Upgrade To The 6 Realms of Miracles

I want to share some of the many keys I have learned throughout the years, so you too can be ready to walk in healings and miracles.

There are six realms of miracles. Let’s look at each one and the scriptural foundations for each.

Six Realms of Miracles

  1. Healing Miracles

  2. Notable Miracles

  3. Special Miracles

  4. Creative Miracles

  5. Provision Miracles

  6. Creation Miracles

1. Healing Miracles

Let’s begin with healing miracles. As you can see from the list, miracles exceed physical healings, but there are healing miracles. To understand the dynamics, we must first understand healings as a foundation. The Bible tells us that when we lay hands on the sick, they will recover (Mark 16:18). When healings happen, it’s remarkable and we should never discredit it.

Healings will often include a recovery time. An example of this are the lepers who were healed as they walked (Luke 17:12-16). Miracles are more instantaneous; but ultimately, the two are so intertwined that I label them almost in the same category. A healing is simply when someone who has a sickness or disease is delivered from that physical suffering. We need to simplify our understanding, or we will find ourselves arguing if someone received a miracle or a healing rather than rejoicing over the person’s encounter with God.

Miracles are defined as the intervention of God when God adjusts natural laws. Miracles are part of the authentication of what is recorded in the Gospels (Matthew 4:23 for one of many examples throughout the Bible). Miracles also give witness to the resurrection of Jesus. They prove that Jesus Christ rose from the dead (see John 20).

It’s important to note the miraculous has levels, much like the prophetic dimensions. Some standard miracles include casting out devils and recovery of the sick. Generally the lower levels of miracles are not creative, they don’t involve the use of a cloth, and they can sometimes be denied by eyewitnesses, though they are extremely powerful. Some even categorize healings as a type of miracle. It’s not important as long as you are not operating in a healing anointing trying to do creative miracles. I will cover secrets of the miracle realm later in the chapter.

2. Notable Miracles

Notable miracles are powerful because they are noteworthy—remarkable or worthy of being noticed. In Acts 3:1-10 (NKJV) when the lame man at the Beautiful Gate was healed, he began to leap and jump with joy. He had been lame from birth and everyone knew he couldn’t walk because he would beg outside of the temple daily. After he received the miracle, he leaped up and praised God in the temple. Everyone who saw him was filled with awe. The miracle was so notable that when the Pharisees plotted to discredit it, they could not. The Bible says everyone was “filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.”

This class of miracles is remarkable because they are undeniable—there are many witnesses. Often these miracles involve people who are clearly disabled, clearly blind, etc. It’s possible to witness a standard miracle, which doesn’t leave you awestruck. Notable miracles cause people utter astonishment, including those who are trying to discredit your ministry. These miracles make the skeptics either hard-hearted or they will repent and glorify God.

3. Special Miracles

This class of miracles involves an unusual or special way God releases His miracle-working power. Examples include when God produced miracles through the handkerchiefs that had touched Paul’s body. The anointing for miracles transferred from the cloth to demon-possessed people and the evil spirits were expelled (Acts 19:12 NLT). I believe we have only begun to scratch the surface of this type of miracle. God can and does use unusual methods to release miracles. Clothes, water, a staff, stones. In a sense, the smooth stone David used to kill Goliath was a special miracle, as was the jawbone of a donkey that Samson used to miraculously defeat his enemy (see 1 Samuel 17:32-50; Judges 15:15-16 NIV).

4. Creative Miracles

Creative miracles are remarkable. God recreates damaged parts of the human body, including organs, cells, nerve endings, bones, cartilage, muscles, teeth, growing hair on bald heads, and so on. Metal rods and screws that have been placed during surgery can dissolve mysteriously as God’s power moves. This dimension of miracles also creates missing body parts that were never on the body or were detached, such as limbs.

Maybe you have had to have a kidney removed; you can receive a new one. There are no limits in Jesus. This is easy for God because He is the One who causes our bones to grow as we age from children to adults. He is the reason our hair and nails grow daily. His very nature is creative. The power that forms a baby in the womb is the same power that creates the umbilical cord that mysteriously connects the baby to the mother to provide nutrients. The same power that creates the sac and fills it with amniotic fluid is the same power that can create throughout our lives.

5. Miracles of Provision

Miracles of provision happen as God multiplies a necessity supernaturally or creates the provision from nothing. This miracle takes place when God causes money to appear in a random place, like the mouth of a fish: “Nevertheless, lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a piece of money; take that and give it to them for Me and you” (Matthew 17:27 NKJV). And, of course, the well-known Bible story of Jesus feeding more than 5,000 people with only two loaves of bread and five fish (see Matthew 14:17-21).

6. Miracles in Creation

Miracles in creation stem from the dominion that God gave Adam in the beginning. We were given authority over everything in the seas, on and under the earth, and the air. Because of this dominion that was given back to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we can operate in authority over creation for God’s Kingdom purposes. This is how Elijah could call down fire, Samuel could command rain, and Elijah could stop as well as start rain to fall on earth.

In my book, Supernatural Upgrade, I cover practical ways to actually operate in each of these realms and expose a missing link in many people’s modern miracle and healing ministries. The mere mention of this makes some cringe. Yet I firmly believe that the ministry of healing, miracles, and deliverance are intertwined, and is proven in Scripture.

Chazdon Strickland

Chazdon Strickland is a loving husband to his beautiful wife Emily and a father to his four children. After an encounter with God, he was called to carry a global fire to the nations. Chazdon’s ministry is marked with remarkable demonstrations of Gods power, revelation of the Kingdom, apostolic signs and wonders, and fresh impartation to advance believers in the things of God.


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