Reclaiming America’s Prophetic Destiny

There is a fascinating word in the New Testament, katartizo.

It means “to adjust; to put a thing in its appropriate position.” The word is used in context with mending nets (see Matt. 4:21), repairing schisms or relational breaks (see 1 Cor. 1:10), and even restoring broken lives (see Gal. 6:1). The word has also been used to describe the restoration of a dislocated joint or a broken bone. So, as you can see, the concept of this word involves proper alignment, including realignment, resulting in healing or restoration.

It should come, then, as no surprise that God uses that word to describe the proper alignment of the seasons of time. In other words, He declares in advance His plans for the future of nations and peoples of the earth. Hebrews 11:3 says, in its more literal and accurate rendering, that the “ages” (Greek—aiones) were “properly aligned or connected” (Greek—katartizo) by the word or decree of the Lord. In other words, God decreed the flow of history.

America Must Cross Over

There is an Old Testament word and concept that captures the essence of what happens when we align or realign with God and His purposes. The word is abar, and it means “to cross over; penetrate.” It is the root word for Abraham’s descriptive term “the Hebrew” in Genesis 14:13. He was called “the Hebrew” because he had crossed out of his homeland and into a new region when instructed to do so by the Lord.

Although this word is often used in a generic sense of transitioning from one place to another, it has also been used sometimes to denote very significant “crossings” that became landmark events in people’s lives, as was referenced in Abraham. Some examples are:

  • The Lord “passed between” (abar) the pieces of the covenantal sacrifice Abram offered to God (see Gen. 15:17). It is as though God was saying, “You have, in obedience, crossed over to Me, Abram; now I’m crossing over to you in covenantal alignment.” Crossing over can be a covenantal act.

  • God “passed by” (abar) Moses in Exodus 33:19-22, showing him His goodness and glory. When God crosses over to us, facets of His nature and character are revealed.

  • A new generation “crossed” (abar) into their inheritance in Joshua chapters 1–4. In Joshua 3:4, the Lord instructed Israel to watch or follow the ark of the covenant “for you have not passed [abar] this way before.” Each generation must have its own crossing over. They were not true Hebrews just because their forefathers were—and neither are we.

  • The air passing through the jubilee trumpet was described as abar. Crossing over can be the release of the breath of God to us, bringing freedom and new beginnings.

These and other usages of abar have significance for America. God needs for us as a nation to “cross” back into a meaningful and covenantal relationship with Him. When we do, we receive the benefit of His covenantal crossing to us. We cannot rely on what our forefathers and foremothers have done to dedicate this nation to God; we must have our own crossing over in our day. As we do, Christ our Jubilee will breathe on us again, bringing true freedom and restoration.

To Receive the River We Must Accept God’s Rule

Finally, there is one other usage of abar that is significant and needs highlighting. Ezekiel chapter 47 is the great passage that describes the increasing levels of the river of God flowing out of the temple. The verses are filled with symbolism—the river flows into desert regions and brings life; everything it touches is healed; there will be many fish (souls)—of what occurs when this river flows.

But another of the interesting points of the passage is that the prophet had to pass through (abar) each new level of the river. Many have speculated as to why this was required. One of the interesting explanations has to do with the fact that between each level there was a thousand cubits, which led to the next level and another crossing. One thousand, being a multiple of ten, is the number of divine order and government in biblical numerology. This would suggest that for every new level of God’s river—life, healing, and restoration—to be released, there must be an acceptance of God’s order and government. In other words, His plan and rule must be followed.

In America, we have not yet been able to experience spiritual recovery and restoration back into the fullness of God’s blessing, though many have asked Him for it. This is because we must do more than ask; there is an order and pattern that must be followed. As that pattern occurs, however—humbling ourselves, praying, seeking His face, and repenting (see 2 Chron. 7:14), just to name some of the things required—we are then positioned (katartizo) for more of God’s healing to occur.

It is clear to us that God is realigning and positioning America so we can cross over into a new era of revival and blessing. He is adjusting us, bringing healing to our broken places and dislocations. America is about to see another great awakening, which will result in many salvations and the turning of a nation back to its God and its destiny. Curses are being broken, blessings are being released, and our God-given voice is being restored.

What a privilege to partner with Him!

Dutch Sheets

Dutch Sheets is an internationally known conference speaker, pastor and author. He has written many books, including Authority in Prayer and his bestseller Intercessory Prayer. Dutch travels extensively as a guest lecturer in various venues. He is fervent in empowering believers for passionate prayer and world-changing revival. Dutch is the senior pastor of Freedom Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He and his wife, Ceci, their two daughters and three dogs make their home at the base of the Rocky Mountains.


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