There Are No Benchwarmers in the Great Awakening
“Never have I been more certain that America’s only hope for recovery from her loss of strength and purpose is a Third Great Awakening, and never have I been more certain that such an awakening is coming. This great revival, however, won’t occur only in America; it will be worldwide. In fact, earth’s greatest harvest has now begun. Heaven is determined, prepared, and confident.”
The Church, Christ’s Ekklesia, is being readied and positioned for this epoch-making era. God is raising up leaders like Rick Curry to assist in this process and to pioneer the first wave. Prophetic forerunners who have the ability, just as Elijah did, to hear awakening’s rumbling sound when it cannot yet be heard by others are now preparing the way. They do so with messages, of course, and also with books such as this. As spiritual tuning forks, their words tune us to the frequency of heaven, enabling our hearts to hear what they’re hearing.
Not only do I love the title of this book, but I’m also thrilled with its subtitle: A Prophetic Call for Everyday People to Arise and Release Revival. In Acts, the early Church immediately began experiencing supernatural growth. Holy Spirit “added” to their number daily.
Frankly, the incredible growth was a bit overwhelming for this multiplying, unorganized body of believers. What a wonderful problem!
Then, in His infinite wisdom, Holy Spirit allowed the apostles’ frustration to reach a point which motivated them to seek a new pattern. “Let’s spread the responsibility somewhat,” they said among themselves. “We’ll appoint deacons to oversee the practical, hands-on responsibilities of pastoral care.” They chose seven good men, full of faith and the Holy Spirit, laid hands on them, and commissioned them for the task (see Acts 6:1-6).
Holy Spirit had more in mind than the food pro- gram, however, as important as that was. When the apostles laid hands on the deacons, an impartation of power, anointing, and the gifts of Holy Spirit occurred. The same anointing carried by the apostles to preach the gospel and heal the sick was transferred to the deacons! As they distributed food and clothing, they also distributed the power of God. Incredible signs and wonders began occurring through them as well as the apostles, and a new era in church history was born. This new body of Christ realized that the ministry of preaching the gospel with signs following wasn’t just for a select group of leaders; it was for all believers, just as Jesus had said in Mark 16:15-19.
Game changer!
A little-known fact regarding this change occurred in Acts 6 after the deacons were anointed. From this point on, the growth of the Church was no longer described as Holy Spirit adding to their numbers. Throughout the remainder of the book of Acts the descriptive term changed to multiplied! When those empowered to preach and pray multiplied from leaders alone to the body as well, the harvest did also.
Get ready for déjà vu!
This coming great awakening will not be released by leaders only but by all willing believers. It was never Christ’s intent to only work through leaders. Certainly, leaders are needed to equip, coordinate, and govern; but the work of the ministry is intended for all believers. You, faithful brothers and sisters, are about to be promoted!
My friend, Rick Curry, wrote a book called The Sound of Awakening that will awaken faith in you for this next great awakening. But just as importantly, it will awaken you. In this next, greatest of all revivals, you’re not called to warm the bench. God is calling your number, putting you in the game. There will be only one Superstar—Christ Himself. The rest of us will all be equal players, deflecting all glory to Him.
Get ready!