I Saw the Holy Spirit. What He Did Left Me in Awe

What do the Holy Spirit and the Human Torch have in common? Ask Duncan Smith.

Duncan Smith says there are ways to sustain the fires of personal revival that go well beyond formulas. But there’s just no substitute for your union with Jesus Himself. Duncan’s almost embarrassing testimony includes a season of his life resembling Marvel comic book hero Johnny Storm, the Human Torch. The tangible fire of God was that powerful. Even inconvenient! His new book, Consumed with Holy Fire, is about opportunity. Your opportunity to:

  • Become ignited by holy fire

  • Awaken your personal passion for Jesus

  • Discover what a miraculous lifestyle really is

  • Find dimensions of God’s love you can’t anticipate

Duncan says this is your potential—it is real potential. Duncan’s 3-CD/audio series, A New Paradigm for Miracles, goes on to invite you to manifest the Kingdom of Jesus in your own life. Supernatural? Yes! And worth it.

Duncan Smith

Duncan Smith and his wife, Kate, are revivalists who carry the fire of God's love and power all over the world. Duncan and Kate are Presidents of Catch The Fire World, a global network of churches, missions, and ministries birthed out of the Toronto Revival. He is the Senior Leaders of Catch The Fire Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, a vibrant, growing church full of the love and presence of God, which they started with their 3 beautiful daughters and also founded the School of Revival in Raleigh-Durham. Wherever he goes, the Holy Spirit does extraordinary miracles as the love of the Father and the grace of Jesus are poured out to the world.


A Culture in Identity Crisis


I Saw A Tidal Wave Of The Spirit Wash Across America