Get Ready for The New Wine


Holy Spirit is about to pour out new wine. He wants you and me to be part of the process. Are you ready?

When wineskins are emptied of wine, they dry out and harden. Unless refreshed and softened, they cannot handle the fermentation process of new wine—the pressure and expansion destroys them. That’s why Jesus said winemakers don’t “put new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wineskins burst, and the wine pours out and the wineskins are ruined; but they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved” (Matt. 9:17 NASB).

The spiritual correlation is simple: leaders often harden into the shape of Holy Spirit’s last movement, making them too inflexible to receive His new outpouring. It’s so easy for us to get “set in our ways,” comfortable in the methods and ways of past movements. These comfort zones create routines and “boxes,” which usually resist change. Hey, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Sadly, when Holy Spirit shows up with another outpouring, bringing new revelation and fresh ideas, many leaders are simply too inflexible and comfortable to make the shift—the box often wins.

Then there are the Bill Hamons of the world. This pioneering leader and apostolic father epitomizes the fresh wineskin Jesus spoke of. Bishop, as he is often called, has actually led the body of Christ through several seasons of restoration and outpouring. Yet, at 87 years of age, he’s gearing up for another!

Bishop Bill Hamon is the most Caleb-like person I know. Caleb, the great warrior and compatriot of Joshua, was 85 years old when he told Joshua, “I am still as strong today as I was on the day Moses sent me; as my strength was then, so my strength is now, for war and for going out and coming in. Now then, give me this hill country about which the Lord spoke on that day, for you heard on that day that Anakim [giants] were there, with great fortified cities; perhaps the Lord will be with me, and I will drive them out just as the Lord has spoken” (Josh. 14:11-12 NASB). Bishop is 87 years young, strong, healthy, brilliant, full of fire and vision, flexible and ready to go to war. As was said of Caleb, he simply “has a different spirit” than most (see Num. 14:24). There is no prophetic voice I trust more.

No one, and I mean that literally, was more qualified to write The Final Reformation and Great Awakening than Bill Hamon. The phrase “he’s seen it all” is applicable to him—but not only in reference to the past. Yes, after 68 years of ministry, Bishop’s experience is incredibly broad; equally as unique, however, is his prophetic ability to see into the future. His book The Eternal Church, the content of which spanned yesterday, today, and tomorrow, has brought understanding and perspective to hundreds of thousands. This insightful work will as well.

Not only is Bishop Hamon a modern-day Caleb, he is also a “son of Issachar.” First Chronicles 12:32 tells us the sons of Issachar understood the times, with a knowledge of what Israel should do. “Understood” in this passage is the Hebrew word biyn, for which we have no English equivalent. The word means both wisdom, understanding gained over time, and revelation, spontaneous knowledge or information given by Holy Spirit:

  • Revelation brings timing; wisdom produces coordination and planning.

  • Revelation reveals what; wisdom knows how.

  • Revelation stirs up; wisdom stabilizes.

  • Revelation sees the new; wisdom marries it to the old.

We could go on, but it isn’t necessary. Clearly, both elements of the Issachar gifting are essential. And Bishop Bill Hamon skillfully marries the two as he writes of the coming awakening and reformation.

Don’t get stuck in yesterday. Navigate the transitions, span the seasons and outpourings of Holy Spirit. New wine is about to flow and Holy Spirit wants you to be a vessel He can fill and be poured out from. The Final Reformation and Great Awakening will help you accomplish this.

Do yourself a favor—read Bill Hamon’s latest book.

Dutch Sheets

Dutch Sheets is an internationally known conference speaker, pastor and author. He has written many books, including Authority in Prayer and his bestseller Intercessory Prayer. Dutch travels extensively as a guest lecturer in various venues. He is fervent in empowering believers for passionate prayer and world-changing revival. Dutch is the senior pastor of Freedom Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He and his wife, Ceci, their two daughters and three dogs make their home at the base of the Rocky Mountains.


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