Jesus Christ is Perfect Theology


Jesus Christ is the Son of God…and he has never been both a “yes” and a “no.” He has always been and always will be for us a resounding “YES!” For all of God’s promises find their “yes” of fulfillment in him. And as his “yes” and our “amen” ascend to God, we bring him glory! —2 Corinthians 1:19-20 TPT

Jesus is the divine “yes” of God.

He reveals the most complete picture of God in all history. Jesus Christ is, Himself, perfect theology. Anything you think you know about God that you can’t find in the person of Jesus, you have reason to question. Jesus is the fulfillment of all the hopes and dreams of all humanity throughout all time. He modeled life for all who would believe on His name. But God’s will on earth is incomplete without His character, love and power working in each of us who confess Him as Lord.

In the pages of the Moments with Jesus Encounter Bible, your kids (and you!) will get to imagine what it would have felt like to be standing next to the Son of God, the Son of Man. Through engaging storytelling, the children in your life will be able to feel for themselves the incredible truths of the gospel: God sees and knows them, Jesus chose them and sacrificed everything for them to be with Him for eternity.

God has countless promises for us, and they are all yes in Jesus. But that is something I would expect, as He is good, and He always has our best in mind. He constantly overflows with words of hope and promise for His people. The stunning part is that the equation is not complete without our “amen!” This means that it is His grace that makes it possible for us to have an effect on the outcome of matters, simply through our agreement, as evidenced by our amen. Things that happen right in life do not just happen because they are right and true. They happen because someone on earth said “amen” to what God was saying in Heaven. Therein is the divine partnership—co-laboring.

Through Jesus, God has invited your children into a relationship, not only with who He is, but also with His vision for the earth’s redemption. Their role is not a small one; they are crucial to manifesting His heart to this world.


Moments with Jesus Encounter Bible: 20 Immersive Stories from the Four Gospels

Bill Johnson, Eugene Luning, Kristen & Kevin Howdeshell

Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson is the Senior Pastor of Bethel Church. Bill is a fifth generation pastor with a rich heritage in the things of the Spirit. This apostolic network has crossed denominational lines in building relationships that enable church leaders to walk in both purity and power. The present move of God has brought Bill into a deeper understanding of the phrase, "on earth as it is in heaven." Heaven is the model for our life and ministry. Jesus lived with this principle by only doing what He saw His Father doing. Learning to recognize the Holy Spirit's presence, and how to follow His lead will enable us to do the works of Christ, destroying the works of the devil. Healing and deliverance must become the common expression of this gospel of power once again. Bill and the Bethel Church family have taken on this theme for life and ministry. Healings, ranging from cancer to broken bones, to learning disorders and emotional healing, happen with regularity. This is the children's bread. And these works of God are not limited to revival meetings. The church is learning how to take this anointing to the schools, workplace, and neighborhoods with similar results. Bill teaches that we owe the world an encounter with God, and that a Gospel without power is not the Gospel that Jesus preached.


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