Prophetic Dream Realms: 9 Ways to Break Barriers to Dreams & Visions

Unsurprisingly, many people struggle with getting a good night’s sleep.

Unfortunately, the topic of sleep is not typically covered in school or church, including how to prepare for sleep, how to steward our dreams, and how to be ready for what the Lord wants to reveal to us during the night. However, as we spend a third of our lives in bed, we should view our sleep as an opportunity for supernatural downloads and divine equipping to advance the kingdom of God the next day.

Rather than feeling like victims of the night, we should proactively prepare ourselves for it and take control of our bodies, dreams, and ability to sleep. Doing so can teach important life lessons, such as walking in our authority and stewarding the supernatural. It is important to recognize that sleep is essential in preparing our spirit, body, and soul for living a supernatural life during the day. Therefore, we should prioritize preparing for the night during the day, knowing that our sleep can profoundly impact our ability to progress and advance in our lives.

Shutting down the Dream Realm

As a child, my fear of the dark and the nightmares that plagued me every night made it difficult to fall asleep. I would lie awake in bed, dreading the moment when my mind would inevitably transport me to a terrifying alternate reality. The dreams were so vivid and realistic that I often had trouble distinguishing them from reality.

My parents tried to help me by teaching me about the power of prayer and how to rebuke evil spirits in the name of Jesus. I was also equipped by the music of contemporary Christian songwriter Carman, who excellently modeled how to take authority over darkness.

However, one particular dream shook me to my core. In the dream, I found myself face to face with a demon. I followed my parents’ advice and tried to rebuke the spirit in the name of Jesus, but to my horror, the demon laughed and told me that my efforts would not work this time. I was paralyzed with fear but kept repeating the words “in the name of Jesus” until I woke up, sweating and panting.

After that experience, I was even more terrified of going to sleep. I knew I needed to do something to regain control of my dreams and mind. That’s when I came up with the idea of crafting a prayer I could say every night before bed. I wanted to make sure that my mind was protected from any dark or scary dreams, so I would pray every night the same prayer: “Dear Jesus, help me to have no dreams. Not even one!”

To my amazement, the prayer worked. I would fall asleep and wake up feeling rested and refreshed, without memory of any dreams. Even though I knew I was still dreaming on some level, the prayer gave me a sense of control and security, allowing me to sleep peacefully for many years.

Here’s Why the Prayer Worked!

Our words have the power to open and close realms of the spirit. However, many believers are not aware of the impact of their words and often speak without understanding the consequences. We can see significant changes in our lives when we approach the Lord with intention and consistency. Daily prayer has the power to shift things in our lives, and it’s essential to ask the Lord for what we need. Do you have a consistent daily prayer practice? What are you asking the Lord for?

Opening the Dream Realm Back Up!

Andrea and I discussed dreams during dinner with Bobby Conner and Paul Keith Davis. When Paul Keith asked me if I dream, I replied that I used to but had shut down that realm. He encouraged me to reopen it, and so, through consistent nightly prayer, the realm opened back up as easily as I closed it.

Now, when I put my children to bed, I pray a hybrid version of this prayer with them: “Dear Jesus, give my children good dreams. Dreams of heaven, dreams of angels, and dreams of You.” It’s short and sweet, but it works. By God’s grace, my kids have had vivid encounters with angels while conscious and in the dream realm. We haven’t had to deal with too many demons or nightmares.

Dealing With Nighttime Defeater Beliefs

As humans, we all struggle with lies we mistakenly believe are true. These lies are often called “defeater beliefs” because they can hinder us and prevent us from living according to God’s will for our lives.

Defeater beliefs are typically rooted in fear, shame, or other negative emotions. They may be beliefs we have internalized from childhood, or they may be beliefs we have developed due to negative experiences or trauma. When we believe these lies, we give them power over our lives and allow them to defeat us. We may feel stuck, hopeless, or unworthy, and we may struggle to live in accordance with God’s will for our lives.

Defeater beliefs can significantly impact our sleep, as they can create anxiety and stress that make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night. When we believe lies contradicting God’s word, we may experience negative emotions like fear, shame, or guilt, disrupting our sleep and leaving us tired and drained.

Examples of sleep-defeater beliefs may include:

  1. “I’ll never be able to fall asleep.”

  2. “If I don’t get enough sleep, I won’t be able to function.”

  3. “I’m too stressed to sleep.”

  4. “I’ll never be able to overcome my insomnia.”

  5. “I have too much on my mind to sleep.”

  6. “I’ll never be able to catch up on my sleep.”

These beliefs can create a vicious cycle of anxiety and sleeplessness, as worrying about not getting enough sleep can make it even harder to fall asleep. A lack of sleep can make us even more susceptible to proclaiming and believing these lies.

To overcome these limiting beliefs, it is essential to recognize them as lies and replace them with the truth. Take time to reflect on the “facts” you hold about your experiences at night. These may be negative thoughts or emotions you have internalized, such as fear or anxiety, and prevent you from experiencing restful sleep. Identify as many of these beliefs as possible and write them down in your journal.

Once you have identified these beliefs, ask Jesus to reveal the truth about these situations. Cross out each negative belief and replace it with the truth that Jesus has shown you. Use scripture verses to support this truth and record them in your journal as a reminder of the power of God’s word.

It can be challenging to identify and overcome these beliefs on our own, so seeking support from a pastor, counselor, or ministry such as Restoring the Foundations or SOZO can be incredibly helpful in this process. They can provide guidance and help to disrupt these defeater beliefs, allowing you to experience greater freedom and rest in your life.

Each night before you go to bed, take out your journal and pray:

Jesus, forgive me for believing and empowering the lie that , and I confess the truth that . I declare this scripture over my night: . Amen!

By embracing the truth, we can overcome our defeater beliefs and live in the freedom and power of a transformed mind.


As a child of God, I believe that sleep is a precious gift from my Father. Therefore, I declare I will enjoy a peaceful and restful night’s sleep tonight. I trust His goodness to grace me the rest needed to advance His kingdom tomorrow.

Practical Ways to Get Ready to Sleep!

There are some practical ways to prepare for sleep that will not include counting sheep, tossing and turning, and scrolling through social media all night long. First things first, start by carving out a pre-sleep routine. No, I’m not talking about a full spa treatment but rather simple activities that signal to your brain that it’s time to begin preparing for the most important time of the day—nighttime. Maybe it’s reading the Bible, preferably a non-digital copy, taking a warm bath, or soaking with your favorite instrumental worship album. The idea is to have a time of the night when stimulation and stress are not allowed.

Here are some practical ways to prepare for sleep and get the best night’s rest possible:

  1. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

  2. Create a sleep-conducive environment: Ensure your bedroom is cool, quiet, and dark. Use blackout curtains, earplugs, or a white noise machine if necessary.

  3. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine: These substances can interfere with sleep. Try to avoid consuming them for several hours before bedtime.

  4. Limit screen time: The blue light emitted by electronic devices can interfere with your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Try to avoid using electronic devices for at least an hour before bed.

  5. Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can help improve sleep quality, but avoid exercising too close to bedtime, as it can be stimulating.

  6. Avoid large meals and beverages before bedtime: Eating a large meal or drinking a lot of fluids within three hours of bedtime can cause discomfort and disrupt sleep.

  7. Invest in a new and better mattress and pillows: A comfortable bed can significantly affect how well you sleep.

  8. Manage stress: High stress levels can make falling asleep and staying asleep difficult.

  9. Once asleep, begin dreaming as quickly as possible.

Darren Stott

Darren Stott is a supernaturalist called by God to catalyze joy through anointed media, books, entertainment, and equipping resources. He is the founder of Supernaturalist Ministry, and serves as the CEO of Renaissance Coalition, a movement incorporated by John G. Lake’s daughter in Spokane, Washington, in 1947. He is the Senior Leader of Seattle Revival Center, a church pastored by both his grandfather and father.


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