The Third Unveiling of the Present and Last Days Revival
God does everything in threes. Even the Godhead is three in one.
God the Father was Jehovah God of the Old Testament. Jesus the Son was the second to dominate the scene by being the manifest Son of God who was Israel’s Messiah and Redeemer of mankind. Jesus then sent the third ministry of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit, to birth His Church and grow it to maturity.
God had Moses build a tabernacle in three areas. An Outer Court, which was the first place man would meet with God; then a second place called the Holy Place; then a third place called the Holy of Holies. Each place revealed more of God and His Presence. The third brings the greatest revelation of God and the fullness of His purpose and presence (Exod. 26:33-34; 25:40).
Zechariah prophesied what God had to say about this third group: “I will bring the one-third through the fire, will refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘This is My people’; and each one will say, ‘The Lord is my God’” (Zech. 13:9). Those being prepared to be the Third Reformation participants are going through this testing, refining, and purifying process now. Those who participate and demonstrate must be conformed to the pure gold nature and righteousness of Christ Jesus.
There was first the tabernacle of Moses; second, there was the tabernacle of David; and third is the tabernacle of God with man. The fulfillment and end result of the Third Reformation will be the tabernacle of God with man (Rev. 21:3).
The first 2,000 years of humanity was the fallen human race. The second 2,000 years was the Abrahamic race of God’s specially chosen Israeli people. The third 2,000 years is Jesus and His Church race. The third is the one that fulfills the will and purpose of God that has been planned since the foundation of the world (Eph. 3:3-5; 9-11).
The first millennial Church began victorious and glorious but ended in the middle of the Dark Ages. The second millennial Church began in the middle of the Dark Ages and ended in the restoration of the Church. The third millennial Church began with the restoration of the Church and is destined to subdue all things under the feet of Christ Jesus and rule and reign with Him on new earth, where the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of the Lord Jesus and His Church (Rev. 11:15).
Blessings and Power of the Third
God is bringing forth the blessings of the “third.” God’s third purpose will be fulfilled during the Third Reformation, establishing the third tabernacle of God. He is bringing forth Gideon’s third group, the mighty 300 warriors. The first group was the 22,000 who went home from the battle; the second was the 9,700 who were rejected at the river; the third group was the 300 mighty warriors who came to the third level of overcoming. The first level is overcoming by the blood of the Lamb, the second is overcoming by the word of one’s testimony, and the third overcoming is by loving not one’s lives unto death (Rev. 12:11). This is a generation who has died completely to self (Rev. 6:11). They are dead to everything except Christ, and they live with their life hid with Christ in God (Col. 3:1-3). The Third Reformation saints will be the most radically committed and dedicated to God ever to live. Fearlessly bold, they will be the most Jesus-loving, God-fearing, and devil-hating saints who have ever lived on earth—overcoming and subduing all things under the dominion of God’s Kingdom. Their passion will be for God’s Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
A Last Days Generation with Caleb and Joshua Faith
God delivered the Israelis out of Egypt with ten miraculous acts. He promised them that He was taking them to a land flowing with milk and honey. They would have their own land and nation with the right to govern themselves. As we revealed in previous chapters, God told His people that they were not going to an uninhabited land, for there were seven nations occupying their promised land. God said these nations were greater and mightier than Israel, but that He would be the equalizer by fighting for them against their opposition.
The people wanted Moses to send Israeli spies in to check out the land to see what it was like. Moses commissioned a leader from each of the 12 tribes to go spy out the land (Num. 13:1-2). Joshua was of the tribe of Ephraim and Caleb was of the tribe of Judah. The twelve spied out the land for 40 days and came back with their report and samples of the fruit of the land.
We Are Well Able Reformers
Ten of the spies gave a negative presentation, which God called an evil report (Num. 13:27-29). But Joshua and Caleb gave a positive and victorious report. Joshua and Caleb saw the giants, the walled cities, and well-equipped fierce warriors just as the others did. The ten conveyed to the Israelis that it was impossible to overcome and possess the land against such formidable occupants of the land. Nevertheless, Joshua and Caleb said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it” (Num. 13:30). The ten spies rose up and said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we” (Num. 13:31). This was no new revelation, for God had already told them that the nations of their promised land were stronger than they, but God was going to make up the difference by fighting for them.
The same situation faces the Third Reformation Church. The challenge for the Church to demonstrate the Kingdom of God and bring transformation to the nations of this world is no greater than Israel’s challenge to take possession of the nations of Canaan and make them the nation of Israel. Both are impossible in the natural. Both require the supernatural help of God and His holy war angels. Both require that God personally fight for us. A prophetic Scripture gives us this assurance, “Then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as He fights in the day of battle” (Zech. 14:3).
This story of God challenging Israel to do the impossible was written not just to give an historical account for Israel. The happenings were written to give an example of what we, who are now living at the end of the ages, would be challenged with: “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come” (1 Cor. 10:11). “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope” (Rom. 15:4). Based on this scriptural example, we can expect for every two ministers saying we can bring transformation to the nations, there will be ten saying it cannot be done. There are usually only a few major leaders who pioneer the new; then the multitudes follow after the reformers have prepared the way.
What Is God Saying Today?
God is saying to us today, “I had the Children of Israel go through that experience so that you can learn from their mistakes and successes. You will succeed by taking the Joshua and Caleb attitude.” From these Scriptures, we can gain hope and confidence that the Church can fully demonstrate the Kingdom and bring transformation to the nations. The “last days” started with the first coming of Christ to the earth and the first-century Church (Heb. 1:2). Now the twenty-first century Church and Third Reformation people are the ones to whom “the ends of the ages have come.” Mankind started out in the Garden of Eden eating of the tree of life with the potential to live forever. But man sinned, and mortality began in mankind. There was a time when mortality began in man, and there will be a time when mortality will end. When the time for the end of the age of mortal man comes, all will be resurrected and become immortal beings to spend eternity with the devil or with Jesus Christ. The Third Reformation is to progress the Church and mankind to the end of the time of mortal man.
Concluding Encouragement and Exhortation
I am taking the attitude that Caleb expressed when he came to his promised land. He reminded Joshua that Moses had promised that the land that he had spied out would be his promised-land inheritance. He declared, “Give me my mountain.” He acknowledged that the biggest giants and in fact the head of all the giants headquartered in his territory. But he still had the overcomers’ attitude. He declared, “Though I am now 85 years old, I am still as strong a warrior as I was at 40 years of age when Moses gave me this promise” (Josh. 14:6-15).
Reformers Like Joshua and Caleb
God is bringing forth some Joshua and Caleb senior leaders who have the revelation, faith, vision, and commitment to pioneer and fulfill our part in fulfilling God’s purpose for the Third and Final Church Reformation. Personally, I am taking the attitude of Caleb. I turned 85 July 29th, 2019 so I am one year older than Caleb was when he came to his inheritance and made his declaration, “give me my mountain.” I have received prophecies from major prophets that I would be like Caleb, and as my days were, so would my strength be. And like David, who wanted to build the temple, I want to build the Third Reformation. However, if it extends beyond my years, then I will be like David, who received the blueprint-architectural drawing for the temple and provided most of the resources needed in building the temple. I want to provide the revelation, wisdom, and ministries for fulfilling God’s purpose for the Third Reformation, just as David prepared the things necessary for the Solomon generation to fulfill the commission of building God’s temple in Jerusalem. Jesus has been building His Church for almost 2,000 years in order for a matured Church to demonstrate and build His kingdom on Earth for His 1,000-year millennial reign on Earth.
The New Joshua Generation
For you who are the younger generation—you have been and are being prepared to be Kingdom demonstrators with the commission to bring transformation to the seven-mountain kingdoms of this world until God’s prophetic decree in Revelation 11:15 is fulfilled. Be encouraged and assured that God is raising up a new Joshua generation who is willing and ready to demonstrate the Kingdom of God, bringing transformation to the nations until every nation is established either as a goat nation or a sheep nation (Matt. 25:31-33).
This earth belongs to God and everything on it (Ps. 24:1; 1 Cor. 10:26-28). God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that every human being who would accept Jesus could be saved and restored, and planet Earth was also included in that redemptive process (Rom. 8:19-23; Rev. 5:10). Let us all develop the faith and passion to fulfill the prayer that Jesus told us to pray (Matt. 6:9-11; Luke 1:38):
Thy kingdom come, and Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven! And so be it unto me according to Your Word. Yes, Lord, Amen!