerational work of teaching toxic leadership to establish false definitions of freedom. Therefore, our nations labor under an illusion of what freedom is, and false governing ideologies teach the nations. Truly the nations have been led astray!

Shaking False Idols—Systems Failure

We see in the book of Jeremiah a blueprint for how God deals with wayward nations who find their security in systems that are not of Him: “Where then are the gods you made for yourselves?” (Jeremiah 2:28 NIV).

God is going to question the validity and strengths of what we have put in place to protect us (false gods). I see that from 2024 onward is the beginning of a great falling of false idols, which will take us into world systems failure. While you might cheer at first hearing this, bear in mind that it is a sobering prophecy because it means that there will be economic collapses and judgment on some currencies, along with judiciaries making decisions that we will know are not just. God loves the world enough to shake and expose its errors—including within the House of God—that we may cry, “You alone, Jesus, are worthy! Lord, You alone are the way, the truth, and the life.”

God will challenge how a nation secures itself, even through the alliances it makes:

“First here, then there—you flit from one ally to another asking for help. But your new friends in Egypt will let you down, just as Assyria did before” (Jeremiah 2:36 New Living Translation).

Another translation puts it as: “How unstable you are, constantly changing your ways! You will be put to shame by Egypt just as you were put to shame by Assyria” (Holman Christian Standard Bible).

Although this verse pertained to Jerusalem when first written, the principles go beyond Judah’s historic borders and into our current world. Today God is testing international alliances and looking at the righteousness of their foundational agreements. When nations make partnerships, we must be able to ask, “Did God catalyze this?” “Does He bless it?” and, “Is it itself protectionism without God?” When the nations throw off serious thoughts about God, God shows His displeasure with their newfound confidences, and He does not let them prosper in these alliances.

Nations can be ingenious in finding ways to guard themselves, even running to make agreement with multiple allies that, in doing so, dethrone God as leader, protector, and the first place that the nation goes to for its future to be secured. Therefore, we can expect to see international coalitions of nations not holding. The hope a nation puts in another nation will be shaken if they have taken God out of the equation. We will see God dealing with long-standing sin in nations’ false foundational alliances. Allies will give trouble instead of help and this will open the door for conflict. When the covenants the world forms exclude God, they do not hold. The Lord has indicated we are to expect, “seismic movement.”

I looked in the Spirit and saw stalemate in the United Nations (UN), with uncharacteristic aggression across debating chambers, and curses uttered by high-ranking officials in public, as ally turned against ally. I looked again and saw the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) flounder, with tremorous, cataclysmic cracks appearing in its foundations, leading nations to retreat from each other. Once more I looked and saw the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) not able to stop the rise of fracturing and coups. In the redemptive purposes of God, He is making us acknowledge that the world has few answers to its future without Him.

The World Contracts into Silos

We’ve already looked at Isaiah 2:19, the Lord “rises to terrify the earth.” The preceding verse describes men going to hide in caves and holes in the ground. They find the small place in the days of the demonstrations of God shaking the earth. They retreat into silos and what they perceive to be small agreements. This hyperlinks to another Scripture, Proverbs 28:2 (NIV): “When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers” [many are its heads] (Young’s Literal Translation).

The world will contract into factions and splinter groups, siloing into smaller parties and narrowing opinions. Petty tyrants will arise, with the hasty elevation of self-protectionism and the rise of territorial small-mindedness. From 2024 onward the world will cry for retribution, and retaliation will become the soundtrack for many in this age.

I believe that the world is becoming the most dangerous place that it has been for generations, and we must watch and guard against small- minded, parochial thinking in the media that we consume. Know that the choices at the ballot box will not always be allowed to bring solutions. Watch the world bereft, because of its solution-less state. Yet in the middle of this the Lord says, “Let your joy be evident. For you are not swayed by the rumblings of the kingdoms of this world.”


Lord Jesus, I desire that the joy of my salvation would be evidenced in my life. [As you pray this to Him, lay hands on your tummy and in His name command joy arising and a flow of joy that you may be a sign and a wonder in the nations.]

Emma Stark

Emma Stark is an Irish prophet known around the world for her authority and authenticity. A fourth generation Bible teacher, she communicates with a rare clarity, humor, and Celtic boldness. Emma is a core leader of the British Isles Council of Prophets and, with her husband, leads Glasgow Prophetic Centre and the Global Prophetic Alliance. Every year thousands travel to their center in Scotland to hear from God, receive freedom, and be equipped as prophetic warriors.


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