Decrees that Protect Nations & Silence Wicked People

Peace and Safety


We decree that the citizens of this land shall live in safety, without being overshadowed by dread and fear. We say that this country shall be known as a place where its citizens are able to exist in a society not marked by crime, violence, terrorism, or political unrest. They are able to conduct business and enjoy life without threat. We declare that this land shall be surrounded in peace and the Lord’s protection. We say that foreign enemies, invaders, cartels, gangs, and mobs shall not plunder our borders, cities, states, and regions. We declare that riots, brawls, shootings, and lawless protests shall not rob the tranquility of our streets and neighborhoods, in Jesus’ Name! We prophesy that people shall be able to live in their homes without fear of burglary and invasion. May the hand of the Lord still the agenda of the violent and release a spirit of peace upon our land. We declare our nation shall not be overcome by destruction, natural disaster, violent weather, and tragic events. We decree peace and safety over our nation in Jesus’ Name!


And they shall dwell safely therein, and shall build houses, and plant vineyards; yea, they shall dwell with confidence, when I have executed judgments upon all those that despise them round about them; and they shall know that I am the Lord their God (Ezekiel 28:26 KJV).

Word of Encouragement

When the blessing of the Lord is upon a nation, you typically see that it is largely marked by an overall peace and order. It’s not engulfed in ongoing mass violence, tragedy, and mayhem. People can normally conduct themselves without a constant sense of dread. While no country is without moments of outburst by those with wicked intentions, it shouldn’t be a widespread or a constant occurrence. Evildoers will always be in the world, but our prayers and decrees are part of the solution to repel the work of terror from being unleashed. The United States has largely afforded its citizens the ability and opportunity to live in peace and safety. While not without some obvious incidents of tragedy, we have typically been viewed as a country of order in the broad sense of the word. However, as the last days continue to escalate and the signs the Bible describes continue to unfold world-wide, we need to be decreeing even more that our nation is marked by an overall peace and safety. I believe our prayers and declarations can interrupt the plans of the enemy that would desire to unleash a spirit of chaos and terror. And we should not think that just because it is the last days we can’t do anything to interrupt the darkness! God doesn’t stop moving in His power because we are approaching the end times. We, the Church, have a job to do in prayer to disrupt evil and call upon Heaven to rain down peace and safety upon us! We must prophesy that the United States of America is a nation of tranquility and peace!

Delivered from Wicked and Evil People


We decree deliverance from every attack that would be attempted from violent, irrational, and unreasonable people. We say no assailant can succeed in any form of physical or verbal assault. We break the power of every attacker, raider, intruder, liar, accuser, persecutor, or evil antagonist in the Name of Jesus! We declare they cannot enact violence against us for our faith, our message, or our stand for truth. We prophesy that no weapon formed against us can prosper because the angels of the Lord stand watch to protect us from evil. We speak protection over our loved ones and our property. We plead the blood of Jesus upon our lives to save us in every situation and to prevent the workers of darkness from any scheme that would steal our peace. We prophesy deliverance, escape, and rescue by the hand of the Lord against every wicked snare. We say deliverance rests upon us, upon our families, our homes and communities, and we live in peace and safety in Jesus’ Name!


Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith (2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 KJV).

Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man (Psalm 140:1 KJV).

Word of Encouragement

In the verses above, when Paul requested prayer to escape the attacks of violent and unreasonable people, we gain a clear understanding that there are those who will go to all lengths in order to attempt an attack on the Gospel. Notably, when Paul used the adjective “unreasonable” he was outlining the fact that there are people who are so irrational that there is nothing you can naturally do to mitigate their attacks. They are so full of demonic influence that it requires God’s supernatural hand to stop them. As the last days continue to escalate, we must use our faith and call upon God to intervene and keep us from the aggression of evildoers. We must know undoubtedly that God is able and willing to respond when we call upon His angelic forces. We have to build our assurance that God is our defense according to the Scripture that says, “The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me” (Heb. 13:6 KJV). Stand confidently today that God is faithful and will deliver you from those who are wicked and unreasonable!

Brenda Kunneman

Brenda Kunneman pastors Lord of Hosts Church, in Omaha, Nebraska, with her husband, Hank. She is a writer and teacher, who ministers nationally and internationally, seeing lives change through the prophetic word and ministry in the Holy Spirit, coupled with a balanced, relevant message. Together, she and her husband also host a weekly TV program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, on Daystar Television Network.


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