Detox Your Soul: How to Transform Your Mind & Spirit

I am on a mission to reconnect you with the true essence of a healthy soul—to lead you to a place in God where your soul can be healed—to reacquaint you with your authentic self.

The next 40 days of getting to know the real you are going to be the best 40 days of your life! More importantly, when you learn to live authentically, from a healed, whole soul, no leaks, no punctures, no wounds—free and clear from artificial, socially modified, cultural toxins—you will not only change your life, you will be poised to change the world.

We have all heard the phrases, “She’s a beautiful soul,” “Bless your soul,” or “He’s a mean old soul.” These phrases describe our perception of an individual’s nature or character. We are all “soul-people” and I believe that strengthening a person at the level of his or her soul—restoring the soul and establishing it as the core and essence of who they really are as self-directed people of value, intelligence, and greatness—will change the world. We must break the false perception that as an individual, what we do does not make a difference in the greater scheme of things. We are as a nation, as a people, nothing more than the sum of our parts. As the giant world- changer, a small man by the name of Mohandas Gandhi, once said, “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.” We will only be as whole and healed as a country as we are as a people. Oscar Wilde, the famous Irish poet and novelist said, “Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches can- not. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.” To reiterate a soul-searching question posed by Jesus, “What does it really profit us if we gain the whole world and lose our souls—the essence of who we really are and what it means to be human?”

If you are here reading this today, I imagine you have asked yourself that same question. For those of you looking to reclaim your soul and recapture the essence of who you really are, you are in the right place. I created an interactive 40-day journal to guide you step by step, day by day, into a more authentic life. I am so glad you have chosen to join me on this journey to greater mental, emotional, and spiritual health! If you are looking to transform your life, you need look no further! Let the journey begin!

What Is a Soul Fast?

The purpose of The 40 Day Soul Fast is to not only bring health and restoration to the souls of individuals, but also to provide a mechanism for every person to learn to live from the inside out—from their authentic, God-nature selves. This Soul Fast is not addressing the issue of what you are eating, but what’s eating you. The goal of this 40-day journey is to guide you through the process of discarding useless toxic emotions— self-sabotaging thoughts and viruses of the mind—so that you can fully live into who God created you to be. You will be invited to examine all of your objectives and relationships, any hidden agendas or motives that have governed your subconscious, in order to thrust you onto a new path of achievement and abundance. This journey is about setting you free once and for all to maximize your greatest potential.

The 40 Day Soul Fast takes place over eight weeks. Each week is divided into five days for the purpose of this guided journey. A 40-day fast commonly practiced in the Christian tradition, known as Lent, is followed six days a week and does not include Sundays. It begins on a Wednesday, known as Ash Wednesday, so that the first week is comprised of only four days. For simplicity’s sake, I have taken our eight weeks and divided them evenly so that you can establish a regular routine Monday through Friday, allowing for weekends off so you can focus on family and worship, or make up a missed day if necessary.

Put aside time for “me-moments.” Give yourself adequate time and place to focus on nurturing your inner self. Part of the soul fast discipline is not allowing everyday distractions to deter you from cultivating the inner life of your soul. It will require disciplined focus, a heightened mindfulness, and keen sensitivity to the Spirit of God.

We will begin our 40-day journey by talking about capacity building. Week one of our eight-week venture focuses on “The Power of 40: Enlarging Your Capacity.” This theme is more fully explored in The 40 Day Soul Fast, but for the purposes of this journal, it ties together the five characteristics you will find in week one. In week two, we will talk about “The Purpose of a Soul Fast: The Self-Leadership Challenge.” In week three, we will discuss “The Nature of the Soul: The Essence of You.” In week four, we address “The Properties of Thought: You Are What You Think.” Week five brings us to “The Importance of Identity: Becoming a Master by Mastering Your Mind.” In week six we look at “The Power of Words: Healing the Hole in Your Soul.” In week seven, we begin wrapping up by dealing with “The Power of Doing: God’s Chosen Fast.” And in week eight, we conclude by “Sealing the Healing: The Cleansing Power of Love.”

The focus of this journal is on the 40 characteristics of an authentic person. These characteristics tie in with The 40 Day Soul Fast, but you can also use this journal by itself as a tool for focused self-exploration. Each day, you will read a meditation about one of the 40 characteristics of an authentic person. Then you will be given several “Action Steps” to consider as you put these characteristics into practice. Use the provided lines in this journal to write your responses, reflections, meditations, and anything else God lays on your heart as you delve into these powerful characteristics of authenticity.

The Soul of the Matter

“Be your authentic self. Your authentic self is who you are when you have no fear of judgment, or before the world starts pushing you around and telling you who you’re supposed to be. Your fictional self is who you are when you have a social mask on to please everyone else. Give yourself permission to be your authentic self.”

—Dr. Phil McGraw

The 40 Day Soul Fast is about finding rest and restoration for your soul. When all is well with the souls of humanity, all will be well in the world. When you have peace in your soul, you will bring that peace to bear on the world around you—you will become the change you are hoping to see.

Over the next eight weeks, you will learn and grow and be empowered like never before to maximize your personal potential and break through to greater success.

May we all feel the presence of God each and every day as we “do our best to enter that rest” (Hebrews 4:11 NLT). And as we take up residence there, may we become more acquainted with our authentic selves and equipped to walk in the light of what we discover.

Let this journal be a tool you can use to clear the ground of every obstruction and build a life of obedience into full maturity—the fully complete you! Are you ready to spend the best 40 days of your life?

Let the soul journey begin!

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2 NKJV).

“You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul.”

— C. S. Lewis

Cindy Trimm

Dr. Cindy Trimm is an empowerment specialist, respected prophetic voice, bestselling author, life coach, Ambassador of Hope, and a twenty-first century world leader who has partnered with heads of state, business moguls, politicians, church, civic, and world leaders for more than 30 years to equip and empower millions to maximize their potential.
She founded Cindy Trimm International (CTI) to bring practical solutions to spiritual and social ills and has received multiple honors and awards. She has been featured on many television, streaming, and radio programs.


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