A Prophetic Comparison Between the 1920s and 2020, and a Word Over 2021

Dawna De Silva compares the prophetic similarities between the 1920s to 2020, and looks forward to what we can expect in 2021.

The 1920s and 2020 were stormy seasons. They were marked by…

  1. Began with economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge

  2. Social, artistic, and cultural dynamism

  3. In the wake of military mobilization, a strive to return to normalcy

  4. Cultural isolation and large scale development of new technology

  5. Massive media growth, advertising boom, focus on celebrities, increased consumer demand

  6. Push for social rights

  7. Modernity, novelty, and a break from tradition

  8. Musical developments

  9. Ended with economic decline

But this year, 2021, will be marked by powerful peace which will actively calm the storms in our lives and in our world. This will be a year where we allow God's peace — His presence — to transform us inwardly and the world around us.

Dawna De Silva

Dawna De Silva is the founder and co-leader with Teresa Liebscher of the International Bethel Sozo Ministry. She and her husband, Stephen De Silva, have ministered from Bethel for the past twenty years as well as preaching, speaking, and authoring books. Dawna’s manual on Shifting Atmospheres has become a sought after tool for daily empowerment. Whether training Sozo, preaching, shifting atmospheres, or ministering prophetically, Dawna releases people, churches, and cities into new vision and freedom. No matter how traumatic the wounding, Dawna ministers with authority and gentleness, imparting hope and healing.


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