Break Demonic Atmospheres: How to Reclaim America from Forces of Darkness

And I have put My words in your mouth; I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, that I may plant the heavens, lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “You are My people” (Isaiah 51:16 NKJV)

Isaiah 51:16 speaks revelation to us right now, in this day and time.

However, the fullness of what God was saying to the prophet Isaiah is not going to be manifested until He comes back in His millennial reign. Notice He says, “I have put My words in your mouth.” The word for mouth is the Hebrew word peh, and it means “the taste center of the body” (Strong’s H6310). You eat food by putting it in your mouth, chewing it up, and swallowing it. Where words are concerned, the mouth is literally the speech center of the body.

Peh also has a figurative meaning—the opening of the body to sound forth a command, an instruction, a prophetic word or insight, or some other communication. The mouth does this by forming and amplifying words to a person, organization, congregation, nation, government, or other similar entity. God distinguishes two different realms where the words take effect, realms not talked about very much in our times but clearly emphasized by God right from the beginning—the heavens or the earth.

Prayers are Word Seeds

In this verse in Isaiah, God talks about words sounding forth from the mouths of His sons and daughters, His heirs, into the realm of the heavens or the earth. This again emphasizes that words are seeds—word seed decrees. This also includes prayer because prayers are words of communication seeded into the heavens and into the earth. Prayer is speech to God making a request, but it is also, at times, a decree of God’s promises. Prayers express confidence in God’s answering abilities, or they may ask for divine intervention into a situation.

The mouth (peh) is the opening of the body to sound forth God’s Word as seeds that grow to fullness until they are manifested in the heavens or on earth. The mouth is, therefore, the opening through which we sow the seed of God’s Word into a region. Lucifer and his kingdom seek to silence Christ’s Body (the Church). They want our mouths closed. They don’t want us to speak. Part of a demon’s assignment is to shut the mouth of Christ’s Body. Too many in the Body of Christ have fallen into that error and actually embraced it.

From the very beginning, God’s original intent was for His sons and daughters, His heirs, to open their mouths and declare His words onto the earth. He has put His Word in your mouth so that He may plant it in the heavens and on the earth. The word for plant is the Hebrew word nata, and it means “to plant, to fix, or to set in place” (Strong’s H5193). God Himself was the original Gardener, and we have inherited that job from Him as His heirs.

God’s Spoken Words

In the beginning, God planted the stars. His Word said “be” and it was. He set the stars, sun, and planets into place. He planted galaxies and moons with His Word. He planted the heavens and He planted the earth with His word seed decrees. He told the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 51:16, “I have put My words in your mouth…that I might plant the heavens, [and] lay the foundations of the earth.” Foundations on the earth were established according to God’s decreed word. The condition of the heavens and the earth were dependent upon the Word of God, His spoken word, and it still is today.

The entire universe is made to hearken to the voice of God’s Word. Heaven and earth are made to respond to the voice of God’s Word. Angel armies are made to respond to the voice of God’s Word. Amazingly, human beings, made in God’s image and likeness, are also carriers of God’s voice when they are activated at the new birth.

As His seed on the earth, we are to open our mouths and plant the heavens and the earth with God’s Word. We are to declare the words of God into the heavens and the earth, mankind, nations, government, congregations, and people everywhere to set in place foundations for stable government and society. We are to be stewards of what God said was to be. If the foundations are not set according to God’s Word, then at some point that society is going to crumble under the weight of iniquitous roots. Jesus said that such a house will not be built upon rock; it will be built upon sand, and when the storm comes it is going to fall (see Matthew 7:26).

The Body of Christ is to open their mouths and plant God’s Word into the earth. Like my grandfather planted produce (good seeds) into all of Waverly, we, too, are to plant God’s good word seeds into our cities and regions. “I have put My words in your mouth that I might plant the heavens and the earth.” Words are the seeds we plant with.

Planting Words in a Region

Years ago, before I ever understood that words are seeds, I remember I was asked to go to a very small church in southern Ohio. I knew the pastor, and they had a special event going on and wanted me to come share. I don’t remember what the event was, but I remember praying, “Okay, Lord. What should I share with these people?” As I prayed about, it I received revelation concerning the church ruling and reigning with Christ Jesus in this life (see Romans 5:17). I got a download of understanding and it just kept coming.

Afterward I began to think, I need to help the Lord out here. It’s something I don’t attempt to do much anymore, but I said, “Lord, that’s not what these people need to hear. They won’t understand this. This is not even on their radar screen. This is not where they are.”

He said something to me all those years ago that I have never forgot- ten, and it has been instruction for me concerning my apostolic calling and assignment ever since. He said, “They will understand what I help them to understand and what I reveal to their hearts.” In other words, don’t you worry about them getting fed—I will take care of that.

I have seen that over the years. I don’t know how many times I have preached a sermon and somebody has come up and said, “That is exactly what I needed to hear,” and proceeded to tell me what they got from the message. In the meantime, I’m thinking, That is not even what I said! It’s not even my point! But it was God’s point to them. However many people are there, that’s how many sermons you’re preaching because they’re thinking concerning their own life situations, their own experiences, and what God is saying to them.

God said, “They’ll understand what I help them understand and what I reveal to their hearts.” But then He said, “I need you to plant this word into the region.”

Now that gave me pause. I began to think, Can I do that? Lord, can I plant a message in the heavens and the earth realm of a region? Do You really want me to plant a message, to plant doctrine from Your Word into the atmosphere of a region?

Very clearly He said to me, “Yes. I want to grow it there. It has been requested by My people, and I need you to sow it into the region. I need you to set the foundations. I need you to lay the biblical foundation for it. It’s what apostles and prophets do.” I remember thinking at the time, They do? I didn’t know that. Then the Scripture came to mind that the church is built upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophets (see Ephesians 2:20). He clearly said, “I need you to sow this into the region.”

Seeding the Atmosphere

I had never thought about it. It had never crossed my mind. I had never heard anybody else talk about this. But I knew a new level of understanding was being given to me, one that years later would help me with my apostolic calling. Sometimes when I am preaching, I will have the awareness that while I am talking God is going to help people understand or get something out of it, but I am also seeding the atmosphere of a region. I’m preaching a message, but I am really planting revival seeds everywhere. I’m planting God’s will into the region. I am setting the foundations in the spirit realm. Sometimes I feel like I am laying a foundation in the spirit realm or into the atmosphere so that there can be productivity. I am preaching and planting the heavens.

I’m preaching and planting the earth, in and around this country, for reformation and awakening.

So many times I have the awareness that God is saying, “Plant this into the region. Don’t worry about it. Just plant it into the spirit realm. I want to grow it there. It’s been requested by My people.” Some Sunday mornings, on my way to speak, I experience understanding and begin to think, I’m preaching this one to seed the region. I am preaching this to seed into the state. I am preaching this to seed it into the atmosphere of the United States of America. It’s not always that way, but sometimes it is. I had to learn that. It is something apostles and prophets do, but it is also something all sons and daughters are supposed to do—apostles and prophets just model it.

Dutch Sheets & Chuck Pierce

Dutch Sheets, founder of Dutch Sheets Ministries and Give Him 15®, is an internationally recognized author and minister with over 45 years of experience. He has pastored, taught in Bible colleges, and preached globally. Among his 24 books, Intercessory Prayer is a bestseller, translated into over 30 languages and selling over a million copies. Dutch is a herald of hope, proclaiming America's forthcoming Third Great Awakening and encouraging fervent prayer for worldwide revival. Since 2020, his GH15 daily prayer content has amassed over 59 million engagements across various media.

Charles D. “Chuck” Pierce leads an apostolic and prophetic ministry in Corinth, Texas. He is President of Glory of Zion International, Kingdom Harvest Alliance, and Global Spheres Inc. These three ministries are housed at Global Spheres Center, which also includes Beulah Acres and the Israel Prayer Garden. He continues to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. The ministries located at Global Spheres Center participate in regional and national gatherings to develop new Kingdom paradigms. Dr. Pierce also serves as a key bridge between Jew and Gentile as the Lord raises up One New Man. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live.


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