Decree Freedom from Curses & Harassing Spirits

We declare this shall be a day filled with God’s grace, blessings, goodness, and mercy.

We bind all harassing and troubling works of the enemy in Jesus’ Name and say that all frustration, bad news, disappointment, letdown, discouragement, aggravation, and disturbances have no place in your day. We prophesy that you will not have to hassle with annoying moments that steal from the joy of the day and meddle with your plans and schedule. Angelic forces are being released so that you are protected and nothing shall harm or injure you. We take authority over evil spirits that would cause family troubles and strife, breakdowns and setback, and we say this will be a day filled with peace, fun, and joy! All shall be well this day, this week, this month, and this year! We speak it in Jesus’ Name! Amen!

Then the people of the land weakened the hands of the people of Judah, and troubled them in building (Ezra 4:4).

Word of Encouragement

When the people of God set out to rebuild the temple in the book of Ezra, they encountered a continual onslaught of harassments. The Bible says those who were in disagreement with their efforts “troubled them in building.” In other words, they created little problems here and there to try and make them feel frustrated. In a similar way, we can experience little troubles often created by the enemy that can make us feel like we are always addressing some little problem. God wants you to enjoy days of peace and order, not putting out fires, constantly fixing something, and running around in panic and stress. Speak to any harassing spirits that might try and discourage you and make you feel like you are always stressed out. Declare that troubling spirits cannot interfere in your day!

Free From the Curse

We prophesy that the curse has no place or ability to function or raise its head against your life.

It cannot function in your home, on your property, or in your family in the Name of Jesus. We break the power of every generational curse, iniquity, or generational sin. We say that you and your bloodline are curse-free and that every curse is replaced with the generational blessing. Every element of family history that was birthed through sin and wickedness shall cease and desist and not continue to the future generations. We prophesy that going forward you shall live in the blessing and experience favor. Your mind is free from the effect of past curses and you shall no longer give time, attention, or concern to the previous curse. We decree you are curse-free!

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree (Galatians 3:13).

Word of Encouragement

What we often refer to as generational curses are the negative issues that exist in our family tree or bloodline. They typically enter because of the choices of our parents, grandparents, and in certain cases go back as far as our distant ancestors. Because these curses or issues have often been with us our whole lives and can seem monumental, we often just learn to accept them rather than work to change them. Remember that Jesus bore the curse when He hung on the tree! When you see negative patterns, sin habits, or sicknesses that seem to be repeatedly passed down through your family members, begin to address any curse that may be getting transferred to the next generation. Begin speaking against the curses that have affected your life, family, and bloodline and expect to see them broken today!

Brenda Kunneman

Brenda Kunneman pastors Lord of Hosts Church, in Omaha, Nebraska, with her husband, Hank. She is a writer and teacher, who ministers nationally and internationally, seeing lives change through the prophetic word and ministry in the Holy Spirit, coupled with a balanced, relevant message. Together, she and her husband also host a weekly TV program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, on Daystar Television Network.


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